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Little white dipped paws tiptoed their way through the grass, though the swishing of her tail behind her gave her very blatantly away to anyone that was looking for her. Still, she wasn’t too worried about anyone seeking her out. Her mother was busy with her siblings, and very few ever gave a tiny slave cub much attention so long as she didn’t try to leave the pride, and she really didn’t care to leave. Why would she? Her scenes never showed her anything that would suggest she should?

The “scenes” were something she and her siblings all had in common, a gift from their no-show father (according to her mother) and something that made them special. Although nana Oji usually grumbled about it if he ever came up in conversation beyond that, so they tried not to really bring it up around the hare... or around any of the pride, actually. Best to keep the rogue out of polite talk.

It didn’t really matter to her whether she met him or not, or where they came from, or what the Great Lion thought of them. They were Mwezi, and that’s all that mattered in the end. They had family here, and a momma that cared so much for them, and....

Well, alright, maybe Medli had another reason she didn’t want to leave. She just needed to find him first. The scenes were only flashes, vague glimpses of the future, but they were enough to leave her wanting more. Of a warm mane to bury herself in and such a soft, kind voice, you could practically melt in it. She knew the one for her - her very own mate - had to be the one she was seeing in those scenes! Her sister, Ilta, was the only one she had ever told of these recurring scenes, and of course, said sister only rolled her eyes and commented that she was making things out as more than she should. Medli refused to let that get to her though - she’d show her!

Today was one such day where she wandered and searched, hoping to find the mystery boy in her visions. The moon always shown so brightly in her scenes, so she had no doubt that it meant he was here in the Mwezi. If only she could-

The cub froze in place as a very light tone reached her ears. It was so faint and quiet, she’d almost missed it. Ears flicking up curiously and excitement bubbling within her, Medli moved quietly towards it, listening intently to the singing to see if she could recognize it.

He liked being by himself. His brothers and sisters knew it, his mother knew it, his pride would know it if he ever really bothered to interact with them... but of course, he tried to avoid that. Not that he did it to be mean, or anti social, or anything like that! He just.... he hated attention. People always cooed over how cute he and his siblings were, and how tragic it was that they were born at such an inopportune time, and (more secretly whispered by some of the more gossipy lionesses) that he and his brothers should find a nice lady to hook up with. Young as he was, he really had no idea what they were talking about, or why he should care.

No, all he cared about right now was that there was no one around to hear him. Sun-colored eyes slid back and forth from his crouched hiding spot, nervousness apparent in his body language and showing that he was very much uncomfortable, but he liked this new hobby of his, something his mother had taught him, and he was too shy to do it in front of his littermates.

So, with a deep breathe, Brio edged his way further through the grass until he came upon a little cave tucked away underneath a boulder. He’d found this the last time he was out playing with his siblings, and had filed it away until he could come back later. A quick look around didn’t show anyone nearby... it should work for what he wanted.

A little more confident now that he was closer, he slipped his way inside before finding a nice, comfy looking spot and sitting down. He took a second to just observe his surroundings, taking in the dirt walls and empty silence, and then smiled. This would certainly do.

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and imagining the song his mother had taught him.

Then very softly, he began singing.

He wasn’t... the best, he thought to himself as he cringed a little at the initial cracking of his voice, but he hoped to get better with practice. Then maybe he could make up a new song and surprise mother with it! He was sure she’d like that. With that thought bolstering him, Brio continued his practice.

The bad news was that he wasn’t as alone as he thought.

The good news was that his silent audience was utterly enthralled by his voice, eyes wide despite not actually being in the cave enough to see him. Could it be? It certainly sounded like the voice, albeit kind of high pitched. Actually, it was kind of squeaky and childish, so maybe not.

Medli tilted her head to the side, not really sure anymore. Still, they had a very pretty voice, and she would love to meet whoever it was singing so nicely, and for all the cubs her age, she hadn’t yet found someone to really call “friend”. She’d love to make a friend!

And she didn’t have more opportunity to think about it, as the ground suddenly slid out from under her and she was sent tumbling down into the cave with a screech.

Brio stumbled backwards with a yell as the pink form barreled down in front of him, ears flat against his head and chest heaving in shock. Who-? What-?! He thought he was alone!

His first response was to flee, but unfortunately, the newcomer was taking up the entrance and he fumbled in place as he tried to decide what to do. As the dust settled though, and the stranger finally came into view, he relaxed only slightly at the sight of another cub.

Medli gave herself a shake, disoriented from the fall, and then turned to notice her shell-shocked companion. Giving a sheepish smile, she lifted a paw to rub at her cheek, hoping to the Great Lion that she was all dirty now.

“Sorry! I, uhm... I didn’t mean to do that.” She giggled, “I wanted to drop in to say hi, but I didn’t think I’d do it literally.” She was rather proud of her joke, though the lack of response made her smile falter. Had she said something wrong? Was there still dirt on her face? He was still staring at her like she was a ghost.

Kicking at a rock on the ground, she tried to think of what to say to break the ice. Maybe... maybe he was nervous about someone hearing him sing? But why? He was really good!

“So uh.... I really liked your singing! Have you been doing it for long?” Silence. “Cause... cause I’d be ‘lion’ if I said it wasn’t,” she paused for dramatic, a grin spreading across her face, “a-meow-zing.”

She didn’t do well in awkward situations.

It served its purpose though and broke at least some of the tension in Brio’s stature. “W.... what?” He wasn’t sure how to process this moment. She wasn’t acting like the adults did, all cooing and embarrassing, but she also wasn’t acting like the other cubs he has met, who mostly want to play fight or poke fun at him. Instead, she was... joking?

He sat down slowly, ears still pulled flat against his skull but now looking at her with a more contemplative look. “Were you... spying on me?”

”N-no!” The question had her sputtering, tail frizzed out behind her. “I was just...” She tried to think of a response that wasn’t incriminating her, “I was... kind of... wandering? And heard you?” That... maybe wasn’t better. She bit at her lip, “Your voice was just... it was so pretty... and I just... followed... it.”

Seeing his face twist up even more, she tried to backtrack, “No, no, no, it was so good! Don’t be shy about it! It made me really happy to hear it!” She looked down ashamedly, “I didn’t mean to make you stop...”

He just stared at her for a moment, before turning his gaze down to his paws. It made her happy...?

“You... you really liked it that much?”

”Oh, yes! Definitely! It’s the best thing I’ve heard all day!”

His eyes widened at that, a bashful look on his face, “I-I don’t know about that, but.... I’m glad you liked it.” His next sentence was stammered, “I’m still learning though, my mother can sing a lot better than me.”

Medli blinked, “Really? But you’re already so good!” Then again, she probably wasn’t a good judge of that. What experience did she have with it?

The thought made her frown. How did she know her soulmate wouldn’t want her to know these things too? Was she willing to embarrass herself like that?

No. No she wasn’t.

... Maybe they could help each other?

She shuffled forward just a bit, a pleading look on her face, “I can help you practice, if you want. I can keep really quiet, and just give advise when I see it, and, uhm... I’ll be a really, really good audience!” She grinned, “I would love to hear more, if you’re okay with that.”

He frowned in thought, unsure whether to trust her, but... well, she as already here, and she didn’t seem too bad, and it might be nice to have an outside view.... plus, he had to admit, it was flattering hearing someone say that they liked his singing.

So, after giving it some thought, he gave a shaky smile back at her and nodded, “O-okay.”

Medli gave him a bright smile in return, almost wiggling in her excitement as she shuffled even closer so she lay on her stomach in front of him. “Great! I’m Medli, by the way.”

”Brio,” he replied softly, before clearing his throat and trying to psych himself up for singing in front of her.