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Tsura paced impatiently. She was itching to go hunting. It did not help that she felt like her time was being wasted, waiting for someone to show up. Her face scrunched up as she thought of Inhliziyo and what the wild dog had said. The wild dog had practically tackled her to the ground just tell her that she had found her perfect match.

The idea made her uneasy. Lately Inhliziyo had the idea of wanting to have pups. Since Oni and her became one, it was brought up even more. Personally Tsura had no intention of having cubs until she found her other half.

So when Inhliziyo brought up setting up a date between Inhliziyo and her ‘match’, Tsura could not help but cringe. She could only think of what kind of lion Inhliziyo would match her up with.

At first she refused, but Inhliziyo kept insisting and eventually Inhliziyo gave in. In the long run it was easier to let down a random lion then it was Inhliziyo. Plus if the lion was worth while, maybe she could remember him for when she was ready to have cubs.

So far she had a fairly poor first impression of the mystery lion. Tardiness was unacceptable, especially when meeting for the first time.

Mirie had no idea what to expect when he walked to the meeting spot. Since joining the pack he had stuck around with different wild dogs. Lions did not scare him, however he had a kinship with his fellow wild dogs. He knew he would eventually have to get out of his shell and meet some lions, but he wanted to avoid doing so as long as possible.

Inhliziyo however had other plans.

The pink wild dog had it in her mind that Mirie and her lioness friend should become partners. He was not so sure it was a good idea to be setup like this, especially when so many of the pack members took partnership seriously, but Inhliziyo tired him down and he agreed to it.

Unfortunately he was running late to meet the lioness. Inhliziyo, had told him the wrong meeting spot and when she told him the right one, he found himself debating if he should just not bother going or run to the lioness and profusely apologize. The old him would run away and hide, but he wanted to be better. Meeting up with the lioness was the first step.

When he saw the lioness, she looked impatient, looking away from him toward the rogue lands. He slowed down as he approached her. Inhliziyo had failed to tell him anything about the lioness so she was a complete mystery.

Tsura was moments away from ditching the meet up with Inhliziyo’s tardy lion and never listening to the wild dog again. But she heard stepping behind her, moving quietly closer to her. She closed her eyes and listened carefully, picturing just how far it was to her. If it was prey, it would be perfect. Nothing could cheer her up more then a good hunt.

It could be Inhliziyo or the late lion, which in either case Tsura felt it would be worth it to tell their ear off and lecture about being punctual. She really hoped that it was prey though.

When she turned around, she went into hunting mode, ready to pounce at a moments notice. Her eyes narrowed as she locked onto the target. Unfortunately what she heard was not a prey animal nor Inhliziyo. It was a wild dog from the pack who was fairly new. She relaxed when she saw him, not wanting to scare him off.

As soon as her eyes were on him, Mirie wanted to run away but his legs were locked. He saw her look at him like a hunter. The sight was terrifying. But thankfully she stopped seeing him as a threat and seemed to relax.

“Sorry that I am late! I went to the wrong place by mistake. Well cause of Inhliziyo, but I should have double checked with her.” Mirie quickly muttered, not looking the lioness in the eyes.

Tsura tilted her head. “So let me get this straight… Inhliziyo told you to meet with me…” She paused, thinking through everything. Did Inhliziyo ever specify that she was meeting up with a lion? Was this a simple misunderstanding or was Inhliziyo playing a stupid game.

To make matters worse, it was Inhliziyo that the wild dog was late so Tsura could not be mad at him for that.

She took a deep breath. Then she looked at the wild dog and gave him her best, polite smile.

“Inhliziyo is an idiot.” Tsura said in a forced cheery voice. “Next time I see her I will make sure she sets everything right.”

Mirie looked at her with confusion. He wondered what Inhliziyo had done.

“Sorry if I’m not what you expected. If you want I can leave and you can continue your day in peace.” He said, before he started to turn around.

“No- It would be a waste of both of our time if we just go our separate ways.” Tsura said, stopping him from leaving. Inhliziyo probably realized that Tsura didn’t trust her when it came to wild dog partners. That was why she made her believe that she was meeting a lion instead. When it came partners, Tsura was notoriously picky and turned down many who wanted to be her partner. But she always gave them a chance to impress before she turned them down. It would be rude to turn this wild dog down just because she was tricked into meeting him.

“Let me properly introduce myself. I am Tsura, huntress of Okuphelele. It is nice to meet you.” Tsura said, bowing her head at the wild dog.

Mirie felt flustered at the lioness reaction. He understood that there must have been a misunderstanding that was most likely Inhliziyo’s fault. But Tsura seemed to bounce back from it. He thought that she might be furious with him, but she seemed far from it.

He returned her smile.

“Nice to meet you Tsura! I am new to the pack. My name is Mirie.” He said.

Tsura walked around him, looking at him from head to tail. Mirie stayed completely still as she did so, wondering what she was up to.

“So how good of a hunter are you?” she asked bluntly.

“Oh uh.” Mirie thought for a moment. He wanted to lie since the pack valued strong hunters. But he also did not want to disappoint her if she saw him fail at hunting. “I am not great at hunting right now, but I am working on it. I want to help provide for the pack.”

Tsura nodded her head.

“Good answer. I would like to see your abilities for myself. Maybe I could give you some pointers.” Tsura suggested. Even if he was not meant to be her partner, it would be valuable to the pack to help him be a better hunter. And who knows, he might prove himself to her.

“Alright, just don’t laugh if I am terrible.” Mirie responded, with a small smile.

WC: 1,197