One could say that he had recruited a small army of sorts. Madelhari stood overlooking a nearby spot of land, his gaze taking in the sights around him while everyone started to gather slowly in little groups it would seem.

Areo turned and looked towards his Brother in law with a bright smile upon his face. "I thank you again for coming to me before asking my sister for her Paw, though truly you didn't have to do that." Though he was pretty pleased to get to know the silver male that was now part of his family. Currently the two were walking to meet up with a few other of the pride members. "Think nothing of it, I'm sure you'd of done the same, if the roles were switched." The silver male said in return with a nod of his head.

Kimara was walking close to a silver male with pastel markings, laughter bursting forth from her mouth and she looked ahead towards the small crowd they were walking into. "So we should be expecting little one's running around sometime soon right?" The silver male with pastel markings gave a hearty laugh. "Oh, I don't think we should be getting ahead of ourselves, after all we have plenty of other lions children to look after for now." At least he did, being a nanny, she just liked to help him out. It was nice to spend time with him and the children of the pride.

"Hari, so I hear that things have been interesting as of late in the pridelands?" The scout said, his bright orange eyes looking into Hari's softer one's. "Interesting is a polite way to put it...." Death's, disappearances..... It had all started with those Gods that had come into their lands. A frown formed upon his features for a moment but it soon passed.

"You are some of my most trusted friends, we do have to remain vigilant, even if we are still finding reasons to find joy in our lives." A smile returned as he looked between each of them. They had all found their loved one's and that made him truly happy. "I just wanted to call you together because it isn't safe to travel alone, at least not for the time being." Rich coming from him, being he'd walked here by himself.

"So we are doing buddy teams? Or just small groups?" Did it matter? Argyros wondered, though honestly anything more than one would probably suffice. "Isn't there that old proverb, safety in numbers?" Kimara chimed in since it was something the prey they hunted tended to follow. Large numbers were always a hard target.

Nesrin wondered what would happen to the future of the pridelands if things continued to progress as they were, looking towards the sky he knew the only thing they could do was hope for the best. "Is this going to be our 'assigned' group now?" He was trying to make a joke of the matter to help lighten the mood but honestly he could just be correct.

"Correct, though you're free to switch it up obviously. I just know that you guys will take it seriously, I feel like there are those in the pride that aren't as willing to follow the guidelines being set forth for now. While I don't think EVERYONE is in danger, I still wouldn't want to risk anyone else being injured or killed....." What if his future children were at risk? Would they be safe here after everything that had happened. A decision was going to have to be made sooner or later as to whether or not they should be allowed to stay past adolescence, once they're able to travel.

Areo gave a nod of his head, he could agree to this though he was still concerned for the future of the pride as well. Would it be a safe place to continue to call home for the foreseeable future. Argyros glanced over towards his brother in law, "I'll keep izzy safe, so you wont have to worry about her at least." Areo could get some peace of mind with that fact. "I'm glad she has you."

Kimara looked over towards Nesrin and waved a paw, "Well, at least we're a pretty solid group of friends. The good news with that is we have other friends outside of the group that might follow what we suggest to them on an individual matter." Nesrin nodded his head in agreement to the female, "That is true. I'm sure others would be more willing to listen if we talk to them one on one, instead of speaking about the matter in a group forum." Made it more personal that way, made them feel like they were important.

Sometimes that's all anyone wanted to feel.

"We appreciate you calling us together like this, it must have taken a lot of courage to ask this of your friends." Areo said looking around at the rest of the group. "Though, given the amount of time we've been here we should probably get going at any rate."

Hari could agree with this, "Thanks again you guys. But Areo is right, we should all get going before it gets to be too late." It was starting to get late in the day and none of them really wanted to be out once it got dark, even if they could see in the night without issue.

"I'm sure things will work out in time, we just have to continue to dwell on the good and not the bad." She hoped her words would ring true one day, especially if they wanted to continue to call this place home. "I'm sure in time things will be right again, we just have to continue to hold out hope for when that day comes."

Now that they had all that settled it was time to get going back towards the center of the pride, there was still much to think about but at least they knew that they had each other.

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