Name: Haraven (H'ven should he Impress)
Age: 17
Nameday: 3559.12.05
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Unknown
Craft: N/A
Rank: Weyrbrat
Location: Western Weyr
Physical Description: Haraven stands about a solid 6'0, though it's possible he might spout another inch or two as he ages. He has light brown, medium length hair that's known to curl when wet; dark green-blue eyes that are always warm with good-humor; and fair skin that has seen its share of both burns and tan from the Western sun.

Haraven is naturally trim with a cut of a swimmer; broad shoulders, long arms, and a trim waist. He's a bit more lean and long than he is stocky or muscular; as as boy he was primarily skin and bones but he's filled out will enough with age.

Personality: Haraven is his father's son, through-and-through. He's a good-hearted young man who is constantly looking to do good, as well as looking to see the good in others. His benevolent nature makes him generous with what he has--he's never been one to be frugal with his marks, and will happily give the shirt off his back to someone who seemed to need it. If volunteers are needed to help somewhere, Haraven is one of the first to volunteer; and if he can't help someone, he'll try to find someone who can.

Unfortunately, his good nature and a natural desire to do good can let him be taken advantage by those more clever, or at least with a good enough act. Haraven would object to being called gullible, but he's the sort of believe everyone is acting as he does--to be the very best and to do the most good. Unfortunately, there are plenty out there that know how to push his buttons, and he won't see that he's being taken for a ride, or being made a fool of. When it is pointed out, he might be upset to start, but all too soon, he's back believing the first set of sad eyes he meets.

Along with being a bit gullible--and perhaps adding to it--Haraven can be blindly loyal to his friends, family, and those he looks up to. From Wingleaders to wingriders, Haraven both respects and admires his heroes and will likely not see (or hear of) anything that might besmirch their goodness. His family can do no wrong; his friends are the best and most trusted people he knows; and his heroes will never fail him. He's devoted entirely to Western Weyr, and would never leave it, even if he fails to Impress. Dutiful, Haraven knows his place as both a weyrbrat and Candidate--he isn't the sort to shirk his duties, and certainly would have no trouble calling out any Candidates who do! Swaps are entirely out of the question. He has every hope to become one of Pern's great heroes, but if not, he will stand by and help make sure the Weyr lacks in nothing.

Fearless in nature, Haraven isn't squeamish, nor is he particularly afraid to voice his opinions--even if he's wrong. He's a vocal supporter of Western Weyr, and while he appreciates High Reaches helping teach Pern how to fight Thread, he's not keen on some of their traditional ideas. Perhaps things can be improved at Western, but Haraven can be critical of the mountain Weyr. He hopes, should he Impress, his fearlessness will help keep others safe, and therefor, help him do good. Unfortunately, Haraven is also known to be stubborn; when he gets something in his mind to do, he isn't the sort to change his mind. This also ties in with his good (or bad) opinion of others; he's not the sort to change his mind once it's set. Ultimately, Haraven sees the world a bit black and white--he's yet to learn how much grey there is out there.

Positive Trait List Dutiful, Fearless, Benevolent
Negative Trait List Blindly Loyal, Stubborn, Gullible
Haraven was born and raised in Western Weyr. As one of R'mor's many children, he was brought up in the creche, and raised with a bright future. He was a dragonman from the very beginning, and wanted his own massive companion from the very start. While he knew there was no guarantee, he had every hope, and couldn't wait to finally be allowed to stand for his first clutch.

His childhood was relatively mundane as far as weyrbrats go. He always enjoyed spending time with his family, though he did get the reputation of being a tattler as he aged. Where some of his siblings might have caused trouble, Haraven was always the first one to snitch. As he got older, he tried to get his siblings and friends to stop their behavior more than tell on them, but it was in his nature to follow the rules. This got especially worse when his father was tapped to become the Weyrman.

Reliable, Haraven's need to do good really was exacerbated by the return of Thread. Not only was his family suddenly in harm's way, but he saw the damage first hand. Riders and weyrfolk alike had been caught out in it, and he saw the massacre. Dragons with missing limbs, riders dead, weyrfolk suddenly lost. The mourning of dragons and weyrfolk seemed not to end those first few months.

Everything changed, it seemed--and to see the wounded, injured, and dying firsthand made Haraven certain of his place. While he always enjoyed the tales of riders rising up to face the Enemy, he'd never imagined it to become reality. And worse, it was a lot more bloody and painful than even the most tragic of tales! Thankfully, the young man would soon be of age to enter into Candidacy, and as soon as he was asked, he took his place in the Barracks.

Three Turns have passed, and Haraven's resolve to be a hero--or at least to be a dragonrider and rise up to help save Pern--hasn't wavered. He's grown up into a fine young man, though he still very much likes to do things by-the-book. He's watched with pride as R'min found his blue, his sisters Ryara and Ky'ra their beloved green and gold, as well as his brother A'mor and his fine ble, most recently. Unfortunately, his hopes to find His have only grown with every Hatching he's been left. He can only hope that he'll be next, so he might take his place among the ranks as a rider.

Until then, he's happy under A'ral's tutelage, ever-preparing to keep up his studies, and become the best-damned-dragonrider on Pern.

Other: He has a couple flits. Evergreen and Puddles

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No