The only thing that needs editing is that 'clumsy' is not technically a personality trait, unless some aspect of her personality (being careless or reckless, easily distracted) is the cause of the clumsiness, and in that case, it should be stated in the personality. Thanks! - Weasley

Addendum: Please change the color #824C71 to something darker, as it's very difficult to read without having to highlight.

xxxxG W Y N E T HxxxS I W A NxxxM C H A L E N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Gwyn

              AGE 11

              BIRTHDAY 30 November 2030

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 12.5 inches, Ash, Knarl Spine, Springy, Bent

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unsure

              FACECLAIM Diana Pentovich (Lyndsy Fonseca later) [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              TO ATTEND Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE House

              YEAR First Year

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Mermaid

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ ADAPTABLE Gwyneth is adaptable. Its the basis of who she is. She can remove herself from situations and analyze them before making decisions and allowing herself to mold to the situations as needed.
              ■ CLUMSY Gwyn is very clumsy. You hand her something there is a 75% chance she will drop it. She trips over things and runs into corners of tables. She is prone to having multiple bruises at once in various state of healing from all her bumps and bangs.
              ■ REBELLIOUS Rules are for scmucks. Thats her statement. She doesn't understand the point of following ideas others put in place to keep her safe. She can keep herself and her brother safe perfectly fine. Thank you very much.
              ■ PLAYFUL She's also playful though. Gwyn loves to goof around and giggle and run. Lots of running. She loves running. Especially with her brother. Anything with her brother is the best though.
              ■ PEOPLE-ORIENTED She loves people. She loves to be around people and in crowds. She is a social being and she hates to be alone. Which is why she's lucky she has a twin. She's never had to be alone her entire life! Her and Rhydian even shared a room at their old house and the orphanage! She basically hasn't spent a minute without him... ever. (besides the like 5 minutes between her birth and his but that barely counts). She's very attached.
              ■ ENGAGED She is very engaged with her surroundings and her emotions. As well as other's emotions. She enjoys feeding off the tone of a room and is easily effected by the people around her. Which can be good and bad depending on the people around her and the emotions around her.


                  Staying Still

                  Eating Sweets
                  Playing with Rhydian



                  Being Alone
                  Eve Hating Her Forever

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Gwyneth Siwan McHalen was born Gwyneth Siwan Driscoll in Wales. She was born first and about 5 minutes later her brother came alone. Her mother died of complications and they were left with their single father who was a mess. To say the least. But he tried because he loved them and their dead mother very much. And they grew up happy and loved and cared for. They were taught both Welsh, their native language, and English and they generally babbled along in perfect Welsh and broken English. When they neared the age of 4 they began showing magic. Apparently their mother had been witch and never told their father. Him being a religious man thought they were possessed by the devil and dropped them off with a Priest to be exorcised. When he never returned for them, it was revealed he had killed himself. The priest left them with an orphanage, informing the caretaker that they were "hell spawn". They were only at the orphanage for about a month before a nice couple came to meet them late at night. They got to stay up past bedtime and everything. Apparently the wife had been interested BECAUSE they were labeled as hell spawn! When they were adopted and brought home to meet their new big sister, it was revealed the family was magical! And their new parents were both vampires and witches and wizards! And apparently they were too based on their abilities! Gwyn was just happy they'd been adopted together.

          Her and her siblings grew together happily, and she spent her childhood filled with love and hope. She got her letter for Hogwarts and was ecstatic.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR Information
              SECOND YEAR Information
              THIRD YEAR Information
              FOURTH YEAR Information
              FIFTH YEAR Information
              SIXTH YEAR Information
              SEVENTH YEAR Information

          POST GRADUATION Information

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Dominic McHalen - Adopted Father, Grace McHalen - Adopted Mother, Aiobheal McHalen - Adopted Sister, Rhydian McHalen - Twin Brother, Elliryanna McHalen - Adopted Aunt, Chalmes Whitethorne - Adopted Uncle, Chance Whitethorne - Adopted Cousin, Kory McHalen-Rowley - Adopted Cousin, Lilah Whitethorne - Adopted Cousin, Lilith Whitethorne - Adopted Cousin, Verily Holt - Adopted Aunt, Kenneth Holt - Adopted Uncle, Sawyer Holt - Adopted Cousin, Michelle - Adopted Aunt, Aimee McHalen - Adopted Aunt
          FRIENDS Rhydian McHalen
          BEST FRIEND Rhydian McHalen
          ENEMIES Name
          PETS Name