Are you serious? We have to land now? Makhmilith asked, incredulity suffusing the blue's mental tone.

I am completely, totally serious, T'of ground out. Although he was communicating mentally, he managed to convey the impression of gritted teeth and self-directed frustration.

All right. But you know we could be back at the Weyr in less than ten seconds, right? the velvety blue dragon replied, folding his wings back and dropping into a steep dive which caused T'of's harness to dig painfully into his thighs and hipbones as the air pressed him nearly flat and back-to-back with his mount.

As soon as Makh flared his wings to halt his dive, T'of's hands were on the straps of his harness, unbuckling with haste while the dragon made a fairly quick, if inelegant landing. T'of was even less elegant as he flung himself from his perch. Long strides carried him to a dark corner which hid him from view, if not from his dragon's laughter. There, he unlaced his breeches and released a powerful stream of piss, taking care that none should splash on his boots or breeches.

He was tucking everything away and turning around to get back on Makhmilith to continue their sweep when he found himself looking at a short, girl with greasy hair and black fingers. A shiver of revulsion stiffened his spine.

Taibbi emerged from Smithcraft Hall at a jog, having heard someone exclaim that there was a dragon outside and being perishingly curious. She drew up short as she came around a corner and face-to-face with a handsome man in a dragonrider's garb, doing up his trousers. While she absorbed this unexpected sight, her nose absorbed the unmistakable scent of fresh urine and her mind put two and two together to get an appalling four.

"Did you just...?" Her nose wrinkled with distaste. She had never met a dragonrider, and had never really expected to meet one, but if she'd been inclined to fantasize about such an event, it certainly would not have involved her arriving just in time to miss him tucking away his pizzle after making a puddle against the wall of the Hall.

"You know, how about I just go? I won't tell anyone about, um, anything." She ventured an incredibly uncomfortable smile that froze in an awful rictus when she saw that the man's dragon appeared to be having a seizure some thirty yards behind him.

T'of's face burned and his jaw went slack with surprise as his wits completely and utterly abandoned him. This was not a situation for which he had ever thought to prepare himself, and he was at a loss for words. Makh's peals of laughter and schadenfreude commentary were no help.

This is amazing, Makh told him. The dragon made no effort to conceal his mirth at his bond's discomfiture. In fact, he was nearly convulsing with draconic laughter, a combination of movement and sound that might have looked a good deal like a seizure to someone who didn't have the benefit of also reading his mind and knowing that the blue was just being a jerk.

Shut up, T'of grumbled, regaining the slimmest hint of his composure, or pretending to, at any rate.

"That would probably be for the best," he agreed with the grimy girl. "I was actually about to leave, too."

You can't go yet! Makhmilith exclaimed, suddenly serious. I need to get a better look at this girl.

She's a chubby, grimy smith, T'of replied. What's to look at?

Something, Makh said significantly, already beginning to move closer.

The sick feeling that had materialized in the pit of Taibbi's stomach upon seeing an apparent dragon seizure vanished before Taibbi even had a chance to properly realize what she'd been feeling, only to be replaced by a new sick feeling as the man's dragon began to move toward her with a gait that could only be described as stalking. She would have been very surprised to learn this was the dragon's attempt to make himself look smaller and less intimidating, because it absolutely did not work out as intended.

"I'm really sorry," she said in a rush, hoping to forestall potential dragon-inflicted violence. "Honestly, I won't say anything to anyone about anything. No one will even know you were here. Except for, well, all the people who saw you land, but I won't tell them about the, um, peeing."

Her dark eyes kept darting back and forth between the rider, whose facial contortions made it clear he was conversing with his dragon and paying her very little mind, and his dragon, who was staring at her with an intensity that made her feel like prey. Even when the dragon stopped moving, Taibbi was mostly convinced that she was going to be the first human on Pern to be eaten by a dragon.

T'of, you have to say something to her or else there will be more public urination in our future, Makh informed his rider, not without a certain amusement.

What do you want me to say? T'of retorted. You're the one doing all the scary looming. Why don't you explain to her that catching a dragonrider doing up his pants isn't a capital offense?

Makh didn't even bother to dignify T'of's last question with a response. Instead he insisted, Tell her I think she might have potential as a candidate, but to be sure I'll have to get into her thoughts.

T'of half-turned to look up at his dragon incredulously. Is that the truth, or do you just want me to say that so she'll quit gibbering at us? Because, honestly, I'm fine with either answer, but I'd like to know.

Makh snorted. It was true that he occasionally lied to protect the innocent, but this was not one of those times. He really did think that there was something in this girl that merited further investigation. Sensing Makh's resolve, T'of turned back to the girl.

"My dragon things you may have a future in dragonriding, but he needs to do a search to be sure of it. That means he'll be rifling through your thoughts and emotions to get a feel for you. Do you object to that?"

That makes it sound so appealing, Makhmilith muttered. I don't rifle. I sort. Subtly

So, wait. She wasn't going to be eaten for almost seeing a dragonrider's manbits. She was being searched? This was almost too much for Taibbi to believe. In fact, she kind of didn't.

"You really don't have to do that," she said, a little bit of indignation working its way through her horror and alarm. "Bribe me, I mean. I said I wouldn't tell anyone, and I meant it. I'm not a liar."

The idea, really, that a dragonrider would stoop so low as to pretend to search someone just to convince them to keep a secret was outrageous, and Taibbi was beginning to feel some of that. Of course she had played at being a dragonrider when she was little, but she'd outgrown that, and thought it really mean of a person who had actually Impressed a dragon to dangle something like that in front of somebody just to ease their own way. It was small and petty and mean.

From his expression, however, the dragonrider seemed to feel something similar, and when he next spoke he sounded downright angry for the first time, informing her that he had been doing no such thing.

T'of could see how the girl might think she was being bribed, but since Makh insisted he thought he saw something of worth in her, T'of made an effort to convince her otherwise, and he could tell he was doing a good job of it, because it took less than a minute for her to agree to allow Makh to go through her thoughts.

T'of, himself, had never been officially searched, and he was pretty sure he never would have been, since the idea of someone going through his thoughts and evaluating them the way Makh was doing with this girl - Taibbi, Makh supplied - would have put him off completely. It had been a major adjustment for him to share his mind with Makh, and sometimes it was still a struggle.

Meanwhile, Makhmilith let himself reach for Taibbi's thoughts, sinking fairly quickly past her surface thoughts and emotions, which were written on her face anyway, and so did not merit much attention from him. He was more interested in who she really was. Where she had come from, what had made her the person she was now. Most importantly - could she have a future at the Weyr?

And so the blue learned of the trouble she'd gotten into at the Hall, over and over again, because she was so frightfully loyal to the people she deemed her friends and...to her mother. He explored further, learning how her mother had become another person, and how deeply Taibbi missed her. The girl actually wished that she had died instead of her father, because then they both would be okay because they'd have each other.

Not that. Your mother's grief is not your responsibility, he said, with uncharacteristic compassion. It is important that you live. It may be that there is a dragon yet to be born who needs you.

Taibbi had not expected that the dragon would be gentle with her. Somehow he managed to sift through her memories in such a way that she was aware of him, and of what he was sensing, but she was not forced to experience everything herself. She was able, for the first time, to view her father's death and her mother's sadness the way an uninvolved person might, and while the tragedy of it all was still horrible, she didn't feel the same personal grief. She wanted to know how he did it, but before she could ask she heard the dragon's voice in her head, and he was so unexpectedly kind to her, she felt tears p***k at her eyes.

She wasn't ready to accept that she was not responsible for her mother, but she also did not have time to dwell on that point, because a dragon had just told her he thought there might be a dragon who needed her someday. The thought filled her with hope and pride, and more than a little anxiety. It wasn't just the idea that she could be called upon to raise and ride a dragon, despite being a mere 14 turns. It wasn't even the possibility that she wouldn't Impress a dragon. It was something else, much more real.

"What about my ma? What will she do without me?" she asked, hoping that the dragon would have an answer for her which would somehow fix everything right away.

Makhmilith didn't need to wait for T'of to answer. He knew what his bond would say, and so he went ahead and said it. Clearly he had a better rapport with Taibbi than T'of did or probably ever would.

Because she didn't almost see my sex organs, he chided T'of, who sent him a mental eyeroll.

Your ma will manage. She is an adult, surrounded by people who care about her and who are better equipped to help her than you. My rider will speak with the Hall's healer about that. The dragon, who had shared most of what he'd learned about Taibbi with T'of, could sense T'of's assent in the back of his mind. A mindhealer's instincts didn't go away just because one Impressed. He was trained as a mindhealer before he Impressed me, and he will make sure the proper arrangements are made.

Already, Makh knew that T'of was trying to recall who was posted to Smith Hall, whether they actually had a resident mindhealer or whether one would have to be found. There had been an increased demand for them since Thread returned, but Halls, being population centers, would almost certainly have at least one each. He would find out while Taibbi packed her things and said her goodbyes.

So you'll come? Makh asked.

Now Taibbi really did cry, but it wasn't sadness or even joy which pushed the tears from her eyes, but relief. A dragon had promised her mother would be taken care of, which meant she would be. Dragons didn't lie. And even though she wasn't completely sure she could trust this dragon's rider, despite what the blue had said about him once being a mindhealer, she did trust the dragon.

"I'll come. But I have to say goodbye to my ma. I can do that, right?" The very thought that she might not be allowed to was terrible, but the dragon's reassurance was swift. While she did those things, the dragon's rider would speak to the Hall's healer and anyone else necessary about arranging for her to come to the Weyr. All Taibbi had to do was pack a satchel and say her farewells.

Packing was surprisingly easy for Taibbi. Saying her goodbyes was harder. She couldn't find all of her friends, or if she could, they were not all permitted to leave their lessons to talk to her. She regretted that. At least she knew how to find her mother, and although her ma didn't really seem to care that her only child was going away, nor that the reason she was going away was because a dragon had deemed her worthy of becoming a dragonrider, Taibbi felt so much better being able to tell her ma that things would be all right, because this time she truly believed it.

When she returned to the dragon, his rider wasn't back yet, and so she waited. The blue did not say anything more to her, which was disappointing, but she knew she'd already been spoken to more than most humans on the planet, and ought to be grateful.

T'of had some difficulty sorting out Taibbi's mother. The Hall's healers were not unaware of her condition, but they could not force an adult to avail herself of their services, nor to follow their advice. Since they didn't feel she was a suicide risk, they were unwilling to remove her to Healer Hall for more intensive treatment, and they very much resented T'of sticking his nose where it wasn't needed. He was not a mindhealer anymore, they told him, and this woman was not his patient, and he shouldn't have made promises to Taibbi without being sure he could keep them. Or allowed his dragon to make promises on his behalf. For that matter, they weren't sure he should even take Taibbi away from the Hall, because that might prove detrimental to her mother's health, and if he was really so concerned for her mother, he wouldn't risk it.

Eventually, he managed to persuade an apprentice mindhealer to check in on Taibbi's mother at least once a day. It was barely a victory, but time was not infinite and the eggs would hatch soon. He wanted to get Taibbi back to the Weyr and settled as quickly as he could. She had already missed the Touching, after all.

It was loathsome to have the clearly unwashed young woman riding behind him with her arms around his waist, and he couldn't suppress his shudder when she tucked her face against his spine and gripped his waist with all her might upon their leap into the sky. He wore gloves and full leathers, and no part of her was touching any actual part of him, but by the time they landed at the Weyr he was practically panting for a scrub. Instead he did his duty and brought Taibbi to the candidatemaster, removed Makh's harnesses, and oiled the dragon's hide. Then, and only then, could he scrub himself clean of contact.

Flying was scary and amazing, and between was worse, but Taibbi couldn't get over her shock at the events of the day enough to be properly traumatized by the experiences. The only dampers, really, to her excitement, were her concern for her mother and her distinct impression that the rider who'd brought her to the Weyr didn't really like her. She tried not to let that bother her,and soon it was forgotten.

She was given a bunk in the candidate barracks, told in brief about what to expect from her days henceforth, and informed that there would be a hatching in a matter of sevendays, maybe even sooner. It was a lot to take in, and by the end of the day Taibbi was exhausted but filled with optimism. Things were going to change and everything would be okay, just like she'd told her ma. All because a dragonrider couldn't hold it until he got to his intended destination.