[Character Name]Baranara Nanabara
[Where Are They Moving?] Kokorogakure
[What Happened During the Skip?]
•Established of the Agricultural District
•Established the Green Guard A Collective whose goals are animal domestication, hunting, and preservation followed by collecting and cultivating rare or new flora and fauna. They work as lessers to the Mist Wraiths in where they may be the cops but the green guard are mall cops and their mall is specific in what they've been tasked to uphold. Primarily handle bounties and hunting licenses.
•Established the Wisemen A Collective whose goals are documentation of new and otherworldly events. Their task is study and pursue knowledge, the given tasks by the Wisemen conciliate is usually tied in with discovering things, relics, and locations as opposed to straight up fighting things.
•Established the Proving Ground where inhabitants guilty of theft and criminal accusations may fight for their innocence at a usually unfair disadvantage as opposed to a legal trial. Also serves as a grounds for public execution.
•Accidently Established the Pleasure Gardens under the pretense it was a place to alleviate tensions but has become an area for the legal sale of illicit services, although it masquerades primarily as the entertainment district.

[Character Name]Clio a.k.a Bloop
[Where Are They Moving?] Blazing Abodes
[What Happened During the Skip?]
•Bloop has developed a greater understanding of the machinations of the world, yet very little has still left to leave a notable impact. Bloop became the 'Gremgod' after defeating the gremleader out of sheer accidental stalactite falling on them which aided in the eventual evacuation of the group. But he eventually grew incredibly bored of the title and followed the group to the Blazing Abodes he's developed a slight case of kleptomania and has since been called the shadow of the hub. Its not that Bloop has been stealing the items in particular for himself but more so that piles of missing objects just seem to turn up places and eventually either find their way back to their rightful owners or are stolen by someone else.