Name: R'naer
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Weyrbrat
Physical Description: Tall and leanly muscled, 6'4 with green eyes and dark brown hair and circle beard. Well shaped hands that are gentle when handling any creature be it giant dragon, tiniest firelizard or a super fussy baby.
Personality: Ninety eight percent of the time R'naer is calm, cool and collected a genuinely sweet guy with a bit of a wandering spirit. He likes to watch people and dragons and wild wherries and anything else that crosses his path. He is affectionate to those people who are close to him and will do anything for his best friends, he is who you want by your side in a disaster, and in a stressful situation he is very dependable and resourceful. In the day to day life he is a care free spirit spending his time with his dragon in or out of the weyr a pool of unhurried, sauntering calm. But every once in a very blue moon he blows his top. Its not always known what sets him off, but usually it has very deep structure, a scheme years in the making by people who dont have the good of the weyr at heart. Or candidates who are so reckless as to anger a queen at hatching. The really soul wrenching issues bring about a volcanic reaction in the normally calm brown rider. Everyone walks softly on these days.
Care Free
Deep Buried Rage
History: The eldest son of Delatche, Rhanaer has always been a big supporter of his Mother. He visits her often. She was a big influence on him and inspired him to stand as a candidate. She has always been the one steady thing in his life. He impressed his brown the first time he stood at a hatching. This he feels pulled him from his younger siblings due to the responsibility of raising a dragon. He suspects that this is responsible for the rift between himself and his younger brother.

R'naer has a scar o nhis hand from one particular argument with his brother, he knows U'men feels guilty deep down. But accidents happen and R'nawr has forgiven him.

R'naer was considering transfering to High Reaches to take pressure off of his little brother, however then the double clutch fiasco happened and transfers became more difficult but perhaps it is for the best.

Name: Mustanth
Age: 7
Color: Brown
Size: 37 long neck tail and wings, shorter face
Physical Description: long neck tail and wings, shorter face
Personality: Mustanth likes to observe the world, he watches everything that goes on at the weyr then tells his rider about it. To the point where R'naer might drift off in a conversation with someone else to listen to his dragons news bite. Mustanth is solid, dependable and wise, a good balance to his riders lack of structure.

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