Muna had been with the pride for some time now, and yet she still felt like a complete outsider. Sure, she had started a... friendship up with another male, but she had yet to really consider herself "part" of the pride. She didn't consider herself a firekin anymore, but she still felt apart from the rest of them.

She had spent most of her time hunting for the pride, hoping to earn her place within it. During that time she hadn't interacted with too many of the other members, so when she saw a giant red lion, she had at first thought she had somehow gotten lost and managed to find herself in a completely different pride!

She was going out to hunt again when she saw the male standing guard, and she had to do a double take to realize that what she was seeing was actually there. It was a large male, larger than any of the ones she had seen while living within the Firekin!

She wondered for a moment if she should just leave him alone but... he just looked so different, she had to go over and make conversation!

So Muna slowly walked toward the male, trying not to startle him. "Uh... hello there!" She said once she was within talking distance. She always had a difficult time initiating conversations. "We haven't met before. I'm Muna and I come from the Firekin. May I ask what your name is?" She hoped she wasn't interrupting him or distracting him from his job.

Malikztiah Ankhwave