So speed dating... keep it short and simple right? Uhm... I'll try, lol sweatdrop

Male, just turned 34, recently moved to the Portland area in Oregon a year ago. Avid gamer obviously. Was playing Atari by the age of 4. Want someone geeky like me, hopefully to play games with instead of having games played with me... if you get what I mean there. Been in several relationships where I just wasn't good enough in the end, felt hurt and used. Always left for some real jerk (every time, they actually came running back to me after they got hurt, I foolishly took them back every time... I have too big a heart I think). Last relationship I was in was before I moved. Would have been going into the 7th year of it (off and on honestly) if not for finally being tired of the pain and lies. So I am not scared of commitment, just want something real for once. To feel wanted and appreciated for who I am instead of someone trying to make me something I'm not.

*looks up at wall of text as I hit bottom of the box* short and simple... right... stressed

Anyway, I'm obviously a pretty geeky male with a big heart. Pretty open minded, not a lot of things I don't like or can't come to understand or at least accept and respect. Looking for friends first, see where things go from there. So if you are interested, just talk nerdy to me sweatdrop
Seriously, just start off with anything about games, movies, anime, etc and you'll have my attention, lol
(also, if you can't tell from my sig, I have a soft spot for voluptious ladies, but honestly I really prefer personality and intelligence over looks)