User Image

User Image
                        ▰ PERSONAL DATA

                        Full Name: Inosuke Yamanaka (山中イノスケ Yamanaka Inosuke)
                        Nickname: Suke
                        Age: 15
                        Birthdate: 02/14
                        Gender: Male

                        ▰ PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS

                        Body Rank: D

                        Hair Color: Brown
                        Eye Color: Brown
                        Height: 5’1” (155cm)
                        Weight: 123lbs (56kg)

                        Bloodline: Yamanaka

                        Non-Combat Outfit: [X]
                        Combat Outfit: [X]

                        ▰ SOCIAL AND PERSONALITY

                        Nindo: “Pure intentions can pave the way to Hell.”
                        Personality: Inosuke is naturally calm and level-headed, especially under intense situations. He is quite good at strategizing and sneaking around, priding himself on things like espionage. Due to his appearance, he can appear as either a girl or a boy which makes it perfect for that kind of thing. Inosuke can be seen as a guy who is hiding a lot of things at times considering he observes people more often than not and psycho analyzes those around him. Besides that, he can be quite a tease. He will often tease friends lightly and enjoys the simple prank or two. He is known to act gentlemanly and prince-like to anyone around him despite gender. More often than not it’s to just get a reaction which goes back to his love for teasing others but sometimes it may actually be genuine flirting.

                        Village: Arashigakure
                        Title: Genin

                        Background: It all starts with the tale of two brothers, a story quite well known in each branch of the Yamanaka clan. Two brothers born on the same day, only seconds apart, were destined to be the future leaders of the Yamanaka clan. Inosaka and Inodai were their names and it didn’t take long for the brothers to become each other’s bitter rivals. They were always competing at everything all for the sake of finding out which one of them would head the Yamanaka clan, a huge deal at the time as it decided what the clan did and did not do. As the boys grew into men, the clan was split into two at which one should. It was eventually decided that the clan would be split in two and they soon found themselves in different villages. One stayed in Uzu while the others migrated to Arashi. And the rest was history.

                        Inosuke Yamanaka was born to the current head of the Yamanaka clan as an only child. When his was younger, he was quite the little troublemaker. He often fled away from his practices and preferred to hang out with other friends instead. He found that being the clan leader’s son was often very good for his popularity with others which is all he cared about mostly. He would often return home late much to his father’s chagrin, covered in injuries more often than not. Though, he still respected his parents and loved them dearly. But he just never found that he needed to particularly take the role of Yamanaka clan heir particularly seriously.

                        But he soon found that spark when his father grew ill. It was one day during breakfast when his old man collapsed and was unconscious all day. Inosuke stayed hovered over him until he woke up once again. And he woke up with a calm smile and an apology for smashing a plate on his way down. And it was at that moment that he truly grew to respect his father and understand what position he was in. Soon, Inosuke began immulating his father in personality and throwing himself headfirst into studying and early training. Though, there were still bits of his personality that still shined through like his typical teasing nature. Inosuke’s goal is to become a great ninja so he can, in turn, become a great future clan leader. He wants to become it sooner rather than later just to make sure his father can finally rest easy.

                        ▰ CLASSES AND STATS

                        First Class: Sensor
                        ▱▰▱ ResolutionYou are more determined to get fine details from your sensory techniques, but in order to get this type of clarity the range of your techniques is reduced by half. You are able to discover things such as demon chakra, or the type of technique that is about to be active (Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, etc.), even specifics such as Bloodline type and rank. At body ranks D and C users of this discipline able to sense their enemy’s ninjutsu attacks and their composition, which grants a -1 rank deduction to dodging with the dodge mechanic X-ranked skill if you know the technique that was used. This only works for techniques which originate within the sensory area of the user.
                        Second Class: Medical
                        ▱▰▱ Support SpecialistThe user is capable of conferring a moderate stat boost to any ally that they desire. This stat boost can be what ever the medic wishes, however it can only go on one ally for as long as the medic wishes. Additionally to this, the medic is able to use healing eseijutsu on an ally from a distance as opposed to having to touch them. The range for this is fifty [50] feet.

                        Chakra Pool: 375
                        Stamina Pool: 200
                        Chakra Element: Suiton, Raiton
                        Chakra Color: Lavender
                        Chakra Materialization: Shaped like s large eye over his head.

                        Passive Stats Increases:
                        • Strength ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Speed ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Reflex ► 0
                        → N/A
                        • Fortitude ► 0
                        → N/A

                        • Espionage
                        • Charisma
                        • Speed/Agility
                        • Taijutsu/Close Combat
                        • Empty Spaces
                        • Heights
                        • Dying

                        • Learn 1 extra Ninjutsu technique per post.
                        • Learn 1 extra Genjutsu technique per post.
                        • Learn 1 extra Medical technique per post.
                        • Must be a Sensory Class Ninja. The Yamanaka learn 1 extra Genjutsu, Sensory jutsu per post.
                        Personal Attributes:
                        Inton Mastery: +10 Genjutsu, and +75 Chakra.
                        Shared Information: All information gathered by anyone who is a part of the telepathic network is shared with the group, not just that by the Yamanaka. This does require the Sensing Transmission technique from below.
                        Strong Minds, Strong Hearts!: When connected telepathically, allied ninja can Korabo their attacks without needing training.

                        ▰ JOBS AND MISSIONS

                        Ryo: 両0 {starts at 0}
                        AC: 0 {starts at 0}

                        Missions Complete: {all start at 0}
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Crafting Trees
                        • {First Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Second Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Third Tree Here} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Fourth Tree Here} || → {Current Title}

                        Crafting Jobs Complete: {all start at 0, remove this}
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Job Titles
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}
                        • {Job} || → {Current Title}

                        Job Missions Complete: {all start at 0}
                        D Rank :: 0
                        C Rank :: 0
                        B Rank :: 0
                        A Rank :: 0
                        S Rank :: 0

                        Mission, Training, and Job Claims

                        {This spoiler is where you'll link to your character's relevant claim posts for missions, training, and jobs.}
                        Missions Claim: [ x ]
                        Training Claim: [ x ]
                        Jobs Claim: [ x ]

                        ▰ INVENTORY

                        Weapon Specs

                        {Only required for custom weapons, copy paste custom description. Standard weapons may have details listed here as well, but it is not required.}

                        ▰ TECHNIQUES

                        • Ninjutsu : : 00 / 10
                        • Genjutsu : : 00 / 20
                        • Eiseijutsu : : 00 / 04
                        • Taijutsu Styles: : 00 / 00
                        • Bukijutsu Styles: : 00 / 00

                        • Kai | Rank X | Default
                        • Henge no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Bunshin no Jutsu | Rank E | Default
                        • Substitution Technique | Rank E | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Water | D Rank | Default
                        • Art of Walking on Walls | D Rank | Default

                        Suiton (Water)

                        Raiton (Lightning)

                        Bloodline (Yamanaka)

                        • {Remove if none}

                        ▰ FORMLESS STYLES → 00 / 03 {REMOVE. Current formless slots.}
                        {Find in Formless Style and Class information}

                        Formless Styles
                        • {Formless style name}

                        Formless Techniques
                        • {Formless technique name}

                        ▰ ACADEMY STUDENT

                        Learned E Rank Formless
                        • {Formless type learning}

                        Added another PA!

                        Evanescently Magnificent