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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[PRP] Biding Time (Nadry/Fela+Dergs)

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 4:16 pm
The past several months had certainly been eventful, to say the least, and if she were still a candidate, Nadry would have been beside herself for much of it: High Reaches had had two clutches! And they had been...quite eventful. Of course, if she'd still been a candidate, her response to the flights that had led to the clutches would have been quite different, but..well, it had been nice not to have a headache. Mm-hm. And soon after the flights had been graduation, a day that had crept closer and closer, while she regarded it with equal parts anticipation and dread.

That was the day they'd become full-fledged riders, sure, but with that came more responsibility and more danger. They'd already had injuries by then - already lost - and she hadn't been able to help worrying about what would happen once they entered real wings. Once they were divvied up between them. Who would go where? Where would she and Menankith end up, and with whom? She'd told herself at the time she'd take anything over Harbingers simply for the sake of avoiding her brother, but there was one wing she'd had her heart set on, though she'd known full well she couldn't possibly get that lucky. And she hadn't. She'd been sorted into Burning Aces, while C'lusi and G'ran were in Tsunami with Illa, while Ichta and Dr'stan were in Tornado, although it was probably for the best that Menankith and Cynosuth weren't in the same wing.

But dwelling on it wasn't at all helpful, so she brushed aside those drifting thoughts. They were quickly replaced by others of a more daydreaming variety, idly reminiscing over some the, ahem, highlights of the last several months as she tooled patterns into a wide scrap of leftover leather. Not a task, fortunately, that required a great deal of focus, as between her own thoughts and the chill in the air, attention to detail was difficult to muster.

Nearby, Menankith was drying after a 'refreshing' swim that she didn't envy him at all.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 10:42 pm
Like a moth in the shadows drew to a flame, Fela appeared as if from thin air. By now her class was aware of her motherly, meddling ways, but it probably wasn't any easier to handle the wide, knowing grin on her face when she swooped in. She had to take her chances when she could, after all--she hated to step in when it looked like Nadry and Ichta were bonding, in that rare moment of self-awareness. But alone? Oh, they were all much too entertaining to leave alone! And with so much to talk about, why, who could deny Fela her buoyant babbling? One celebration could hardly satisfy her sociable self.

"Nadry, dear~" the woman cooed as she hefted a basket of fresh laundry against her hip. "Not interrupting your beauty sleep, am I? Not that I'd blame ya, hun, I'd probably need extra shuteye myself with two handsome men keeping me up."

Outside, Sophrosunth politely coughed.

The blue, as usual, was content to sit on his ledge and lose himself in his thoughts--or had been, until Fela found her fellow weyrling. Menankith and Nadry both were sent a small wave of teasing sympathy. (Though it was certainly more the latter than the former when it came to His.) A turn isn't so very long, is it? he said to his brother, turning nostalgic. And yet so much can happen! I can scarcely believe we're in fighting wings already.



Anxious Spirit


PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2018 5:41 pm
Somehow, it was like Fela just knew the turn her thoughts had taken and, thus, exactly when to appear...but in all fairness, her thoughts took that particular turn an awful lot these days. It had been one thing to have her hazy, daydreaming crush on C'lusi for all those months, but the real thing - and not just C'lusi but R'shahar! - was by far and away more distracting. Now that she knew what she'd been missing, she had much, much more daydream fodder, to say the least.

The bluerider's words brought an immediate, half-guilty rush of color to her cheeks, and she set aside her idle work to let Fela in. "It's a little late even for beauty sleep," she answered, smiling even through the flush. She might not be as close to Fela as she was to Ichta, but she did count her a friend. "But I've been up for awhile, anyway. Hard to sleep in when your dragon insists on freezing himself to an icicle in the lake because it's 'refreshing.'"

It is not, Menankith agreed, eyes whirling pleasant colors at the contact from his brother. And yet it does seem like far longer than that since we were small, and only training to fly.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 01, 2019 9:08 pm
Fela wiggled her eyebrows as she set her basket down. "Taking a cold shower, no doubt," she noted, because she couldn't help herself. Well, she could, but she wouldn't. "If you have any sordid details to share, I'm all vicariously eager ears~"

She was joking. Maybe.

Time is such a funny thing, Sophrosunth mused. Our first turn is such a tumultuous time, but for a human it isn't very much at all. It takes 9 months alone to gestate, and usually only with one at a time. Could you imagine, sitting in those eggs for 9 whole months, waiting our turns? I envy humans for many things, but that is not one of them, he said with a laugh.



Anxious Spirit


PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:30 am
"I don't think I need one," she asserted with huff of amusement, "Even if I did, I'm pretty sure Menankith has that covered." Nadry shivered, remembering the feel of the chilly lake through their mental bond. If anything, being 'cold' had only prompted want of warmth, and away she'd gone down that train of thought. As for Fela's question, she wasn't against answering - and in fact, on some level, was rather interested in talking about it - but still lacked in confidence for actually talking about these things. "What even qualifies as sordid? I think mine may have a wider definition than yours."

That would be terrible, Menankith decided without hesitation. It is no wonder Mine dislikes the idea so much. He'd not quite understood her aversion until he'd been enlightened to more of the realities regarding humans' reproduction, and it seemed quite an uncomfortable and dangerous prospect.

...would you like to come and sit awhile? he added, shifting preemptively on his ledge. Certain siblings' influence had turned him into quite the cuddler.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:43 pm
Fela sighed, but not in scorn or judgement, but fondly, and perhaps a bit patronizingly because of it. It was easy to forget sometimes that Nadry wasn’t weyrborn and had a more conservative upbringing in comparison. (Which was what made simultaneously acquiring two boyfriends even more hilarious to her.)

“Hun, my heart’ll get racin’ if you tell me you held hands at this point,” she joked, reaching across the table to take one or both of Nadry’s hands herself. “They treat you well at least? I mean, C’lusi’s fine, but I dunno the other guy so well.” She had no reason to suspect they didn’t, but it was one of those fodder questions Fela had to feed, things to oil the conversation. Like talking about boys.

Sophrosunth could practically hear His eavesdropping and readying a comment about protection when his brother made an offer. Oh! He blinked owlishly. Menankith had always had something of a rebellious and heroic streak to him, but that hadn’t always translated to being affectionate necessarily. Was that the effect of his new relationships? He crooned softly at the thought. I would not mind at all. One moment...

At length he alighted at Menankith’s ledge and tucked his wings into their usual cloak-like fashion. You would tell me if Macuith were here hiding, yes? he asked, half in jest and half in seriousness as he moved forward to bump heads in greeting. I feel as if I am always in danger of being pulled into a sordid tale should I stay in his orbit too long. He finds my reactions darling, I suspect.

(Several dragons did. Perhaps he overdid his reactions because of it.)

Sweet Symmetry


Anxious Spirit


PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 8:51 am
"Yes, we sat and held hands just like this for two whole goldflights," Nadry joked back with a laugh, twisting her fingers with Fela's. She was as aware as anyone just how unlikely it all was, if not downright absurd. She could scarcely believe it herself some days, and yet here she was. When asked if they treated her well, she flushed and twisted in her seat a little, but her smile lingered. "Of course! R'shahar is- he's very sweet."

Very gentle and considerate, traits that stood out all the more due to how impressively large and, consequently, strong he was. And Faranth, did she love that. Because proud fledgling badass she might be, but those strong arms to encircle her? Be still her fluttering heart. She'd not known him well at all at first, of course, although that had only added to the fascination...which had yet to wane even the slightest bit.

"He has a tattoo," she supplied, like this, this, was an especially salacious detail. But she'd never so much as seen anyone with a tattoo before coming to the Weyr, and he was the first person she was actually acquainted with who had one (at least as far as she knew). It was practically the height of exotic.

Menankith bumped heads with his brother woth a happy thrum, his eyes a delighted blue not dissimilar from his clutchmate's hide. Aurinkoth had introduced him to the delightful world of cuddles, which had quickly grown to include Elzebuth and other favored clutchmates, and he soaked up all offered affection like a sponge. An unlikely turn, perhaps, but he loved it. And with Macuith and Viandarth? Not dissimilar from his rider's situation, he'd discovered a love of being tucked safely under his loves' wings. I don't think it is possible for Macuith to hide, he chuckled. But he does love his sordid tales, doesn't he?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:17 am
Fela leaned forward, grin growing as she listened. “Oh? What is it? And where?” Was she already imagining things? Yes, yes she was.

A fair point! Thrumming with with a draconic chuckle, Soph settled beside his brother with the studious nature of one who had read a How To Cuddle book and wanted to ace the test. I pray you will save me from such a fate, much as I love you and learning both, he said, shivering slightly against Menankith’s cooler hide. How have you been?



Anxious Spirit


PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:17 pm
"A dragon," came the answer - not that it was a major revelation that a dragonrider might have a dragon tattoo. "And it's, well..." She extricated her hands from Fela's to make a very helpfully broad gesture to indicate the extent of R'shahar's impressive tattoo, which spanned his chest, shoulders, and back. "Because of course it has to be as big as the rest of him. It's fantastic."

There might have been a sigh to accompany that observation (which contained implications she didn't consider before or even after the words left her mouth) as she leaned her forearms back against the table.

Menankith was quite happy to have one of his preferred brothers near, and if he had been deliberately testing his cuddling skills, would have rated them very satisfactory. But as it was not, he simply radiated warm contentment. He is a very good teacher, the brown chortled, But if he happens by, I will cover your escape!

He was well-equipped to distract that particular blue, after all. I have been well. Mine is getting used to our wing, and I am delighted for all the new weyrlings. Did you see how many browns with girls? And blues, too!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 4:54 pm
As big as the rest of him. She wasn't going to say it. She wasn't. She wouldn't. That was low hanging fruit. Which was probably the size of R'shahar's--

"How manly~" Fela sighed with her, squeezing her fingers. "You really did get lucky, hun. I'm proud've ya. I ain't all clued in to how polygamy works but, y'know, long's you get treated well and right. They say somethin' mean, you let me know so I'll pummel 'em, okay? Just 'cuz we all ain't in the same wing anymore doesn't mean I'm not keepin' an eye on y'all."

For Fela may be squat, but she was a squat dragonrider. And the countless leather strap checks Soph made her do had to mean something.

"Also, y'know," her voice dropped, her grin widened, "if he or C'lusi's got any single friends..."

4 browns and 8 blues, in fact! I thought of you when they were chosen, Soph agreed with delight. Will you sweep down and create your rebel brigade, mold the minds of the youthful into revolution? It would be a challenge, surely, but you have always been kin to it.



Anxious Spirit


PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:32 pm
Nadry, fortunately for her easily-flustered self, was oblivious to her little slip-up, still not being entirely up to speed on...a lot of things. With her experience limited to C'lusi and R'shahar and not quite half a Turn, the significance of some things utterly escaped her, as did a good portion of innuendo. Although she was, ah, working on it. Studiously.

That Fela shared her opinion and sigh was somehow bolstering, though she did flush when the bluerider proclaimed that she was proud of her. "I can't say I'm that clued in myself, I didn't even realize it was really...really a thing." She'd been somewhat aware that people could have more than one partner for certain activities, but the mechanics of course had been absolutely lost on her, and the idea that it could be the basis for an actual relationship between multiple people? She'd not realized that was possible. But then, she'd been going into the world of actual relationships nearly blind, anyway. "I think it's going well, though. I'm happy. I- I think they're happy."

Of course she worried, battling with stubborn old insecurities about her worth, but overall things seemed to be going swimmingly. Certainly no one wanted for attention.

"I don't think they'd ever say anything mean." No, she couldn't even imagine it, not from either one of them. They were made of charm and sweetness and perfection, in her lovestruck, mooning eyes. And in the impossible event that they ever treated her anything other than well, they'd have not only Fela to worry about, but Illa, and no matter how large and strong R'shahar was, Illa was Illa. But nothing like that would ever happen, she was sure, and so those thoguhts were put away as she laughed easily at Fela's request. "You know, I bet they do. I'd be happy to ask for you."

I have thought about it, Menankith admitted, Though they have some quite excellent role models already, I think. I...I would like to have a hatchling or two to teach, one day, the way that Fenrith teaches me, but it does not feel right to take them from Krahsujunth or Kronoseth. Not that Fenrith had taken him from Takarath, per se, so much as Menankith had attached himself to the elder brown for want of a mentor who fit what he - and His - needed. He'd actively ignored his sire for his metallic hide, and while he was beginning to understand that it had been an unfair slight, he would never regret his chosen and revered father figure.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:56 pm
"You're a dear~" One more squeeze, and then Fela let her go to flap her hand. "Nevermind me, though. How's it going in Burning Aces? Menankith draw blood yet? Y'all must be thrilled, it's in the oldest Wing we got--big honor and all that."

Soph had joked, but he also knew it wasn't wholly a joke when it came to his brown brother. His eyes whirled blue-green as he reminisced. I have taken some aside for some time now, he informed Menankith as if it were a great secret. Most do not mind being bothered if you are polite and come with something to offer. In my case, it is usually a long-winded explanation over some such or other that they have shown interest in. You would no more take them from their parents than a crecheworker does with their human wards, I feel. Or, ah, at least, I have not been asked to stop so far.

He hadn't even considered it might be rude to in the parents' eyes. Soph paled slightly at the thought. Maybe Fela's nosiness had wormed its way into him more insidiously than he thought.

Perhaps you could accompany me one day! Has someone caught your eye in particular? What would you like to teach them?



Anxious Spirit


PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2019 11:07 am
"It's alright, I guess," Nadry answered with a small shrug, shifting in her seat. "I mean, I know it's the oldest wing and all, and if we got sorted into it, someone must have thought we were worthy of it, right?  Menankith's happy enough, since at least he's with Basanuth, but...it's just not where I really wanted to be." Which would come as a surprise to absolutely no one who knew her and how deeply attached she was to Illa.  Even if C'lusi and G'ran hadn't been sorted into Tsunami, it was still where she would have most wanted to be (with a close second for any wing the aforementioned might be in, or Ichta or Fela or R'shahar). "What's Tornado like?"

Have you? Menankith hummed in thought, tail curling and uncurling, and mused over the possibilities.  It could be that his more radicalizing presence wouldn't be quite as well-tolerated as that of his gentle blue brother, who knew?  But it was worth a try. I would like very much to accompany you!  The browns who chose girls are very interesting, of course, but the rest are as well.  Maybe not some of the ones who were very violent.

He most certainly did not approve of such behavior in cases where the candidates were, or seemed to be, innocent.  It was a tragedy that that green had lost her rider before she had even hatched.  A sad reminder that not all bronzes were as wonderful as Viandarth. I would only like to make sure that they know to follow their hearts!  To not let what someone else thinks they should be dictate what they become, and all that they do.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:48 am
“Yeah...I mean, y’all got Librath in there too,” Fela said, chuckling as she added, “I wouldn’t be surprised if the three‘ve ‘em really make the Burning part stick. But hey, not like it keeps you lovers apart forever~” More hand flapping. “Don’t get so down!”

“Tornado’s fun if you ask me. V’kenti’s a stand up guy, even though one’ve his wingseconds could really use a peg down sometimes. We got Ichta and her ball of sunshine—no worries, we make sure they’re good when we fly. Monath and Demanthra are fine, there’s a _lovely_ green there who flirts with Soph something fierce and it’s hilarious, and we got Cynosuth and Hers—“

Fela paused, for once award she might have tread into sensitive territory. “They’re okay, I think. Mostly.”

Sophrosunth hummed with delight. I would be happy to arrange for some meetings, then! There’s no shortage of interesting personalities I think you would mesh well with, he said. The first one I have in mind is more quiet than anything...

He didn’t mean to trail off, but Fela’s rare stab of guilt gave him pause. He tried to smooth it over, not one to try and pry so openly if Menankith was not willing to pursue, and continued, I think he is more a thinker than a fighter? I have not spoken to him much. But he seems a patient sort, so if nothing else I think he will be amenable to listening.



Anxious Spirit

[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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