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It was well past the middle of the night and the air felt cool and crisp on the lioness' fur. She was used to this, the beauty of the Mwezi'Johari pre-dawn. Ever since her cubhood in the days of the Ukuucha'Wafalme, Dareia had "suffered" from a nighttime insomnia, sleeping only in bouts throughout the day. At first she absolutely hated it; back in the U'W with her siblings she was the odd one out. She could never sleep through an entire night - her mind was too active, her paws too itchy for never-ending walks. She knew she was incalculably lucky to have found the Mwezi, because she was no longer alone. Although, notably the rest of the pride wasn't suffering from some problem in her brain, they were simply worshippers of the night.

As she padded along, she realized she was idly heading towards the Eastern border, along which a small river ran. She had always enjoyed the water - the sound of it was beautiful, calming. Dareia glanced around, watching as the small crowd of lions near the dens thinned out as she got further and further away. It was nice, being alone sometimes, but it often got rather lonely.

Ki'jivu yawned idly, his steps making nary a noise as he walked along the river skirting the pridal border. He shook out his fluffy, starry mane and flicked his tail in boredom. Although he didn't mind these night shifts - and he loved the light of the moon so - they could be quite exhausting. There was a reason pre-dawn guard duty belonged to the youngest and newest adult members of the pride. It really wasn't all that desirable. If he were going to be awake at this time of night, he'd rather be doing, well, anything else. It was simply so lonely and dull out at the borderlands. Little did he know, all that was about to change.

The lion's ears flicked as he thought he caught wind of paw steps beside his own. He turned, facing away from the border, and found himself looking upon a lioness both white and a cloud and dark as the night sky. She was still quite far away, but Ki'jivu rapidly found himself intrigued.

Not too far from the border, Dareia soon realized that she might not have to spend this night alone. Her blue eyes flickered as she lay sight upon a mid-sized male, nearly as dark as the night sky. But, no - it seemed that his fluff was shimmering. "Hello!" she called jovially, wanting to get close enough to understand what was going on with his mane.

She sped her pace up a bit, then slowed from a trot to a walk once more as she approached the male. He was, for lack of a better term, absolutely gorgeous. His mane actually accurately reflected the sky in the midst of a clear night - it was covered in little stars. Dareia almost laughed, understanding that he was the quintessential Mwezi. Odd, because so was she, in a way.

"I'm Dareia," the lioness said, introducing herself and bowing her head a bit. Although she was an upper class Lady within the pride, and that itself demanded respect, she was once recognized as the daughter of a Sultan and knew damn well how to effuse some good manners.

Ki'jivu was still a young lion, new to this large (he was average-sized, but it seemed large to him) body of his. But understanding beauty did not come with age, he was pretty sure that was an appreciation one was born with. And he was using that intuition now, gazing upon the lioness that approached him. Her coat markings were simple, yes, but they were quite beautiful - and there was something about the way she held herself that commanded attention. It was alluring.

As she introduced herself, the guard allowed his body to dip into a deeper bow - he didn't know her status within the pride, but something about her stature gave indication that she wasn't of a lower class. "Pleased to meet you... Dareia," he hesitated and ruminated on her name, enjoying the way it played upon his lips. "I am Ki'jivu," he added lamely. "Are you... are you all alone tonight?" It wasn't unusual to see someone venturing out on their own, but it was much more typical for someone to have a friend. But she seemed secure in her loneliness.

At his question, Dareia felt her face get a bit hot. She wasn't a loner per se, she just never had any luck making good friends. Lions she was friendly with, sure, but never any full-fledged friendships. Particularly none that wanted to stay up all night with her.

"Unfortunately, it seems I am alone. Why, would you care to accompany me?" She smiled, soft and easy, hoping he would take the bait. She obviously didn't know this Ki'jivu from any other lion, but something about him drew her in. Dareia was pretty sure it was his sparkling mane that reflected the night sky she'd come to regard as her close confidant, but regardless she needed more.

Ki'jivu refused to smile too broadly at her invitation, but he was quite pleased to have received it. Although, he realized, he would have to decline it. Unless... "Actually, I'm on guard duty at the current, but I would be honored if you were to accompany me." He continued smiling, hoping Dareia was receptive to sticking to the border lands.

"And I would be honored to honor you with my presence," she spoke, laughing at the strange formality to it all. She motioned to the side with her head, indicating that he should follow her, continuing in his path along the bordering river. "Lucky you, on guard duty during the most beautiful time of night." Although she was sure it was not luck at all but the opposite of that, she personally tended to think of this time as the absolute tops.

Ki'jivu followed her steps, in awe of the fact that she so easily decided to join him. He really didn't anticipate getting the, well, honor of getting to know her. His dark gray eyes raked over her body, wanting to drink in the entirety of her. "Yes," he said with a broad smile, "lucky me." And he truly meant it. Something about this night, this meeting, felt auspicious - he could feel it in his bones.

Dareia felt her face warm, pleased that the lion beside her seemed so eager to spend time with her. It was so difficult to make friends, that she thought she could really use time with, well, anyone. But something about this felt different. She turned to him and returned the smile, then looked ahead, musing about the way this moment felt. Important. She could savor it forever.