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(backlogged to sky festival)

Nervousness didn't even begin to describe how she felt. Kituko was not one to mingle in prides, or near any groups of anyone; her powers were under more control than they had been when she was young, but she knew that she would never be in complete control. At times, she was sure that they were in charge more than she was. Her wings were cloaked under a spell, but her eyes were as solid black as ever. She kept her face down as she searched through the crowds, the twisting tattooed bodies humming to the same tune as her blood.

She would never understand why her brother decided to become one of them. They were not bad, but he would die, and she would live on without him. That pain tore through her chest more than she could put into words. Her heart began to beat faster as she increased her pace. How could he live with so many lions in one place? Sure, they weren't always together like this, but she could barely stand to spend another minute here. Only the knowledge that she was going to leave her sole child in the care of this pride kept her from fleeing immediately.

Between the forms of two other lions, she finally saw him. Kimbilio. She carefully weaved her way between the strangers, her eyes almost shining as she finally spotted him. The same cream as their mother's coat; the same soft crease around his eyes. She felt herself smile, while the urge to flee nipped at her heels. If she didn't confront the fact that he was aging, she could pretend he would never die.

"Kimbi!" she exclaimed as she drew closer to him. The joy was so overwhelming she nearly lost control of her glamor on her wings. She thrust herself into his mane, inhaling his scent. After Mother, he was the closest thing that felt like home. "I'm sorry I haven't come to visit in quite a while," she said, her eyes trying very hard to not focus on his slight wrinkles. Or the bit of white that was peeking out from his brows and mouth. He was still as handsome as ever, but she didn't want to think about him getting old, like some mortals she had seen. Like how Tawa'di Kanati used to be.

"K-kituko? What...why are you here?" She hadn't bothered to let him know that she was visiting. He knew how poorly she did in crowds, and was instantly worried. "Is everything ok?" He nuzzled the top of her head for a moment before motioning her to follow him just off the beaten path. She would do better with less curious eyes, especially with how comfortable they are with one another. As much as she was his sister, they looked nothing alike.

"No. Yes? Not really," she finally said once the thrumming sound of the group eased up when they stopped walking. "I am thankful to see that there was no damage here, but something went wrong in the Haven, and things seemed to.... break." How else was she to describe it? "I um... I have a daughter now, and I realized that I can't keep her safe on my own with the way the gods are rumbling. I was hoping to leave her here in your care, but the.. uh... that male that makes the decisions..."

"The wanidatsi," Kimbi instictively corrected. It had taken him a bit to get used to the titles, but he did have his own unique, if awkward, relationship with Skan Kanati. "Sorry, continue."

"Err... right. Well, he decided that she was to be in Sky Clan, not...Wolf." She picked at the ground in worry, hating the fact that she couldn't intrude on the culture of this pride to break any rules or protocol. She didn't know anyone else in this pride, and her daughter only knew her. What was she supposed to do now?

Kimbi nodded. "Well, he is a seer, Kituko. He can see glimpses into their future, each petitioner that wishes to conform to the land and culture here. He never shares what he sees, only tells them where to start their journey. There is a reason she was put into Sky. Keep coming in to visit, I'm sure you'll start to see why he did what he did." She did tend to worry, and fear for the sake of everyone she crossed paths with. Kituko was Fear, and yet she did everything she could to lessen Fear in the world. It was quite the connundrium.

"If... if you're sure. Should I talk with him, to make sure it is fine I come visit?" Kituko wasn't sure; she didn't even really have much experience speaking with any mortal, and only a few gods. She always felt like she wasn't the trustworthy party, with her powers always threatening to burst out. Kimbi patted her head. "He knows about me; I can forewarn him that you are my sister, and he will ensure that everything is fine. I did what I did for myself, as well as for this pride; he knows that. I don't ask for favors, but this is one I would be happy to ask about." She smiled, a little warmer this time. "Ok."

She sighed, not quite wanting this moment to end. She wished that they could just fly away from here, from all their issues, but Kimbi's wings on his back were only an echo of what he used to be. "Well...the family is as usual. Mother is worried about something but won't tell me. I'll fill you in once I know more. And I'll try to visit you more than I have. I'm sorry Kimbi. None of us meant to leave you alone."

He chuckled. "I have a family here, Kituko. It is fine. I always think of you, and I am sure you do the same. Keep your chin up. Everything will work out." Kituko offered him a smile before sharing her farewells. She needed to see Tya before leaving to search out her mother once more.

(1,018 words)