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Realm: The Meadow
Doggos Involved: Macbeth (belloblossom) x Caelum (CascadingRayn)
Time of Day: probs evening, but maybe across a couple of days

Caelum was wandering today. His twin brother had left on some journey, and now, he was alone. What should he do? Normally, his brother would lead the way and he would follow if he was interested, but today the agenda was up to him. This was new and strange to Caelum. He wasn't sure what to do, so he wander the Meadow for a while. He found a nice spot in the little shade he could find and laid down. The evening was soothing, and the meadow was peaceful. "It was nice to have some peace," Caelum thought.

The sun was slowly setting, and the shadows were getting longer. The meadow seemed so quiet as night grew closer. Caelum found himself relaxing. He had pretty much spent the whole day doing nothing. He still had some energy left for the night. Maybe he would go explore the meadow at night. That seemed fun. It was a him type of thing to do. He was quiet and blended in at night. He had darker fur with a brilliant tail and mane thingy. It looked really nice at night. At least that's what he thought. But to some other smaller animals, he looked scary, seeing how they were always running away from him. With this in mind, Caelum gets up from his comfortable spot and starts looking for some food.
