Wingleader & Wingsecond Chance

Wingleaders and Wingseconds can roll to help, or hinder, their wing. These are special rolls that can benefit the Wing as a whole -- or hurt them. One bad call can be catastrophic!

If you play a Wingleader, you get 2 Wingleader Rolls per Round from this chart. If you play a Wingsecond, you get 1 Wingsecond Roll per Round from this chart. You may choose to roll this at any time during a Round, to see if they make a good or bad call! This only effects your immediate Wing! If you make a bad or good call, the effects will only happen to those RPing in your Wing! These rolls don't give experience -- but they do add to the fun!

These rolls are also not required. If there are inactive Wingleaders or Wingseconds, that's okay! Wingleaders and Wingseconds also do not have to participate if they don't want to risk it!

So tell me, do you feel lucky?

Roll D100
1-5. You made the wrong call, plain and simple. If a Wingleader you have your entire wing move into a formation that is not sufficient in fighting this particular brand of Threadfall. Perhaps you just hadn't noticed the wind change, or you just forgot which formation to use. Whatever the case, you realize your error too late! Those dragons don't question -- they follow you to the end, and by the time you notice your mistake, it's too late! All Wingriders Take 3 HP Damage! If a Wingsecond you were briefly given the reins to lead. This is your shining moment... and you completely fail! You're not sure if it's nerves, indigestion, or just sheer panic, but you have your wingriders change position.... and it's not good! Shaffit all! You know you're gonna be in trouble when you land. All Wingriders Take 1 HP Damage!

6-23. There's a lot of chaos going on. Focusing on fighting Thread and getting updates with what's happening to your Wing leads to a moments inattentiveness. If a Wingleader you lead your entire wing out of formation, which puts them right into worsening wind shear! Though you are quick to right this mistake, the damage is done. Quote 3 Wingmates and have them lose -5 HP apiece! If a Wingsecond you wind up missing your Wingleaders command to change formation. Instead, as you come out of Between flaming, you find yourself flaming down one of your wingmates instead! Quote a Single Wingmate and have them lose -5 HP!

24-42. If a Wingleader, you were so focused on chewing out one of your wingriders who pulled a stupid move, that you actually miss catching a large clump of Thread that's falling right past you. A nearby wingmate winds up taking the hit -- as they were busy flaming a different clump of Thread and hadn't time to notice. Quote a Single Wingmate and have them lose -5 HP! If a Wingsecond you actually are on top of things today! You're here to look out for your wingmates and your Wingleader, and in this case, you manage to do both! Quote your Wingleader, fellow Wingsecond, or Wingrider and nullify any negative effects & negative HP from their most recent roll! This can include Wingleader/Wingsecond rolls!

43-60. Well, things seem to be okay! You're doing your job, as you should. Nothing's going wrong right now... but nothing seems to be going overly right, either. Just another day fighting Threadfall.

61-78. If Wingleader you actually are on top of things today! You're here to look out for your wingmates and your seconds, and in this case, you manage to do both! Quote one your Wingseconds, or Wingrider and nullify any negative effects & negative HP from their most recent roll! This can include Wingleader/Wingsecond rolls! If Wingsecond you find yourself panicking. In a rough moment, you witness a catastrophe about to go down! Do you save one from Thread about to hit them, warn another they're flying directly into another's flame!? Who do you save!? Quote a Single Wingmate and have them lose -5 HP!

79-94 You know your Wing, and are confident in their abilities. Part of being Wingleader or Wingsecond is caring for those you fight with! Every dragon has his or her place, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Thankfully, you notice when someone is struggling! You call out, encouraging them to fight through the pain, the hurt, the exhaustion, and assuring them of their greatness. Quote a Wingmate and nullify any negative Status Effect immediately. If no negative status effects are in play, you may nullify a Wingmates damage instead!

95-100. This is exactly what you'd been hoping for! You know your riders inside and out. All that training, all that grinding, all that doubling down on drills and maneuvers. When the winds change, you're ready. You know what you need to do and have your wingriders change position -- this time to great effect! If a Wingleader you are able to get those dragons back into fighting shape! All Wingriders feel refreshed and confident! Quote your Wingriders -- they all are shielded from damage and negative status effects for either their current =OR= next immediate roll! If a Wingsecond, you're always looking out for your fellow wingmates, and trying hard to lead and inspire. Though you take cues from your Wingleader, you're a force onto yourself. This time, you make an inspired call, and wind up helping them get a burst of renewed confidence. Quote your Wingriders and they all immediately Gain +5 HP in a moment of renewed energy and inspiration. You can do this!