To those who had never seen a dragon up close - and many hadn't the opportunity before the rider pair had come so suddenly - Xiezhith was not a bad first specimen to behold. He was always on his best behavior, and on the occasion an errant child decided they wanted to try and climb him, there was never any danger of him losing his temper. It was perhaps for that reason that he and his rider had been allowed to linger so long, despite the fact that they should have left long before when Thread began to fall. It was a call that pulled at both of his hearts. R'til could feel it intimately, even through several stone walls that separated the two from each other physically.

When will you stop hiding away here, R'til? his voice rumbled through his lifemate's mind like an earthquake, stirring him attentively from other thoughts - thoughts better left ignored. And perhaps it was in knowing that which spurred the blue to bring up such conversation. R'til had made himself useful in menial tasks - helping with physical labor there, helping hold down someone who absolutely did not want to keep still there, and it had been another step in keeping them both welcome. But as things got more urgent, the need for another fully capable and large blue like his lifemate would be felt.

And go where, exactly? R'til played the fool quite readily. He knew Xiezhith knew that he knew what had been meant, but he'd never be called out for it. Though he could feel the pang of irritation at the coy way R'til had danced around the idea. They're old enough for a dragon to want them now. Do you not care to find out? It was one of the more delicate topics to dance around the man with, but a frank one. I have no reason to deserve to know, R'til's voice was sharper than usual, but it didn't even cause the dragon to flinch. He had long since become immune to his rider's ire.

Still, he knew how best to stir that pot more. The sudden silence drew suspicion from R'til. What are you doing? he inquired, but the silence simply lingered, forcing him to wait as whatever paces his lifemate was going through were actually gone through. For Xiezhith, it was a matter of simple conversations here and there - and not having completely removed himself from those who had known the pair previously.

Nothing yet. It will be some time longer, then. Xiezhith informed him curtly, impatience curling in his voice. How old were they now? 15? 16 at most? There was still plenty of time as far as the old blue was concerned.

But a dragon could not be relied upon to have an actual sense of time.

And you think they'd want me to see? R'til asked, though it was clear he didn't think so. Xiezhith thrummed calmly outside, though it did startle a random passer-by. Not unless you want to see them. After all, it has always been about you he informed the man. R'til couldn't help but feel as though he'd disappointed him somehow.

But he'd been very good at being disappointing.