Name: Illiyanari
Age:  30 Turns
Nameday: .04.15
Sex:  Female
Sexual Orientation:  it's a mystery
Rider Rank:  wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: n/a

Physical Description: 
Standing a respectable 5'10" tall, she is buxom and full-figured, muscular rather than soft, with weathered deep tan skin, and laughter lines around her lively, expressive dark brown-almost black eyes that are fringed with thick black lashes. She has blue-black hair, peppered with white that is just beginning to become visible, that falls to mid back and has a natural wave to it, usually pulled back in a smart, no-nonsense braid. Possessed of full sensual lips, high cheekbones, and a nose that is just a little too straight and strong to be considered handsome, she is a striking woman.


Positive Trait List: strong sense of justice,honorable,dependable
Negative Trait List: ruthless, 'black is black white is white there is no grey' mentality, hot-tempered



Name: Ushasth
Age:  13 Turns
Color:  Gold
Size: 41.5'
Physical Description: Sleek, fine boned, slim bodied, Ushasth seems to be delicate and fragile, but in truth, she is anything but. Perfectly proportioned for her rather dainty size, she would seem to be made for speed and delicate aerial maneuvering, but alas, she is far from graceful. In fact, one might well call her awkward and ungainly in motion, and they wouldn't be wrong. She has surprising reserves of stamina given her size, and an unflagging resilience.


Positive Traits:Compassionate, Self-confident, Charismatic
Negative Traits:Jealous, Headstrong, Restless

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: User Image
uta's Nameday Jamboree