Algol approached the space for Sador rapidly, gaiut a brisktrot, Hana'fuego and Kabi'ten moving after him in silence, the male focused, concerned.

There was a specific sador Algol was looking for. This one was Primitus' grandchild,caught and brought in by her half-uncle, but... Algol knew her mother's name. He'd heard her use it, and if he was right -- and based on his lack of hearingthe name often he might be -- Algol had to know. The dark demon soon found the lioness curled up, watching the others in silence.

Uolie always was unsure about being a sador. Not against it -- she was bubbly, sunshiny, and happy -- and still, it was clear she was... Uncomfortable being sador. Maybe...

"Uolie." Algol's tone was firm but not unkind, the male drawiung close as the pale girl rose, sitting and yawning before looking over.

"Yes?" She asked. Algol sniffed.

"Ihave someone as a guest and theymentioned your mother's name.I'm hoping there might be some connection." His voice then went soft. "There's nothing to worry for, either, dear. Simply curious."

"Well, maybe?" Uolie offered and smiled as Hana'fuego approached, blinking as she paued.

Uolie was not small, but she wasn't near what Hana expected. Pale, light teal-blue, but not... No, her body, that fluff seemed like Mpeko's. But wasn't her half sister back hone? Being a good Firekin -- or at least trying? Hana shifted, and snorted.

"She doesn't look much like my half sister." Hana sniffted. Algol sighed, and Kabi'ten snorted.

"Honestly? It might lean on her father or similar. Or family background." Kabi'ten drawled. Uolie giggled, and Hanastared, sighing, and sat.

"What does your own mother look like, then?" She demanded. She could humour this for now. Really. Uolie hummed then, head tilting before sitting.

"Black, big, with a white muzzle and tummy and patterns of the black over some orangy fade over her sides and throat? I'm... She's big? Like Papa?"

Hana however was silent, staring as one paw raised.

That... That was Mpeko. Her half sister. WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO BE HOME and the female hissed. Uolie immediately flinched back anxiously, Algol moving over rapidly and he puffed, scowling. She was no demon yet, and the sador was to be protected. Kabi'ten was on her paws rapidly to pin her as Hana paced.

"She. Mpeko was supposed to STAY. To keep the pride STRONG. Not... Not leave. Not... Not just..." Hana whjeezed, circling and pacing rapidly, Kabi'ten watching warily as she frowned, looking to Algol. However it was Uolie moved, bunting Hana a bit in worry, ears pinning.

"I'm.. Sorry?" She said. Algol watched Hana freeze, tasil lashing before she huffed.

"It wasn't your fault. It was... Ugh. I thought she'd stay." Hana scowled, shaking her head, and Uolie leaned.

"Mama told all of us she wasn't happy there after... After the bad stuff bgan. A drought, new lions needing help and then possible war... Mama hates fighting."

A pause, and Hana'fuego stared. A... She missed war? That...

Shame washed over her immediately. She'd have been a good warrior. She knew that, but that the pride didn't need... The red female shivered as Uolie watched, head tilting.

"Are you okay?"

"No." Hana sniffed, and Algol leaned into Uolie.

"She's learning about the real world." Algol said patiently. Uolie nodded, then watched Hana sag. Kabi'ten shifted then and leaned on Hana, letting the large red lioness sag in disbelief. Kabi'ten watched the female shake, leaning as Algol nosed Uolie, the paler mortal female looking distressed at the upset one, and Kabi'ten sighed.

"Chjange is hard. That's fair to say." Kabi'ten said softly.Algol nodded, and shifted, nosing Hana before looking to Uolie.

"So, your dad...?" Algol asked. Uolie giggled.

"Papa Maisha or Papa Terra?" Uolie asked. Algol laughed.

"Sire one." He responded. Uolie nodded.

"Dad has a lot of colors like a green mane, or blues and blacks and orange." The female beaned delightedly, and Hana watched, quiet and shaking as Uolie tilted her head, nosing her.

"Mama's in a pride nearby with Dad and Papa, I think. Did you want to..."

"No." Hana whispered softly, and she sank against Kabi'ten, visibly shaken. Kabi'ten leaned, letting her panic as she cuddled soothingly. So odd, to be comforting the lioness who tried taking her son, but it was important to remember,that the female did that, but it was in ignorance, and Kabi'ten nosed at her lightly as Uolie huddled back, Algol smiling to her.

"Truthfully, flow4er, it's fine to remember but this is tearingyouup. And, thank you, Uolie." He nodded to the pale female, Uolie nodding as she sat to watch as Hana'fuego nosed to try hiding in Kabi'ten, the goddess sighing as she looked to Algol, Uolie watching as Algol sighed.

"Maybe... Time? Unsure." He shrugged, and shifted, moving to lean on Hana himself as she shook, the lioness simply silent. This time, Uolie didn't know what toi offer, head tilting at the sight. The goddess was awkward, Algol was worrying and her probably half-aunt? was distressed and the sador didn't like it one bit. Still, she wasn't sure if acting was right. She wasn't close to her, but the distress...

Then all noticed a low, distressed rumble; a low sound that came from the group.

Algol was rumbling, trying to calm everyone, but he too, was distressed. The rumbling intensified when Kabi'ten's own quiet rumble chimed in, before Hana simply sank a bit more, wincing as Uolie drew near again, looking distressed.

"I'm... sorry?" She said quietly.

For several moments only rumbling answered, and then Hana shuddered.

"It's notyou."Was a murmured reply. Algol moved, looking her over in concern as Hana leaned a bit on him unconciously.

"Qw qwew boren in a place... That was a desert. And your papa and dad might not be welcomed. And your mom. You're like her. She was always nice." Hana sighed. "Better than me."

"Don't say that flower." Algol scolded. Kabi'ten watched, but didn't interject, instead letting Algol handle her.

"Just unused to being-- you, Iguess." He shrugged then, and looked to Kabi'ten for help. She shrugged.

"It can happen, really." She admitted, then sighed. "Look, today's getting weird as is, maybe we should ah, go back OUT of your current space?" The goddess coughed, Algol nodding before he rumbled to Uolie.

"No worries, Uolie. We'll be fine. Keep safe, alright? Quilde might be upset if you got injured." He chuckled warmly, and nosed Hana to her paws, the lioness rising to follow Kabi'ten as Algol took point to lead them away, Kabi'ten following deep in thought. Hana paused, looking to Uolie a moment before the younger female beamed and nodded her on her way, returning to chores as Hana turned, and moved into the trail left by Algol and Kabi'ten. She had... A lot to think about.