Name: Nihls
Age: 61
Sex: female
Sexual Orientation: Straight

Weyr: Western weyr returnee
Rider Rank: Wing rider
Previous Rank/Craft: Holder/farming

Physical Description: Nihls is stocky, thick in her shoulders and waist and thighs. She is muscular, built for strength and can crack a gourd between her thigh and her weyrmate likes this... a lot. Her hair is thick and black and starting to turn white at her temples. She has a strong square chin and wide cheekbones and bright eyes with an addition of crow feet in the corner. She is a proud survivor, with stretch marks across her belly and thighs and scars along her shoulders.

Personality: Nihls has always been a capable and confident woman. She knows what she wants, she has a plan to achieve it, the confidence to ask and get what she needs and the will to see it through to the end. She is adaptable if something changes and candidacy and Monlieth certainly did change what her world view and plans were she can adapt on the fly. Things not working one way? She'll try another. She'll get it done.

Nihls is rash, caring or considering little about the consequences of her actions. She wants what she wants. She is tactless in her speech, not mincing words and pointing out things that people likely really wish she wouldn't. Nihls is shameless uncaring about modesty and other peoples opinions.

Positive Trait List Capable, confident, adaptable
Negative Trait List Rash, tactless, shameless

History: Nihls grew up on a small farm in a minor colt hold in western, mainly caring for wherries and picking bugs from the crops and searching out wild crops of herbs and edibles. She grew up with two little sister and an elder brother and her parents and a uncle.

When a rider came asking for candidates she was the first up and more then willing to leave the small colthold life behind to attempt to do something greater. She wanted to do something more then just be one of many trying to make a living off the land.

Weyrhold life was different but she had a goal now. She knew what she wanted and sought as much information as she could get to achieve it and practical and necessary skills. Her first chance on the sands left her alone but with more information. Her second chance led her to her bondmate a sleek and gorgeous green.


Name: Monlieth
Age: 45
Color: Green
Size: 28'

Physical Description: slinky cat green
Personality: Monlieth is a secretive dragon, who tends to try and stage her entrances. Yes, do look at her, what is she doing, do you really want to know, well she is not going to tell you. No, it is a secret. Everything she does, she meant to do. Even if it was that ungraceful landing, no she meant to do that, and then she turns to cleaning herself as if it was no big deal. Everything is fine. She loves attention, praise, complements. Why yes, isn't she just the loveliest green.

Monlieth likes to play, she likes to chew on bones and bat around skulls of past kills and pounce on her siblings. She is very young at heart. Monlieth also loves to swim. She loves the ocean and water and occasionally fishing up something delicious.

Her Nihls is strong and brilliant and wears her heart on her sleeve and Monlieth will protect her with all her skills and suppose cleverness.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment:
User Image

Herath x Farvath
22 Eggs
1 gold / 2 bronzes / 2 browns / 7 blues / 9 greens / 1 white
Talela & gold Vimiath :: Western Weyr :: Played by Teiha