Do you have a bonded in mind? L’shir of Bronze Macleith

Name: Nouveau
Lines: Adult
Age: Whatever counts as middle aged for a flit
Color: Bronze
Physical Description: I’m imagining him with art nouveau vibes (because L’shir is a painter and I think it’d be fun to have his two be based on art styles), known for its long sinuous lines, usually asymmetrical and forming vines/insect wings/flower stalks/other natural and delicate objects. Some of its symbols were seemingly derived from Celtic art as well.

For this guy, looping vines/flowers would be awesome + whatever you feel! Maybe a bit of the stained glass ring background you see in more modern takes? (insp 1 + insp 2 + insp 3)
Personality: A consummate stalker, a spy who can’t be bribed, and quite the little soldier: you couldn’t ask for a better or more loyal minion. Don’t let the flowery marks fool you, Nouveau is L’shir’s right hand, outstretched to put a stop to trouble before his bonded even looks that way.

Why do you want this character? One of two flits L’shir keeps to help watch over his charges around the weyr.
What do you love most about this character, if anything? art theme! Love me some Alphonse Mucha also
Anything else? <3