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"I'm leaving this place," Msako announced loftily. She tilted her head towards her golden sister, red eyes passing over her dismissively in favor of looking out towards the border of the pride.

"You're not," Belkane answered. The two sisters never seemed to see eye-to-eye, even though in some ways they were strikingly alike. Belkane, who's pelt was rich gold and the perfect copy of her great-grandfather's own coat, was built sturdier and generally larger. She was the perfect visage of Pridelander vitality. Beauty and grace were rolled into the same package as strength and power.

In comparison Msako was smaller and more lean, her beauty relied heavily on her petite frame and the way she carried herself. She acted as if she was the most beautiful creature in the pride, that sometimes it was difficult to refute her claims. Between her and her sister, it was clear which one needed protecting and which one acted as the protector. Not that Msako would hear any of it - she wouldn't.

"Look, Bel. Just take a look around you. Here -" and Msako grabbed her sister's head and forcibly turned it to the side. "See that dude? We're related to him." She turned her sister towards the next lion, "Also related to him, and him... we're related to everyone. I'm not going to find the perfect mate here, at least one that I can pursue. So yes, I am leaving. Good bye."

Belkane, to her credit, put up with her sister's dramaticisms. "I can't believe you're turning this into being about boys again." In fact, it wasn't so hard to believe when that was all Msako talked about lately. The boy craze had hit one sister like a rhino running full speed into a boulder. "You can't even take care of yourself, and you haven't even gone through your first hunt..." Belkane could go on and on, but her sister stopped her with a sharp gasp.

"Look at him!"

"I'd rather not."

"Look," Msako pleaded quietly.

"Guess what, Msako? We're probably related. I'm going home, we're supposed to stop by grandmother and grandfather on the way home." Belkane turned to stomp off in the other direction, but when Msako didn't budge she had to stop. "Come on!"