I noticed that there are some Christians in the guild so I figured I'd make a posting quiz for them. Now, you do not have to specifically be in the faith to do the quiz, it is for everyone!
Hopefully, you will make a bunch of plat/gold for doing it.
Like any of my other quizzes feel free to use Google for answers and to take breaks!
Just remember to keep track of what question you stopped on.

The Questions

Section #1: Tamar

#1. What relation was Judah to Tamar?
#2. What was the name of Tamar's second husband?
#3. How did her second husband die?
#4. What did Judah tell Tamar to do until his third son was grown?
#5. What clothing did Tamar wear when she went to meet Judah?
#6. When Judah saw her, why did he think her to be a harlot?
#7. What did Tamar ask Judah to give her as a pledge for the kid he was going to give her?
#8. What did Judah's friend the Adullamite do with the kid when he could not find Tamar?
#9. What did Judah say when he was told that Tamar was having a baby?
#10. Which one of Tamar's twins is mentioned in the ancestry of Joseph, the adopted father of Jesus?

Section #2: Delilah

#11. Which judge of Israel fell in love with Delilah?
#12. Where did Delilah come from?
#13. How much money did each of the rulers of the Philistines offer Delilah if she could discover the secret that would help them subdue the judge?
#14. What did Delilah use to tie up the man that the Philistines wanted to subdue?
#15. What order did the judge tell Delilah that he was?
#16. What happened to the pinned loom into which Delilah wove the seven braids of hair?
#17. How was Delilah able to discover the secret?
#18. When Delilah contacted the Philistines for the fourth time, did they pay her?
#19. How did Delilah get the judge to go to sleep?
#20. Who cut the judge's hair while he slept?

Section #3: Hannah

#21. Who was Hannah's husband, and Samuel's father?
#22. Why was Hannah grieved?
#23. What did Hannah promise to do if God would give her a male child?
#24. What else did she promise God?
#25. As Hannah prayed in the temple for a son, what did the priest think?
#26. As she prayed, what did the priest tell Hannah?
#27. Why did Hannah name her son 'Samuel'?
#28. How many daughters did Hannah have?
#29. What was the name of the priest that who served in the temple when Hannah brought Samuel to the temple?
#30. What did Hannah bring to Samuel every year?

Section #4: Poor Widows in the Bible

#31. What did the poor widow make for the prophet Elijah?
#32. As Jesus watched, how much money did the poor widow throw into the treasury?
#33. This man raised the son of a widow from the dead. Who was the man that did this?
#34. In what city did Jesus raised a boy from the dead and present him to his widowed mother?
#35. Paul instructed that widows should not be taken care of by the church until what age?
#36. Who was the widow who met the baby Jesus at the temple?
#37. Who, according to Jesus, "devoured widows' houses"?
#38. How many men were chosen to distribute food to widows in the early church?
#39. In the parable of the widow and the unjust judge, Jesus said, that men ought always to pray, and not to what?
#40. In Revelation, what city will be destroyed for "she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow."?

Section #5. Who Was That Biblical Woman?

#41. Who was the woman that posed as a prostitute so that she could meet with her father in law?
#42. Who was the woman that offered to water Eliezer's camels at the well?
#43. Who was the woman that was successful in getting Samson to divulge the source of his strength?
#44. Who was the mother of Moses, Aaron and Miriam?
#45. Who was the woman that prophesied to Barak that he would win the battle, but the victory would be at the hands of a woman?
#46. Who was the woman that drove a tent peg through the skull of Sisera?
#47. Who was the woman that hid two spies under some piles of flax on her roof?
#48. Who was the woman that led the women of Israel out in a dance when they crossed the Red Sea?
#49. Who was the woman that made her son a coat each year and took it to him?
#50. Who was the woman that had a little room built onto the house so that the prophet Elisha could stay with them?
#51. Who was the woman that the Lord made childless because she mocked the way the king worshipped the Lord?
#52. Who was the woman that threw an upper millstone onto Abimelech's head and crushed his skull?

Section # 6: Who's Wife Was It? New Testament

#53. Who's wife was Sapphira?
#54. Who's wife was Elisabeth?
#55. Who's wife was Herodias?
#56. Who's wife was Priscilla?
#57. Who's wife was Drusilla?
#58. Who's wife was Mary, the mother of Jesus?
#59. Who's wife was the woman at the well in Samaria?
#60. Who was King Agrippa's wife?

Section #7: Who's Wife Was It? Old Testament

#61. Who's wife was Eve?
#62. Who's wife was Dinah?
#63. Who's wife was Rachel?
#64. Who's wife was Rebekah?
#65. Who's wife was Sarah?
#66. Who's wife was Esther?
#67. Who's wife was Jezebel?
#68. Who's wife was Jochebed (the mother of Moses, Aaron and Miriam?)
#69. Who's wife was Gomer?
#70. Who's wife was Jael?
#71. Who's wife was Delilah?
#72. Which one of these was not a wife of Esau?
#73. Who's wife was Hannah, the mother of Samuel?
#74. Who's wife was Abigail?
#75. Which king's wife disguised herself before going to Ahijah, the prophet?