The sheer irritation radiating off of the pale goddess when Damla had brought Algol to things was almost intolerable. The goddess sat with her wings folded tightly, ecxpression angry even now as the dark lioness Algol had been looking for say like a scolded cub atthe goddess' side. Not, as far as Algol could tell, because she was remorseful, but because the goddess had delivered a solid trouncing. So when he'd arrived, the darker lioness was still recouping, sitting, looking disgruntled, and nearby, a pale lioness Algol realized must be Damla's mother had collected a small, pale little male cub with the goddess' unspoken permission, based on the liufted paw, and had taken him relsewhere. Damla had almost waited, but seeing as she introduced him as a demon seeking the lioness... Well, the pale goddess had made it clear to him there was business for them alone.

The tension was palpable, and Algol knew it, squaring his shoulders as he assessed the situation. He was of Hakuna'jina, of the hallowed line of Sparda's own before the sides merged. He was no heir but his mother held power now and he knew if needed he could have her ear, and his brother Tuli's as well if needed. He feared nothing, and the male sat, studying Kabi'ten for saigns of weakness, and found himself pleasantly surprised to see none -- rather the faintest glimmer of cold resolve Noh'vah often showed in business matters of the pride. That and her visible similarities to both Miira and the current Shalori of Moricorm...

Was she an ascvended mortal?? He'd have to bring her into the pride to ascern his theory, but the male lion didn't expect her to willingly remain -- no, she was like Quilde. Pale -- but she had fire.

"So, you're a demon." Kabi'ten interrupted Algol's riumination by speaking calmly, matter of factly, and patiently, and Algol looked up to her, smiling patiently.

"Ah, yes, my lady. A Pleasure-seeker." He hummed patiently then, raising a paw. "Conversation, food, luxury -- and I supposde pleasures of the flesh if one so desired -- those are my specialty." Algol hummed softly, wondering if he could explain better, butKabi'ten tilted her head and smiled back.

"There's no harm in that." She drawled softly. "No, I seeka demon to take this little... theif off my paws." And she shoved Hana'fuego forwards, the dark red lioness making a face at being pushed, and further at Algol.

"Ugh. Hello again." The lioness grumbled. Algol smirked.

"Hello, poppet." He cooed smugly. Kabi'ten raised a brow, and algol purred sweetly.

"See, I've met this lady before. Travelled, for a short time." He motioned with a paw smugly. "Iknow she's some demon, with that hellfire gaze."

"I'm not a demon, idiot." Hana'fuego snorted, Kabi'Ten looking between them with her brow raising. This wasn't what she expected, but it was welcome -- someone knew how to manage her. Hopefully.

"This explains the effort to styeal my child." She hissed.

"You left him alone withouthis litter." Hana snorted back. "That's asking for someone to take him. Besides, who even has one cub?"

"He's adopted." Kabi'ten snarled firmly. Algol watchged, before sliding next to Hana'fuego smoothly, a paw resting on her shoulders. The female tensed, and Algol rumbled.

"Now dear flower, one doesn't pick a fight with a god." He soothed gently. Hana snarled to him roughly, Kabi'ten observing as Algol hummed, unphased. Instead, he rumbled, remaining still as Hana'Fuego felt her guard hairs fluff up at his presence, her fangs baring, and Algoil... Was far too accustomed to his presence causing this from her.

Kabi'Ten watched the male simply rumble deeply in his chesty to the female, trying to quietthe already enraged female, and for everal moments it seemed impossible. Still, Kabi'ten felt... Something there. The faintest tug from the female, based on Algol's behaviour -- the familiar feeling of her domain rolling and rumbling about her senses.

Algol liked her, fire and all. Still, Kabi'ten watched Hana'fuego next. The lioness was tense, rigid next to the dark blue marked male, as if his presense were reviled, but when nothing more happened, there was a change in body language.

Hana'Fuego sagged, expression defeated and unhapy.

"Ihave no say in this, do I." Hana'Fuego grumbled.

"You do," Kabi'ten drawled calmly. "There's always remaining serving me, after all."

Hana shook her head.

"No, him. He's always on about I'm a demon. ButI hear nothing. I am a Firekin -- or OI was. But I had to leave my share of water to others for the good of my priude. Rogues GET little options, don'tthey."

As Kabi'ten prepared to argue, Algol grumbled.

"You have a right of refusal." He snorted. "Rogues aren't spare bodies for prides to force into rank. You're free. It's hard, but yoiu are free." He paused then, frowining silently.

"Have you never truly seen many rogues?"

"No9." Hana responded quickly. Algol shrugged, but didn't fight, instead looking to Kabi'ten. This... Kabi'ten mulled her thoughts over suilently, and tiulted her head, closing her eyes.

"Rogues are as equal as others. I presume these Firekin pridemates look down on outsiders?": The goddess asked softly. This she liked -- progress cracking this lioness. Algol too, was intrigued, the demon shifting as Castor and Pollux did similar, the twins almost eagerly watching from the edges of his mind.

"Those born of flame, remain. Lions like me or my many half-siblings. Those of red, and black, and white -- or my children, Brisingr and Llama. Those not suited are Huria, unworthy to them. In older, better times, I was taught... Even slaves."

Silence, and the trio pondered this information over in their minds. Hana, absorbing how she believed was rebounding. algol on this new information, and Kabi'ten on this entire conversation. It explained Hana trying to steal her son for slavery -- she wanted to rebuild abandoned traditions for... Probably comfort? Algol however, seemed almost reticent, thinking silently before frowining.

"Old ways pass for new for a reason." Algol responded firmly. "In my pride, before we scattered long ago, we kept the pale and non-lion sort as no more than slaves. When we recoalesced we changed. Moricorm had a pale demon child or two, and we accepted the pale as, well, non-demons we look after. They hunt and aid us in non-demonic affairs. They are kept together as families and treatyed with kindness, and in return for their service we protect them for knowing they could've been better. They're better for it -- smarter, stronger than many common rogues but not slaves. One's even a tattooist now. Thje slaves are the criminals. Pale, dark, species matters not. Nat are things. But we also accepted leopards as our demon peers because of at least two leopards, possibly more. Prides change. It's not a bad thing." Algol shrugged, Hana frowning.

"Sometimes too much. I love myhome but I can't go back. Ileft to preserve mypride. I'mhardly missed, surely. esides, when Ileft they were considering allowing outsiders. That's..." A sigh. "We need it, but I worry that the pride will be unrecognizeable to me. I'm a relic of the past. Born a relic."

"You can change." Kabi'ten said in a soft tone. Hana eyed the female warily, and Kabi'ten stared.

"You can grow. Figure out where youfit. Stagnation is death."

Algol nodded at Hana's frown, and the male grinned winningly.

"Even I gotta change dollface. Evreryone does. Coiuld bring y' back to see if you fit in mentally. Demon, sador--"

"I am no servant." Hana interrupted sharply. "I belong to noone."

"Technically, you're under her paws." Algol motioned to Kabi'ten, the goddess sniffing patiently as Hana made a face, and Algol continued.

"Anyhow, you can return with me, maybe feel things out. At leasty trythis time." Algol sighed then, and motioned.

"We'll bring the goddess if you want as well. They'll probably avoid messing with her." Maybe. He wasn't sure, but it was two birds with one kill, the females exchanging glanced.Admittedly, Yas WAS safe with Miira and Damla. Kabi'ten could see Hana to the demons, wait to see if she fit in, and leave. It was also new -- Kabi'ten liked new, and Hana'fuego seemed to consider it before nodding.

"Fine. But only to feel iut out."

"S' all I ask, sweetheart." Algol drawled smoothly. He removed his paw then, Hana shifting, and rising.

"Fine." She sniffed, and Algol beamed, leaning in and licking her cheek.

"You won't regret it, honey." And he shifted, turning to lead her for the pride, Hana following. Kabi'ten chuckled softly before rising to follow herself, amusement on her face.

This was... Going to be... Interesting. Especially given that.

Especially that.