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_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Φ tab Ⱥ я Ә tab Ӌ Φ ʋ...]
tab Who Am I…| I believe I used to go by the alias of Artemis, but for some reason Alana is on the tip of my tongue.
tab How Old Am I…| 16, but I thought I was in my twenties...
tab What Sex Am I...| Female, for sure.
tab What Do I Look Like...| I keep getting snapshots of looking much different than I do now, maybe I had changed my appearance drastically before. I'm just a tiny brunette now, how strange.
tab What Are My People...| I must be Japanese.
tab Was I Part of a Lineage...| I remember being a nobody, and sometimes I have dreams of being a Tenkei, but I believe I am a Yamanaka
tab Where Am I From...| I never recalled what village I originated from, I just knew that I was a wanderer...
tab How Tall Am I...| I was taller before, I'm sure of it, but now I'm 5'5
tab And How Heavy...| Erm, 130 lbs?
tab What Frame Am I...| Medium
tab What Was I to My Home...} Hm, I think I was the equivalent of a Special Jounin despite being unaligned
tab How Experienced Was I...| B-Rank, but I must be E-ranked now
tab What Am I Like...: I am no longer like I used to be. I have reverted back to my old curiosity because it hasn't gotten me in trouble yet. I just want to learn about the world around me, as I haven't seen too much. I'm naive and blissfully unaware of what kind of cruelties the world is capable of. I care more for my experiments and hypotheses than I do about other people. I can be impersonal, treating others as variables and not living things. Fortunately, I am young, and I haven't grown stubborn, so my open-mindedness can lead to change.

I'm scared about forgetting for what must be a third time. At least I have glimpses of the past, something to keep me sane. I like to keep myself busy so that my mind doesn't wander. I hate dwelling on the past - what I can remember of it - and prefer to look forward. I don't mean to come off as some unfeeling brainiac, but I find comfort in knowing, so my studious manner is more of a way of protecting myself from the inevitable despondency of losing everything (again).

I'll never admit it, but I'm easily amused and I find myself giggling when I'm alone. It's immature so I try not to act this way around others. I wouldn't want others to see me as a lost teenage girl when they can see me as an intellectual, as someone in charge or in control.
tab What Did I Believe In...: I believe in family. I believe in community. I think people are stronger together. I can't tell you if I think humanity is inherently good, but I believe certain people are. These saints among men are anchors and I find myself drawn to them. Baba was one, and that nameless dark haired boy that I considered my new brother was, too. I believe that we are only given what we can handle, and that's why I keep forgetting my life over and over again - because I am strong enough to rebuild myself, like a phoenix.
tab What Do I Fear...:
    tab • Ignorance - Many ask which is worse, ignorance or apathy; overwhelmingly, the answer is ignorance. A world with the desire to change but no ability to do so is tragic, and I want to fill our world with answers. I do my best to learn and I hate when others keep secrets from me. When people ask me questions, I am more than happy to answer. In the same vein, I fear prejudice. Predetermination of an answer before it is proven can be deadly. I am scared that I will find an answer that the world won't accept for faulty reasons. Prejudice is akin to guessing, and that doesn't do anyone any good.
    tab • Unusual amount of eyes - It sounds strange, I'm sure, but I struggle to trust anything with more or less than two eyes. I have had many nightmares involving four-eyed beings, and they do not turn out pleasantly.
    tab • Loss of Control - Control is really important to me, but please allow me to explain. I experience control in a somewhat unorthodox way. Being tied up would not trouble me so long as I could communicate with my captor, giving me an opportunity to change my situation by bartering, begging, threatening, and so on. I define control as having the ability to change. Being unable to change a situation drives me absolutely mad, and it fills me with troublesome anxiety, so I avoid being in those situations. Luckily, I am very logical and pretty convincing.
    tab • Savagery - Due to the above fear, I struggle to deal with beings that cannot understand me. Beasts worry me because they do not understand reason. They can only comprehend force and fear and fire. I do not like dealing with any of those things. This fear drives me to learn more about illusions, so that I can protect myself from such uncontrollable situations.
    tab • Amnesia - I used to be an amnesiac, wandering the world in hopes of discovering who the hell I was.. I found out I was Tenkei after I became fish sage, but that feels like a distant memory... Maybe even a fever dream. I can't believe this is happening again, me forgetting everything. I just want to remember. I want to feel like I'm being me all the time, not some ghost trying to haunt a shell of her old self. Please don't let me forget myself a third time, I don't think I could bear it...
tab What Are My Strengths...:
    tab • I really love a good riddle. Mysteries are really fun, and I find myself entranced by puzzles. Finding answers, I guess, is my truest passion, and greatest trait.
    tab • Woman's intuition. I am pretty keen on picking up on relationships between others, especially romantic ones, and I typically can call BS when I see it.
    tab • I'm good at communicating, verbally and non-verbally. I'm pretty quick to get my point across, even across language barriers. I hope to learn many languages though, because I'm very passionate about etymology and the evolution of communication.
tab What Are My Weaknesses...:
    tab • I over-complicate things. Sometimes I jump three steps ahead to find the deeper meaning, the advanced explanation, but in reality the solution is incredibly simple. Sometimes I don't realize that the basics work just as well.
    tab • I am impatient. I do not like to wait unless it is testing a hypothesis of mine. While I enjoy being in my own head, it can also be my worst enemy. I can think up a thousand solutions in a minute, sure, but I can imagine ten thousand ways for a situation to go wrong in the same amount of time. Please don't make me wait for you while you go do something super risky. It'll drive me completely mad!
    tab • I may be... inconsiderate. I prioritize my own hypotheses over the well-being of others, and that is selfish. I get tunnel vision sometimes and all I can think about is getting the answer. If I don't learn to value human life, I may end up leaving a trail of casualties in my pursuit of knowledge. In addition, I can offend people easily. While I'm used to thinking about cause and effect for my experiments, I don't often consider the way my actions will affect others. I can trample feelings without intending to. Any ideas that don't have a lot of scientific backing tend to be laughable to me, so I end up insulting religious types. I should consider the power behind my words more often, huh?
    tab • I don't mean to sound under-socialized, but I'm not sure how to handle praise. It gets me very flustered when people acknowledge me pleasantly or compliment my hard work. I blush a lot and start stuttering and typically I avoid eye contact, too. Gee, why are you looking at me like that?

_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Ⱥ ț tab ђ Ⱥ ѷ Ә tab Ӌ Φ ʋ tab đ Φ ɳ Ә…]
tab What Era Am I From...: Era of Regret
tab When Was I Born...| February 2
tab What Have I Experienced...:
Memories came and went like the summer season, fleeting and soon forgotten until the next one. The earliest one goes like this: blinding whiteness and repetitive noise and intrusive hands. It hangs heavy in her subconscious even as she fails to recall it most days, the only glimpse into what her past life might have been like. Sometimes, she thinks it is better that she doesn't remember. Her body is a patchwork of scars that a lifetime of effort couldn't label, recognize, or heal.

In the nighttime, while she tosses and turns like an autumn leaf in the wind, she sees an image. It never fails to make her shiver; where she is dragging herself across the ground, cold dirt clasped in each fistful that only brings her a miniscule amount closer to the end. It's a blurry snapshot, she is unsure if her scars are already on her arms, if she has already been ruined by a faceless entity, though logic tells her that must have been the night of it all. She doesn't know if her childhood was simply a lifetime of pain itself. Maybe it was just one night. Maybe it was all she'd ever known.

She does not know it now.

Her real stream of memories begin with an elder. After being hospitalized and treated for an unknown period of time, an elder woman she came to know as Baba took her in. 'I don't have any grandkids, anymore,' she admitted to Artemis one day. 'I was always meant to have grandkids. To have someone to take care of. And I don't mind having a pretty face like yours around. Brightens up the mood here in Sasagi. Sometimes there's so much going on, between the gang wars and the mafia and the UHV, we lose sight of what's important.' At this speech, Artemis had been caught up on 'pretty face', pointing at her scars and her unruly hair. Baba had just laughed. Artemis was young and naive, despite the unknown trauma she'd faced, of course she would worry about her appearance like any other teenage girl. Such was an important matter, more so than the war being fight right there in the city.

Artemis wouldn't realize the importance until just a few months later. They had assumed she was sixteen, and they wanted to celebrate her birthday in February because the city was so pretty and alight with love during that time. They didn't know it would be alight with a UHV assault. Soldiers came through the market streets, with guns that shot fire into innocent civilians until their bodies polka-dotted the streets. The roads were darkened as if rain had been falling, but only blood was spilled.

In response, the local mafia stepped in to take them down. Something about Sasagi being their turf; they didn't appreciate the businesses they 'protected' for money being burned to a crisp. Their response was tone deaf: their counter-attack attributed to more damage of the city infrastructure than UHV bodies, resulting in a city of flames. Few mafiosos had a solid grasp on the ninja arts, which made it all the more dangerous when they released barrage after barrage of ninjutsu.

One or both sides ravaged the pharmacy that Baba ran, scorching the walls and causing a minor earthquake through the floor of it. Baba's section of the city was slow to evacuate as the winds roared, making both breathing and communication impossible. An army trained in the ninja arts tore down the liveliness of a community in half a night, leaving nothing but debris and corpses in their wake. All to send a message. Artemis had hidden in the bathtub upstairs with Baba all throughout, both of them listening to an orchestra of destruction and screams until morning came.

In the morning, Baba took in the damage of her life's work. Utterly ruined.

She couldn't even make it outside to see who needed her medical expertise, as the bodies were spread so thick that she would have to step on them in order to move around. Sickened, she retreated back into her broken home and hoped anyone who needed her could make it to her. They stayed inside for a full week. No one knocked on the cracked pharmacy door. Artemis offered weak condolences, but the grief overtook Baba. She suffered a heart attack before either of them could help the rest of the community - or get help themselves. She passed quickly, but fitfully.


It took a month to get the bodies out. All over the city, volunteers came to help the block by wheeling them out. Rival gangs even sucked it up for a few days in order to carry out their collective brothers off the dirt. Most of them went into a massive grave, just outside the city line. The economy of Sasagi improved a bit as everyone had work to do. Some mobster paid for a lot of it to get done in order to earn public favor, though no one cared about who did what as long as the massacre was handled. It was blood money, anyways. Business would be hurt if word got out that no one was safe here, and Sasagi already struggled to compete with Takumi for tourism. But the whole scene of team-work... It would've been heart-warming to Baba. It fit the ideological bill of a strong community, the kind Baba always believed was just under Sasagi's surface.

Artemis grieved for weeks.

She felt like a ghost haunting herself. She stuck around the pharmacy, re-organizing what remained of the medical supplies on the newly fixed shelves. Eventually, the busy work stopped keeping her hands busy, which let her mind wander. She felt sick, just being in the pharmacy without Baba. She took a walk around the block as if seeing everyone else carrying on would ignite hope in her heart. As if it could plug the feeling of her soul melting to the floor.

If Artemis was being honest with herself, walking around the recovering neighborhood was just to stall. It was buying her time to build the confidence to escape her grief. She walked slowly. Each step was another shoveful over her soon-to-be-resting form, she imagined. She could almost taste the earth in her mouth. If she was really being honest, she didn't want to be another body in the mass grave. She didn't want to force a Sasagian to bury another body. To lift another shovel. She didn't want to burden anyone else in her life - look where it got Baba. If she was being honest, she was just going to tie herself to an anchor or a weight or a something and hop into the river by the port.

But she didn't quite make it over there. She paused by the inn, watching some dark-haired boy with his red lizard. It caught her eye for some reason, maybe the shade of red's dislikeness to blood. She didn't recognize the kid, but he was clearly on his own in this world. There is a specific breed of carefree that exists in people who live only for themselves, a certain lift in their posture, a clear lack of the weight of the world on his shoulders. The kid also had solely a slice of bread to his name, it seemed, with the way he held it so immaculately. She knew that a lot of people were back to being jobless after the disaster was handled and the neighborhood was rebuilt. It seemed he was caught on hard times too. But he ripped off half of the bread, which was a small morsel already, and fed it to his pet, who ravaged it like it had never eaten before.

Artemis was completely frozen and transfixed. The selflessness that came without thinking, without weighing pros and cons, the intrinsic desire to aid others... it was just like Baba.

The amnesiac didn't believe in much. She wasn't a religious type, and Baba wasn't either, (not that she wasn't spiritual in her own way), so Artemis didn't believe in reincarnation. She did, however, believe that people could share the same values. They could have an identical flame in their soul that burned with twin passions, that they could care about the same things. It was an odd thought to have, admittedly, but Artemis had faith in that moment that this boy was just like her Baba.

I don't remember the name of that strange boy anymore. I can recall bits of him and another boy and a man taking me in, accepting me like kin. We called ourselves something... Shishin, I think. We had something special; being nobodies outside of a village, we were destined to become UHV or gangsters or cannonfodder but... none of those things happened. We banded together and were family, real family, and they didn't even care that I didn't know a damn thing about myself. I recall feeling relief. It didn't matter who I was or wasn't in the past, all I had was the present and the future and I had to make the most of it with them.

Everything after gets blurry. More boys, one with a bird and one wielding bones and one that could control wood, and some girls along the way too... I can recall being a fish sage, but that connection must be gone now. I had lost so much before I met my new family, and now they are lost as well. We had big dreams, wanting to dismantle the power imbalance of villages and help shinobi feel free to explore the world and themselves. I remember that the core members, the original four, we found peace in balance and considered ourselves akin to the cardinal directions. I recall representing a phoenix as well, which is all too fitting considering how often I am reborn with no recollection of my past life. I used to be a specialist in the ninja arts, with apt control over all five elements. Now that I have lost that, I wonder who I am now. If I am not the phoenix, nor the Tenkei girl who had forgotten so long ago, nor the Shishin visionary, am I the original me, or just another rendition of a reincarnated soul?

I know one thing. If I want to stay sane, I can't let myself forget again. Please, please not again.

_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Ⱥ ț tab Ⱥ я Ә tab Ӌ Φ ʋ tab Ҫ ɐ ϸ ɐ ϐ ζ έ tab Ѻ Ӻ...]
tab How Do I Experience Life...|
    tab • {First Class}
    tab • {Second Class}
    tab • {Third Class // First Prestige}
    tab • {Third Class // Second Prestige}
tab How Do I View It...|
tab What Makes Me Unique Among My Peers...|
    tab • Hand seals are replaced with lip movement.
    tab • Starts with an additional jutsu.
    tab • +4 Skill points.
tab What Are My Limitations...|
    tab Chakra Pool → 100
      tab Chakra Color ► Green
      tab Chakra Materialization ►
        tab • Fuuton
        tab • Doton
    tab Stamina Pool → 100
    tab Archetype → Scholar
    tab Statistics
      tab Power| ☆ ☆
      tab Agility| ☆ ☆
      tab Intelligence| ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
      tab Chakra| ☆ ☆ ☆

      tab Passives
        tab Gains a half rank [.5] increase to the strength of Genjutsu. Also gain a five [5] chakra decrease to the cost of Ninjutsu, to a minimum of five [5].
        tab One [1] Ninjutsu or Genjutsu slot, starting at four [4] points (one additional at five [5], six [6], etc.). +2 Ninjutsu

    tab What Skills Have I Learned...|
      tab • Foraging ► 6
      tab • Herbology - Identification ► 5
      tab • Field Triage ► 5

    tab What Am I Proficient In...|
      tab • Single Handed Light Weapons ► 1
        tab Unarmed Combat: Defensive ► 1
      tab What Can I Do...|
        tab Ninjutsu → 0 // 2
        tab Genjutsu → 0 // 5
        tab Stages of Learning [Bukijutsu] → 00 // 00
        tab Stages of Learning [Taijutsu] → 00 // 00
        tab Skill Points → 16 // 16
        tab Proficiency Points → 02 // 02

_____________[│║║█║▌][ώ ђ Ⱥ ț tab đ Φ tab Ӌ Φ ʋ tab ђ Ⱥ ѷ Ә…]
tab How Much Ryo Do I Have...| 00, 100 Ryo
tab How Much Experience Do I Have...| 00, 000 Exp
tab What Do I Carry...|
    tab • Normal Clothing ► 25 Ryo

    tab • Backpack ► 2 Ryo
    tab • Bedroll ► 6 Ryo
    tab • Blanket ► 2 ryo
    tab • Mess Kit ►10 Ryo

    tab • Large Sack ► 2 Ryo
    tab • One Person Tent ► 20 Ryo

    tab • Satchel, Small ► 1 Ryo
    tab • Pen // Pencil x2► 1 Ryo
    tab • Soap ► 1 Ryo
    tab • Journal ► 5 Ryo
    tab • Scissors ► 2 Ryo
    tab • Skinning Knife ► 5 Ryo
    tab • Flint and Steel x2 ► 1 Ryo

    tab • Oiled Waterskin ► 1 Ryo
    tab • Single Handed Light Weapons [Durability 30] (Dagger) ► 10 Ryo

tab What Techniques Do I Possess...|
        • Hitoshirenu Shikaku no Jutsu [ Hidden Assassin Technique ]
        →→Rank: C
        →→P/S. Sense: Sight // Touch, Sound
        →→Base Duration // Upkeep: Instant (1) // 10 Chakra
        →→Source: Meeting of the Eyes
        →→Description: Upon casting this Genjutsu, the user seems to vanish in a puff of clouds. The user is actually still standing right where they were before, but the target cannot see them. However, an illusionary version of the user appears behind the target and rushes straight at the target with unbelievable speed, piercing the target’s heart with a Kunai.

      • Kaze no Yoroi [Armor of Wind]
      Rank: C
      Strength: C
      Speed: --
      Description: The user creates a spinning tornado around himself or herself to defend against attacks. The wind forms a circle around the user ten feet in diameter and picks up debris and projectiles in addition to acting as armor for the user. Projectile Ninjutsu B-Rank and below, and Shinobi are repelled. The wind armor lasts for five [5] posts.

tab What Secrets Have I Discovered...|
tab What Have I Laid Claim To...|