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Another day, another try. After his previous failed attempts, he had taken some time to himself for self-reflection and self-improvement. It had been quite the shock realizing that his dear sister had apparently been able to successfully prove herself, and yet here he was, continuously failing. It really made him think back and wonder if he really had been the great role-model he'd thought he had been.

But today, he thought he'd give it another go. He had been lingering near the borders, his presence known to those who patrolled it. He hoped that they didn't joke about his failures, but he'd understand if they did - a healthy, strong-looking male that just couldn't win a fight. Mazin was determined, though, and considered his failures learning opportunities, storing them away to hopefully assist him once he was finally able to prove himself here.

Taking in a breath, he padded closer towards the border, waiting for someone to take notice of him so he could declare his intentions and get this thing rolling.