Name: Olamide
Age: 28
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: JUSTICE

Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: -
Previous Rank/Craft: -

Physical Description: Olamide is every inch a warrior. Tall and lean with muscle that ripples when she moves, her dark skin calls to mind the darkness of night and the power that comes with it. Wearing an expression akin to a statue - carved into her flesh and unchanging - it's hard not to consider her emotionless when she appears to have an issue expressing her feelings on her face.

Her manner of dress is nothing less than professional - if not a bit arcahic. She dresses how she thinks a proud warrior should, sometimes even going so far as to try and incorporate a shoulder caplet into her daily wardrobe. Olamide actually owns something akin to Terran armor, but with a Pernese flair.

Which means she never wears it.

Personality: If ever such a thing as a knight existed on Pern, then Olamide is such a person. Where people are in need, there she is; if a wrong needs righted it is a safe bet that Olamide isn't far behind to fix the problem. Weilding her own brand of personal justice and fairness, she fights for those in need no matter the circumstance and no matter the location.

Of course that means she doesn't slack off even when given the complete opportunity to do so, and in turn she makes sure no one around her slacks off either. Olamide doesn't tolerate foolishness, so slackers and pranksters are in a select group of people she doesn't like and actively works towards "correcting" in their behaviors and ways. Jokes are wastes of time and energy and she takes absolute pride in being known as a killjoy. Why should people enjoy something at the expense of others? Get back to work, and you'll find joy in the outcome of your tasks.

Everyone is given a chance to

Positive Trait List Chivalrous, humble, principled
Negative Trait List Unforgiving, inflexible, killjoy

History: Olamide was born to two bakercraft parents out of Caludron Cothold, and life was fairly uneventful and easy. Not quite a precocious child, her sense of justice and (self-governed) fairness limited her rambunctious adventures and kept her generally free of trouble. She had neither friends nor enemies if pressed about it, instead preffering to keep to herself a "true neutral" party that could be used in times of need. Naturally, she was ignored by her peers and happily tolerated by her parents. It was a good and contented life until she turned ten; that was the Turn her younger sister, Oreune, was born.

To put it mildly, Olamide hated every aspect about Oreune, and the younger girl - despite being so much younger - made no efforts to hide her attempts at making her older sister unhappy. Her parents made no effort as well in hiding their choice of favorite - an outgoing baby versus a dour soon-to-be pre-teen.

The return of thread seemed, oddly enough, a chance for the Knight to do what she always wanted to do - protect and serve. The largest issue was that she had no real place to call home, no real Lord to serve, and with Masozith's (quiet) need to fight Thread it was urgent the pair find a proper place to settle. No longer could they travel the lengths of Pern aiding those in need, instead they would have to raise their banner for the sake of a single home. Initially planning on heading towards High Reaches with the intent to ask to serve, the warmth of Western called instead - as did the perceived gentleness they would provide towards a dragon as meek as Masozith.

Other: JUSTICE Coming from a Weyr that had limited training, Olamide will need lessons on how to properly fight thread and do many other things. She and Masozith know the basics of going Between and a few other things, but apart from that they are woefully unprepared to actually join a fighting wing.

Name: Masozith
Age: 4
Hesperith x Jorgoth
21 eggs
0 gold / 2 bronze / 2 brown / 7 blue / 10 green

Color: Green
Size: 18'

Physical Description: Excessively tiny and dainty, Masozith is every inch the delicate flower that her personality represents. A lovely shade of green with stripes to cover much of her torso, she bruises easily if pressed too hard and the bruises take quite a while to fade.

Personality: If Olamide is a knight, than Masozith is her lady. Delicate and calm, with no trace of ego, she is a quiet flower. Contented to live in the shadows of much more vibrant and outgoing dragons (and people), Masozith gives all of her love and support to those who would seek it, or even those who do not. Providing aid is something she does willingly, be it through a listening ear or anything else she can manage, and the tiny green has no issue stepping down and away if anyone were to dismiss her.

Masozith keeps her thoughts to herself, however, which can be quite a bad thing if the secret she is hiding is something serious. She's not one at all to gossip and is absolutely mortified by the idea of rumors; surely people can understand how painful it is to be misunderstood? Masozith can be pressed into passing on lies though, if told it was the truth, and finding out she was used can lead to devastating bouts where the green dragon is inconsolable.

Positive Trait List Gracious, loving, benevolent
Negative Trait List Naive, weak-willed, secretive

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment:

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