Resaka has only recently taken over as the Monarch of Mimi’naona and she already felt like she was failing those that she had promised to help. She could foresee so much promise for this pride, but what she couldn’t foresee what how she could get the pride to the glorious place that she could see them at. She let out a bit of a sigh. Things of course had gotten more exciting for her when one of her half siblings had turned up at the pride. Resaka would recognize the markings of Utako anywhere, she was one of his children that had it more than anyone else and Dzikuska’s while smaller was almost identical in colour to both Resaka and Utako’s. It had been quite interesting to meet a half sibling that not only wasn’t a lion but wasn’t even feline in species. Resaka was quick however to take the female hyena under her wing and welcome her into the pride. She loved having a sister with her.

Today however wasn’t about her sister, it was about the wild dog she knew would be returning home. Resaka had seen the wild dog off and had know dreamed of her coming home. It wouldn’t be long before the wild dog returned now and she was fairly certain the returning pride member would have some good news for the ruling lion. She took a deep breath settling herself on the border of the pride to wait, knowing the purple and black wild dog would be here soon. She let out a bit of a yawn as she waited.

Uva felt that her trip through the rogue lands had been pretty successful she had picked up bits of informations from several prides and even more individuals and she had travelled and now she was coming home with a head full of knowledge that she hoped she could give to her pride and help it grow to a new level. Making it what it once was, what she hoped it could be again. She let out a sigh. She knew that she was almost home, she could smell it. The familiar scents filling her nostrils. Until now she hadn’t really stopped to think about how much she had really been homesick but with it being so close she felt butterflies filling her stomach as anticipation filled her.

Uva wasn’t expecting to crest the final hill and see the Monarch to be waiting for her but when she did she couldn’t help but she shouldn’t have been surprised. Resaka had taken over as Monarch not long before Uva had left to gain her information. Uva herself hadn’t had a chance to talk to her much but she had heard the lioness was the daughter of a god and was a very gifted seer, and that she had come to Mimi promising a better future. It was hopeful and Uva hoped that now that she had collected this information she could help her make it happen.

Uva nodded her head in greeting when as she approached the lioness. “Good afternoon Resaka” she said taking a seat before the tan coloured lioness. Resaka had always been approachable so Uva wasn’t intimidated at all that she was here waiting for her, in fact she was quite excited, it likely meant that the lioness had for saw her coming and knew that something Uva had heard of was good information, worthwhile for the pride. Something in her head was going to help the pride flourish just like Uva had hoped.

Resaka smiled warmly, she had always wanted to be one of the pride members and approachable so she was happy when Uva greeted her like an old friend as opposed to an old queen or a ruler to be feared. Resaka didn’t want to rule above the pride she wanted to rule with them, help them and keep them safe, this was what Mimi was about. Help the seer population develop and learn their powers to help everyone.

“Welcome home Uva” Resaka greeted the female wild dog warmly a smile spreading across her maw. The wild dog looked happy and healthy clearly she had kept safe and well fed in the roguelands, Resaka couldn’t help but worry when her pride members wondered out specially when they went out on their own like Uva had. “I am happy to see you home safe.”

“To am happy to be home safe too.” Uva replied excitedly, there were many faces Uva was looking forward to seeing, though of course first she would spend as much time as needed with Resaka trying to give her all the information she had collected that might help the pride. “I think I have learned things that could help Mimi.” She told the Monarch proudly, it was hard not to toot her own horn a little.

“I think you have some information for me too.” Resaka replied with a chuckle. “Why don’t we head into the pride though and get a little more comfortable than this though.” Resaka told her. She rose to her feet to begin the walk back into the pride lands. “I of course want to hear of your travels to not just of what you learned.” Resaka told Uva as they began their stroll. It hadn’t been that long since lion had been in the roguelands but it would be nice to hear about the other pride’s Uva had encountered and things she had seen.

Uva followed beside Resaka feeling pretty darn special as they walked, she couldn’t help but hold her head a little higher though she was careful not to have her nose in the air, she wasn’t that type of wild dog after all. “Of course I will tell you everything.” she said in a slightly hushed tone. She felt her cheeks blush slightly. She recognized a few faces as they made their way through the pride that she offered quick smiles or nods to making mental notes to go and see them later.

“Here we are.” Resaka announced when they made it to her den. “Well let’s get to work I think we have a lot to discuss.” she said as she ducked inside her den, ready to get down to business. Good things were coming for Mimi and Resaka personally couldn’t wait to get started.