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[PRP] What's best for you (Uoilie/Audax) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 8:02 pm
Father has said the big smokey mountain was where her grandfather was, and so Uolie spoend a long time trying to find it, becoming seperated from her siblings as she travelled, and finally she reached a poinmt she saw ity only to see large groups moving away, two figures in the air.

From tales and stories, one had to be her grandfather, but Uolie didn't draw terribly close, instead slipping after at a distance, but tonight the female was hunting to watch, and the pale lioness almost didn't think of distance. She was more interested in tracking a sleepy bird that was proving annoying, and the lioness braced to pounce...

Before it fluyttered away, and Uolie sighed, watching dinner flit off before sitting.

"Darn." She grumbled. "Now what wuill I eat?"

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 11:15 pm
Audax felt that the temporary migration wasn't moving quickly enough for his sake, and though he knew wandering too far off when they were all leaving en masse was foolish, he had heard something and felt it wise to investigate. (Well, that and because it would give him something to do, why were so many in these groups so slow? The weakest should simply be left to travel at their own pace. Those strong enough to overcome would move on, the others would simply fade. At least, his demon certainly approved of that idea!)

A bird nearby flew away, and he moved toward the source of its flight, sniffing the air curiously. Was that...

"...Talking to yourself makes it less likely that you'll find anything to eat, you know."

Really, what was this creature, that she'd sacrifice future successes over one escaped bird? He drew nearer, taking in the white coat, and slowly understood. Ah. This was one that needed looking-after. Like his sador sister needed watching. "In fact, I would not linger here, were I you. These lands will soon be deadly to all, birds and fierce huntresses alike."

What was she doing here, anyway? Surely even a cub could realize when they had wandered into a pride's territory. Did she have no-one to teach her common sense?


Wylde Roses

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Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 7:51 am

As one of the locals drew near, Uolie's focus turned to him, ears pricked attentively as she sat, tip of her tail flicking before she listened, and finally replied.

"That bird was the onlt food ?I've seen or heard with a bunch of creatures moving. I thinkit's safe." The female responded patiently. Father always said others couldn't help NOT being born of the very gods -- or was iut mother? She had no idea right now, but she wasn't prepared to let herself be talked down to. Her brother and father saiud she was good, after all, and that meant she should take pride in herself and the things she could do. And Uolie always fret about ensuring it never hurt others.

The female studied Audax firmly. While not a seer like her father Terra, she was by no means a small lioness. She has strong muscles from both father and mother, and while she leaned on the softer side in tyerms of handling creatures, she knew when to put a paw down and fight. And she was so close to finding her grandfather, she wasn't letting some flaming hot upstart stop her!


"I have business here." Uolie drawled. "I have kin, my grandfather and any children he's had." And the female regarded the male patiently. "My grandpa is the god of Leadership. And I'll be seeing him soon as I can." And shae eyed Audax. She certainly did NOT plan to fight him, but she did square up her shoulders, trying to look undeterred. She wasn't just any rogue -- she really did have family here, and her grandpa would surely like to know that she and the others existed! And that Daddy had TWO mates and she JUST. NEEDED. PAST. THIS. DARN. BOY.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:04 am
Audax snorted, torn between impressed with the white lioness having a spine after all and amused that she thought she could actually do anything. Her mention of her heritage gave him pause, but he tipped his head slightly to one side and eyed her thoughtfully. Well, she certainly didn't seem foolish enough to lie to his face, and he knew full well just how ... prolific ... his father was.

"That's hardly a bragging point, you know," he said, dark eyes glinting with amusement. "He's sired an entire pride's worth of offspring by now. Including me."

Stubborn and fierce, this one, despite her pale fur. He'd almost wonder if it meant she had demon lurking in there somewhere .... if she didn't look so much like a puffed up,angry cub. Really, it was unfairly adorable, and if this lioness was family, then he'd best ensure she and hers at least had the chance to get to safety. (Whether they took it or not wasn't his business, but... it probably was only right that hey know there was a threat.)


Wylde Roses

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Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:17 am


Sure, the malke was an uncle, but he looked younger, and the female raised a paw, swatting him. Ity was more a force swat than claw-- she didn't even try tyo bare claws, he wasn't a threat or a prey, and the female glared sharply.

"Don't insult my Daddy! He's your brother even if he's probably a half brother!" Uolie scolded sharply. "We're family. You treat family better than strangers!"

The female moved, very affrontedly wrapping one paw around him to try to pin him, although... Well...

It was awkward and she was huffing repeatedly in pure indignation, hind paws kicking diurt like a housecat doing death kickies... Which really....

It was frustrated deathkickies.

"What is WRONG with you?!"  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 6:57 pm
... Alright, maybe laughing at a lioness who was at least partially serious in her flailing attempts to attack him wasn't exactly nice, but that's exactly what Audax did. Because really, her kicks were not at all impressive and looked more like a cub's flailing temper tantrum than any sort of a serious attack.

"Are you done yet?" He asked when it seemed like she was finally just about out of energy to keep going. "As entertaining as it would be to watch you flail about all day, you really shouldn't linger in this area for long. Not even a fierce huntress like yourself could stand survive what's going to happen here."

He paused, then shook his head. "If you really are family, you and those you care for would do better to leave - or, if you'd like, I could bring you in. You'd certainly be protected." This pale female was definitely a sador - no demon would flail like a lost cub. ... She was rather endearing, though. Perhaps he could look after family, just this once.


Wylde Roses

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Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 7:14 pm

Uolie huffed, letting go after one last bout of 'deathkickies' and rose, hanging her head sheepishly.

"Actually... I don';t know where my siblings went to." Best address the latter offer first. "The last sibling I could even find was Varii and that was days ago, so I just.... Followed the smoke mountain to find anyome like Papa told us to. What is going to happen?" Her frustration at her uncle satisfied, the unknowing new sadoir pad to his side like one might an equal, head tilted. "You just say danger but nothing else. Even Daddy tells people, even if it's rubbing their nose in it."  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:53 pm
"Fire," Audax said simply, expression shifting from one of amusement to something more grave. "Those too slow, too weak or too foolish to get clear in time will be caught in the Hellgate's wrath," he continued, looking to the mountain. "And if, indeed, your grandfather is my father, I cannot in good conscience allow you or any others in your family to be among them."

Which... unfortunately meant he was probably going to have to help find this 'Varii' she mentioned, and hope that the rest of her family had the sense to move away from the area in time.

"Now, will you stop sassing me and listen?"


Wylde Roses

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Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:10 pm

"Smoker has to come from somewhere I suppose." Uolie nodded thoughtfully, and then shrugged patiently.

"I have listened. But you've also been kind of a ratel, and I don't deserve to be treated like a five year old. If I wanted to pick a serious fight, I would've used claws and not kicked."

The tone was edged wiyth promise -- the female knew how to protect herself, and the female was proud, Uolie stretching a moment as they walked.

"I'm not hopeless you know. Mom and Dad and Papa made sure."
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:31 pm
"Maybe not, but I'm not going to treat you like a deity yourself just because of who you're related to - especially when I share that relation," Audax huffed, rolling his eyes. "Your introduction left much to be desired for someone intruding on potentially-hostile territory. Claiming your connection worked well this time, perhaps, but there are those who would likely kill for less, and not all mockery is harmless."

For all her pride, this lioness - this ... niece, of some degree... didn't seem to have much of an idea of how the world worked. "And blood connection won't always render you safe, either. So if you mean to fight, fight. Don't play at it like an overgrown cub."


Wylde Roses

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Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:43 pm

"Varii usually talked to people between us."

Not her -- she'd been a painfully shy cub, and her brother had been quick to shelter her. Not that he let her be harmless -- he was eager to spar with her without claws -- to hel her hone, and the pair were nothing to sneeze at. Still, Varii hadn't been here and now she was.... Being lectured, and Uolie pinned her ears. He was trying, and she knew it, but she was... Well... Coddled, a bit, and the female frowned until he mentioned mockering and fighting, and raised a oaw.

"I know serious!" The female sulked. "And why would I seriously fight family? I mean you smell a little like dad. So we're obviously related. So why would we fight for blood? That's rediculous. You're overworried. like Varii gets."  
PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:59 pm
"Relation isn't a guarantee of acceptance," Audax said, the tony biting as he pinned his ears back. "You're lucky, in fact, that I'm in a kind mood. A lack of suspicion will be your undoing if you don't have someone to look after you, should you choose not to use caution for yourself." Really, how hard was it for her to understand such a basic concept? (And how could anyone, pale and soft and apparently sheltered as they might be not realize this?)

"If you learn nothing else, learn to keep your eyes open, your mouth quiet, and your claws ready. Do they teach you nothing on the outside?" Granted, he was probably demanding too much. This one held no demon, so she could afford to be softer and... squishier. But that didn't mean she could afford to be stupid, and a lack of caution was nothing if not stupid.

"...Just... round up whoever you can find of your siblings, and bring them back here. We'll make sure you get to safety, and then you can part ways with us or meet the rest of your family." He paused, then shook himself, silvery mane fluffing out around him as he did so. "Father is always eager to dote on more family."

Not that Audax understood why, really - but then who could claim to understand him?


Wylde Roses

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Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 10:07 pm

"Mother didn't believe in fighting if you can help it. She knew how for her birth home but she hates it. Father's..."

Uolie grimaced. Terra was vain, arrogant, and a bit full of it, and she shook her head. "Papa also doesn't fight unless he must. I don't enjoy picking fights. It doesn't feel right to pick on others whom might have nothing other than what I see. It's not mine to begin a fight. But Ending them, I mean, sure."

She then tilted her head, listening, before motioning toward the outside world, eyes ghetting big awkewardly.

"I don't know where they are. Not everyone is looking. Varii was but... I'm..."

Well time to admit stupid.

"Well technically we got lost."  
PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:34 pm
"Not all fights will end with the other party backing down. Are you prepared to kill them if you must?" The female with him absolutely needed looking after, there was no doubt about it now. Especially when she admitted to... being lost. Audax found himself groaning, his demon a snarl of irritation in the back of his mind.

"Then find him, at least, and I'll get you out. The rest will simply have to manage on their own. With any luck they'll have the sense to travel far away and not right toward their deaths." Unlike the somehow-niece he had decided absolutely needed him to take care of her, because really, this one needed it.

"Is that acceptable to you?"

Wylde Roses

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Eos Galvus

Shadowy Celebrant

PostPosted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:48 pm

"I don't have stomach to kill non-food." Uolie said, quite plainly. "Not unless it's self defense. I just... Can't. I'm sorry."

The female looked genuinely apologetic -- this seemed so important to her bright red new-found kin, asnd it didn't seem that she was going to be endearing herself any time soon, the female sighing before nodding.

"Would... You help find him then? It's always nicer to look in pairs, I think. Less lonely. And Varii might be more interesting to talk to. He's the one who might be willing to kill if needed in a fight."

It was true -- the male was rather... Rough in that aspect.  
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