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[PRP] Family Hunting

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Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:57 pm
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Recovery had been a long process.

Long ago she had talked to the old Cheifan about war. He had told her about battle lust; the adrenaline that maddened warriors and brought them back to the field again and again. Now, after her first, she understood what the old man meant by his words. She had never experienced a feeling like it before and, silently; she prayed the fates would lead her to glory once more. The Outlands were a warrior tribe. Now she was truly one of them. The Queen's Vengeance, they called her.

Recovery had been a low process. She had been nursing multiple litters and the little ones had drained her energy and left her dry and tired. Thankfully, now they were a little older, forming words and feeding on flesh; she was finally starting to feel like her old self. But, tiny maws went hungry quickly - and the sooner her cubs could hunt, the less of a strain they were on the pride’s finite resources. Growing up in the wasteland happened quickly, even for those of royal blood. Everyone, even the young, had to pull their weight.

As a Shield, Chausika was not often found in the Pride’s hunting grounds. It was a duty carried out by her mate at his bretheren. Though today, she had taken a break from her duties to assist Azzan in his teaching (and to spend some well earned family time). Their first litter was large, too large for one pair of eyes alone. “Let’s hope our little migration does not scare the herd. The children are bouncing with energy this morning.” She mumbled, turning her attention towards her mate. Seven cubs - and she would happily give him seven more his prime left him.

His recovery had been as drawn out as her own. A consequence of age, they both knew, though she would not say it outloud. She offered him a soft smile before looking back towards the sands, knowing the little ones blended in a little too well at times. Left unchecked for too long, they were prone to vanishing.


Daayan clearly thought the hunt had begun early. Green eyes twitched and jittered as he followed the movements of a small rodent that was running between the long, dead grass. The growl in his throat was high pitched and childlike, his voice had not broken nor did he know how to have the sound rumble in his chest. His roar was weaker than his brothers, which at his age was the greatest of insults.

He pounced at the bush and the dry twigs broke under his weight. After a moment he emerged with splinters embedded in his rusty mane and his prey dead in his maw. He walked with his head held high and his chest puffed out proudly. Though he was still young, tufts of orange had started to sprout in random places across his neck and shoulders in a way that was utterly ridiculous looking to his kin - they often made fun of him for it. And in response, he usually clouted them behind the ears.

Like many young males, he was in a rush to prove himself - and, prancing ahead of his siblings. Took his place happily between his father’s front legs, puring happily. Luckily, Azzan had no lack of practise, of walking with Daayan walking under him. It was his prefered spot during the day. And at night, he curled up in the crook of his neck - leaving it sore and stiff come the morning.

Soon, he would be too big to claim that place.


Farah was one of the more reserved cubs, more timid by nature, she walked with her mother’s tail in her mouth so she did not fall behind. Though as her dark brother walked passed, her grip loosened and pale eyes wandered between the back ends of her parents. At first Chau had thought her to have two silver eyes as she did, however, as she grew older one pale eye deepened into a soft blue.

Most of the litter had inherited their father's strange and wonderful eyes, adorning colours that traced back to previous generations in his family. Though, it would be a long time until any of the young ones would come to appreciate that gift the Ancestors had bestowed on them.

Farah lowered her head and snuck up behind Daayan, jumping him from behind and stealing his kill from his mouth before running on ahead with the rodent impaled between her fangs. “Mine.” She claimed. And it was hers.

”Farah! How dare!” The young male growled as threatening and pathetic as he had done before, and chased his sister who was now running ahead of the group, giggling.

“Not too far! We are almost there!” Chau called out to them both. She then looked to her mate, willing him to go and round them up as she kept an eye on the rest.
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 10:57 am
Tahka's nature shined brightest when he was around others. The burnt red colored cub was naturally charismatic and outgoing. He seemed to get along best, however, with anyone who wasn't his own sibling. Perhaps 'sibling rivalry' was not merely a playful term, but rather a natural condition of having so many litter mates. Only his twin seemed to escape Tahka's brash nature when it came to his sisters and brothers. But, she was his twin, she was always excused for her annoyances.

His grievance now was that Daayan and Farah were playing together, and it didn't seem like he had been invited. Of course, Farah's play was more mean-spirited, and actually thievery, but he still wanted to be involved. The young cub bristled a little as he watched the pair run ahead of the hunting party. His grey head-tuft made him seem older than the rest of his siblings, but the disgruntled pout upon his face revealed his youth.

He could have been hanging out with his friends right now, yet was forced to even have this trip delayed because of Farah and Daayan. Which, he noted, wasn't all that much of a surprise. Well, he wasn't going to wait around for Farah and Daayan to be wrangled. He was going to forge ahead, and get to the hunting grounds before anyone else. Of all his siblings, he was the most capable, the strongest and most certainly the bravest! "I am going to go help mom," Tahka told his dad, fully believing that Azzan would buy the lie.

He marched on ahead, tail and head held high, completely ignoring all of his siblings in his quest to be the most valorous.

Z o m b i k ii


Tipsy Senshi


Eloquent Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 2:58 pm
Azzan would never admit had long it had taken for him to get back up on his feet again; not being able to answer his Queen's summons the day after battle had been a special kind of agony and it had taken him days, with Chau's coaxing, to not curse himself and his age as it crept up on him. He had fought his hardest to protect Khethiwe, tooth and nail, and would have kept going had his body not betrayed him. As it was, he was covered in fresh new scars and still healing from bruises that ached beneath his bright fur.

Luckily it was much too hard to wallow in one's self pity when there were seven rambunctious children demanding attention. It was rare for their father to be home so often and they seemed to revel in it. He was thankful for every moment, even the ones where he had to discipline the small, dusty devils. Without his family he knew he might not have bounced back from his guilt so easily. Chau and their children had given him a reason to get up when he was down.

"Alright, alright," he murmured under his breath as Chau gave him an imploring, side long glance. "I don't know why I always have to deal with the wild ones, though."

Yet as he stepped forward, he was smiling beneath a rumbling laugh. It took no time at all to catch up to Tahka, and his mismatched eyes glanced down at his son's proud head.

"You are not a very good liar," he whispered, taking slow and deliberate steps to keep pace with the little one. His eyes swung ahead of him, keeping the fussing, darker children in sight. "I bet you could sneak up on Farah if I distract them though, don't you?"


Eifa sighed as her siblings all began to forge ahead, watching them as they fought over a single rodent. She had long since decided that she was the most mature and responsible one and, thus, the best. She prowled proudly at her mother's side with her head held high, full of herself and teeming with undeserved confidence. If her father was going to deal with the rambunctious ones then she would of course just stay here.

"I'll help you with the rest of them, mom," she announced proudly. For good measure, she tossed her head, as if she were shaking a mane tuft out of her eyes. It was a motion she had seen the older lionesses in the pride do time and time again. Never mind that she didn't have a mane to shake out yet. "And I think papa should probably teach Farah that stealing is not okay. I think the ancestors would be very unhappy."

She ended her words with a small hmph to accentuate her obvious displeasure.

Z o m b i k ii

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 1:45 pm


Chau’s ghostly eyes turned downwards towards her daughter as she spoke. Eifa had a captivating soul that never failed to make her smile brightly. The lioness watched the way her daughter moved, from the way she stood straight and proud - to the way she flicked her imaginary locks, a habit she knew she had learned from her mother. Chau was a foreigner and her red mane was longer and more unruly than most that could be found within the pride, so much so she wore it in a braid. She did not have the heart to tell her daughter that, like her grandmother, she would be beautiful, bold and regal; but maneless. Azzan’s blood was strong, and his heritage was prominent in all her children.

“That is true.” Though in agreement, she could not hold back the soft chuckle that escaped her maw. It was her turn to shake her head then, making her braid bounce and the golden bands she wore shine in the bright sun, casting light across the redstone. “Though, Daayan should learn to protect his horde from opportunists.” The Shield would feel hypocritical to scold Farah for engaging in an a act she once practised. Chau was once a rogue, a thief and Tarnished. It was not a secret to her children, though they were all too young to understand right now; she hoped her honesty would humble them..

They were the Scions of Thaka, sons and daughters to one of the Outland’s most treasured Generals; one that was once heir to the throne. Their bloodline was royal and something they would take great pride in as age made it more apparent. Yet, they were also the cubs of a foreigner who had to fight tooth and claw to earn her place within the lands. She hoped that maybe one day, they would take just as much pride in their mother. And learn to treat the outsiders of this world with kindness.

Chau’s eyes fell on her daughter once more. “You will look after my treasures, when they are yours?” The dark lioness shook her front paw and the bangles that hung around it rattled against her ankle. Once a gift from Katiti - she had promised each of her daughters a treasure when they reached adulthood so they could carry a piece of herself with them.


Ahead of the main group Daayan was still chasing his sister, for now she was swifter and faster than himself. The male’s muscles were tense and sore from growing, often limp when he woke up in the middle of the night, growling softly. He willed his legs to run faster, but his body had other ideas. In one last attempt of desperation, he leaped - trying to land on his siblings back but getting a facefull of sand instead. He skidded for a little while, and the thud on the Earth was enough to have his sister turn around - her mismatched eyes widening with concern.

The small lioness wandered back to him, her ears flat against her head as she spoke through a mouthful of flesh. “A-are you okay?” She asked him, her voice small and delicate like her frame. It was almost comical, the way the creatures blood pooled around her maw.

Her brother, to his credit, did not whine or cry. He just spat out the earth from his tongue and shook his head to rid himself of the sudden pain in his forehead and shoulders. It hurt a little bit, more so than he cared to admit - but a real Outlander did not cry. It was almost time for his training to begin and he would die of embarrassment if he let a whimper slip out whilst attending the academy. He did not know what would be more mortifying, doing it infront of Ebbe or his father.

”Y-yea, it’s just a scratch. Just let me, catch my breath.” He had always tried to be brave, and shake off injury like he was the adults did when they dueled.

He pushed himself back onto his paws and shook the red sand off of his dark pelt, to his sister's credit she waited and watched him pick himself up before she turned to run away again. And if like he was reacting to her courtesy, he whispered a small countdown to himself before he gave chase once more - to let her regain the lead she had given up to check on him.

Z o m b i k ii

Magical Girl


Tipsy Senshi

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 6:35 pm
Tahka looked up over his shoulder to see that his dad had not fallen for the ruse at all. It was not that he expected his father to be gullible, he just fancied himself as being clever. He wanted to be the hero of this little adventure, and sharing the limelight with his siblings was such a drag. With his father having caught on to him, Tahka offered a pout in his defense. Which... seemed to work? The curious twitch of his ears and the sudden brightness in his eyes was enough of a cue to Azzan that he had his son's interest.

"I could sneak up on anyone even without your help!" Tahka boasted, absolutely beaming up at his father. If there was something he did not lack, it was ego.

He watched as Daayan made a spectacular tumble trying to catch their sister, and though for a moment he was concerned, that concern did not last long. Once it was clear that Daayan had not gravely injured himself, Tahka laughed. He cared for his siblings, but that care was not enough to excuse them from being laughed at when they were being ridiculous. He lifted a paw to wipe a joyous tear from the corner of his eye, and then pointed towards his brother with a single claw. "Hah! You're going to make the best Claw, Daayan!" he teased. "If you stumble over your enemies I'm sure you'll manage to strike one!"

It was clear that this son hadn't quite mastered his manners, and was feeling quite bold enough to be teasing his sibling in front of both of his parents. Even if it was admirable of Daayan to pick himself right back up after he had fallen, Tahka wasn't about let him forget that he had fallen. The young cub was sure that he had more grace in one of his legs than Daayan had in all four.


Z o m b i k ii
PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2019 12:06 pm

Eifa's thoughts turned silent as her mother pointed out the obvious flaw in her opinion. How would Daayan learn to fight for himself if his sister wasn't such a brat? Was it trading one's honor for another? Eifa was too young and too naive to know but it silenced her sassy words and put a thoughtful gleam to her eye none-the-less.

Only, it was distracted away as her mother held out a dark paw and dangled flashing, golden bracelets at her. The tight line of her maw pulled into a smile and when she looked up at her mother again she was filled with determination.

"Of course I will, momma! They will be super safe with me. I promise."

Her head lifted proudly and she tried to emulate the way her mother walked, the easy way she carried herself. She would be a good daughter, she would.


Azzan laughed low at Tahka's pride and ego and, for what it was worth, did not bother to tease him for it. If he did not want his help then that was fine and well - far be it from him to teach his son that he should rely upon others when he felt he could handle it himself. The ancestors would let him know when he had gone too far with it, they always did.

"Alright, alright," his gait was lazy enough as he trailed after his children, "but you should probably start running if you're going to catch up to them, hm? They're leaving you in their dust."


Z o m b i k ii


Eloquent Lunatic

[IC] Deserted...

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