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Elvira liked to hunt, and the world was her hunting ground, hunting though in her mind didn’t just involve chasing down food to eat, it certainly didn’t involve simply walking around and grabbing the first piece of meat and simply finding satisfaction in that. In fact, where was the satisfaction in that? She had been born of darkness, raised in the shadows and more importantly she had been raised to drink the blood of living beings. That wasn’t entirely acceptable in the outside world, but the pride she had joined would perhaps accept her ways eventually. Of course she couldn’t just go around attacking and drinking, as she used to, no she had to convince someone to let her drink. Consent was everything. She had convinced a couple of younger lions to join her on a little expedition. It was the best way to make friends and maybe bring them in to the fold. After all she was all for sharing, she had blood let with others before. It was a very intimate experience, she didn’t expect everyone to understand but maybe she could at least gain some friendship out of this and future potential partners.

Elvira was not picky after all, she liked to flirt with everyone, she had been a seductress for the bulk of her life, having been taught at the paw of the masters. It had been easy enough to convince the three lions to come with her on a little hunt, an actual hunt, towards the border and she was slowly getting to know them. She wasn’t sure she would ever be able to convince the males, one was too happy go lucky and the other far too serious, but the young female was tame and quiet, she needed to let loose and Elvira was just the lioness to teach her how to do so.

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Neeharika hadn’t taken much convincing to go hunting. She was young and naive and when the older slender lioness had come to her, moving like a snake, hypnotising her with her movements, she had agreed to go and hunt. She had never seen a lion move the way Elvira did, she was so quiet, even though they were just walking along, moving towards the border without any sort of hesitation, the pink tinted lioness didn’t seem to make any noise. It was amazing. She wanted to learn from the lioness before her, learn her ways and follow a path. “Are we nearly there?” She asked.

Elvira had told her that they were going hunting, she had told her that she needed to be a little more free with herself, there was no need to be afraid and to prove it she had pulled in a dark male to protect them near the border. The silver lioness actually wished her brother had been about to escort them, her twin sibling would have been a preferable alternative but the dark male with his mottled pink mane was perfectly friendly. A little too friendly perhaps, he was hyper and bouncy, everything she was not. The other male, he was much more sedate, he seemed to be fascinated with hunting, he seemed very serious about the fact that they were hunting near the border. Or maybe he was just fascinated with Elvira? It didn’t really matter, she was feeling more loose already, the taste of a slightly different air from the one at the centre of the pride was new and exciting.

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When Pleco had been asked to join the females on their little journey to the border, he had of course agreed immediately. A trip to the border sounded nice and fun and a little more interesting than simply lazing about waiting to go hunting. He was always happy go lucky and he hadn’t even noticed the way that Elvira moved, she was just another lioness who wanted to be friends. He was happy about that. He didn’t really know either of the females, they were both either new, or young so the fact that they had asked him tickled him completely pink.

He was careful to watch as they padded along and though he hadn’t noticed the older lionesses movements at first as he followed them both he couldn’t fail to notice the way she shifted. This lioness was good. He had been raised around hunters, his cousin was obsessed with hunting and he moved in a way that others did not, he had never seen anyone quite as silent as Elvira though. And he was listening, intently, he couldn’t hear her paw movements. Fascinating.

The pink maned male turned to his cousin to comment on this fact. “She is really quiet isn’t she?” He raised a brow at his orange family member curiously.

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Gidja had tagged along with the small hunting party, happy to be out doing what he loved. His more hare brained cousin had completely failed to notice how the lioness moved until just a moment ago. This exasperated him. She was like a snake and he couldn’t help but admire her. He was looking forward to hunting on the border, he didn’t go there very often, if anything the border was a bit of an enigma to him, it was always there but he didn’t necessarily want to go there. The mwezi had been his home his whole life and the want to leave it was so minute he never even thought about it. A trip to the border simply to hunt and be free for a few hours though had perked his interest so he had agreed to come along. Plus, he really wanted to see the pink tinted lioness hunt. She moved so fluidly, it really was fascinating. “Yes, she moves very smoothly.” He tapped at his teeth with his tongue and moved forward a little to smile at the silver female “We are close, you can smell it.” He gave a nod shifting closer to Elvira.

“There is a herd not far from here.” He nodded over to a small rise and pointed with a paw. “We should go that way.”

The pink tinted lioness smiled demurely at the orange male, she gave a nod of her head before turning silkily to go in the direction he had indicated. Perhaps the orange male would agree to her request after all, perhaps. Time would tell, maybe if this hunt went well, which she of course knew it would, she could teach him her ways. It wasn’t something she really needed to think about at this moment though, it was time to hunt and all her concentration had to go on the task. She would impress her new friends and maybe she would gain their trust enough to teach them about where she came from.

“Let’s hunt” She rumbled slinking off silently through the long grass making not a sound as she went.

((W/c 1165))