Anisha was frustrated.

Every time she opened her mouth, she imagined a great, loud roar like those she'd heard from other lions would escape. Instead, it was more of a pitiful squeak.

"Hmph," she huffed, planting her butt down in the grass and pouting her lower lip. As much as she tried and tried, she couldn't get the roar down. And what was a lion without their roar? Pitiful, really. She would never scare any predators away with a tiny squeal.

Anisha looked off into the distance, where her grandmother, Zimran, kept a watchful eye. She was a kind and peaceful lioness and head nanny for the pride, which meant she was in charge of all the other nannys and all the youth the pride had to offer. Right now, there were quite a few cubs for her to watch over, including Anisha and her six siblings. When her thoughts landed on her siblings, immediately she got the bug to go bother her twin, Vivek. He was her very best friend and that wasn't something she imagined would change any time soon. At least, she hoped. She enjoyed having him around.

"Viveeeeek" she whined as she rose from her seat and shook out her fur. Where was that boy hiding?
