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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

Tags: roleplay, J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding World 

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 1:53 am
✾.。.:* ❈:**:. TᕼE Yᑌ ᖴᗩᗰIᒪY .:**:.❈*.:。.✾

Living with friends in England
Yangqiao "Yarrow" Yu (21) -- muggleborn Changlong (Long Jiang) healer in training.

Tsaihong "Iris" Yu (deceased at 48 ) -- muggle vice president-- mother of Yangqiao
Chengwong "David" Yu (deceased at 56) -- muggle chef-- father of Yangqiao

Ages updated to 1 September 2052

CREATED June 2019
UPDATED 26 January 2021
■ Yang edited for post-grad
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

ACCEPTED BY: 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝒇𝒇𝓲𝒆 07/08/2019
UPDATES ACCEPTED BY: ~ Dia [2/17/21]
ACCEPTED CHARACTERS: [Yangqiao 07/08/2019]
PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2019 1:58 am

NICKNAMES Yang (Sun), Yangyang (Sheep-sheep)
SEXUAL ORIENTATION heteroromantic demisexual
AGE 21
BIRTHDAY May 16, 2031-- Taurus (Chinese zodiac: Pig)
LANGUAGES Cantonese, English, Mandarin, random phrases in other languages, mostly food and curse words.

BLOOD STATUS muggleborn
WAND Hawthorn and peacock feather, 12 inches, with accents and cap in tortoiseshell. Quite bendy but heavier than expected. (Appearance, but with tortoiseshell instead of silver)
PATRONUS Tortoiseshell cat

HEIGHT 5 ft 8 in (173 cm)
WEIGHT 155 lbs (70.3 kg)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx
ATTENDED Long Jiang School of Magic
PARTY Changlong

■ Association of Noodle Enthusiasts
■ Dueling Club (except for a brief suspension her 3rd year)
■ Future Healers Club
■ Music Club (usually only went to listen and study, occasionally learns)

Astronomy ~ E
Charms, Hexes and Jinxes ~ O
Defense Magic and Self-Defence ~ O
Herbology ~ O
History of Chinese Magic~ E
Potions ~ E
Transfiguration ~E
English ~ E
Mathematics ~ E

Astronomy ~ A
Charms, Hexes and Jinxes ~ O
Defense Magic and Self-Defence ~ O
Herbology ~ O
History of Chinese Magic~ A
Potions ~ E
Transfiguration ~ E
English ~ E
Mathematics ~ A

Divination ~ E
Healing ~ O
Music Magic ~ A
Occult Theory Studies ~ E
Tai Chi ~A
Wandless Magic ~ O

Charms, Hexes and Jinxes ~ O
Defense Magic and Self-Defence ~ O
Herbology ~ O
Potions ~ E
Transfiguration ~ E

Divination ~ E
Healing ~ O
Music Magic ~ A
Occult Theory Studies ~ E
Tai Chi ~A
Wandless Magic ~ O

Other Electives

Exam details in my storage guild

Apparition (yr 6) : Proficient. After a small mishap early in the year where she splinched half her hair, Yang demonstrated excellent apparition abilities, particularly at short and mid-range apparitions within a city. Long distances are more difficult, but she demonstrated being able to keep her calm and apparate under difficult situations.

CURRENT OCCUPATION Healer-in-Training at St. Mungo's, Potions and Plant Poisonings department

DISCIPLINED Yangqiao has an engrained sense of self-efficacy and is generally is able to do what she sets out to do. She’s willing to work hard, change habits, and be better. As a young child, this control was what led her to successfully figure out how to channel her magic. In school, this diligence has been applied to her studies. While her elementary studies weren’t fantastic, with her mother’s final words to her being “Study hard,” Yang took studying to be her mandate. She’s a fairly quick learner and now a diligent student. After her father's death she took working hard and becoming a healer to be her mandate and manages to keep a semi-regular schedule of working, studying, and sleeping. When Yang does or decides something, she goes all in and commits.

PRUDENT While she isn’t afraid of trusting her instincts, Yangqiao is careful to back up what she says with evidence or critical analysis and hone her instinct with research and logic. When possible, she weighs her options cautiously before deciding. This part of her personality keeps her generally calm under pressure.

RECKLESS As a child, Yangqiao was unafraid and unrelenting in the face of anything or anyone and assumed she could control her magic by herself. She enjoys the thrill of a duel or fight and if repeatedly angered, will make the first punch. Ever since facing her mother’s death alone when she was 9, she’s convinced herself that she’s not afraid of anything-- of animals, of hard work, of isolation. At war with her more prudent side, this part of her personality keeps her curious and helps her be decisive.

COMPASSIONATE Underneath her studious exterior, Yangqiao has a deep sense of compassion for people who cross her path and does whatever it takes to look for solutions when someone needs her. While she doesn’t often have time to spare, if she gives her word, she’ll be there.

RESOURCEFUL Starting from her adventures in redirecting her magic, Yangqiao has had a knack for taking what she had and making it work for her. She doesn’t have resources to waste, be it time, energy, or money, so she has learned to prize efficiency only just behind perfection.

■ Martial Arts and Duels
■ Adrenaline-rush things (but rarely has time or money for it)
■ Scrapbooking (but rarely has time for it)

■ Noodles
■ Music (listening mostly, but also a bit of guqin (chinese 7-string piano))
■ A good duel or fight.
■ Pretty fans
■ Venice

■ Dry study sessions without practical “breaks” or applications.
■ Waiting
■ Wizarding post
■ Watching Quidditch (but it's growing on her)
■ Dressing up events

■ Quick and diligent learner
■ Calm under pressure

■ While resourceful, she's not cunning. Despite intending to "doing no harm", often the only way she can think of solving problems is through a good old-fashioned fight.
■ Self-sacrificing-- she ignores her own feelings or needs in a single-minded pursuit of control.

■ Travelling the world
■ Becoming a better healer

■ Sickness or injury-- physical, but she’s more afraid of the mental.
■ Death-- her own or watching someone else die.
■ Hurting someone in a duel because she didn’t have control, or hurting someone when she was trying to help.

❈✾EARLY CHILDHOOD Yu Yangqiao grew up a fearless child in Hong Kong. When someone picked on her for being a tomboy in elementary class, she screamed right back, louder than she even thought possible, and when she fought back, she broke things without meaning to. Disciplinary measures didn’t help, but after a few fights, Yang figured out how to better channel the power behind these emotionally aggravated moments--or at least, not have it explode in her face all the time. She called the power “sheer force of will” and figured everyone had it, she just had better control.

Her father, Chengwong, was a rising chef and her mother, Tsaihong, was a waitress turned branch manager at the same restaurant. While usually close to her parents, Yang did get in a particularly memorable argument in which she knocked her mother over. Since then, every time her mother complained of a headache Yang would have a nagging doubt that it was because of that incident. But Tsaihong herself blamed it on the stress of being in line to be promoted to vice president of the brand, and always brushed off her issues as “complaints” and "weakness".

It happened suddenly years later--her mother collapsed, and a scan revealed a brain tumor that had been growing unattended for too long. She barely survived the surgery, and passed of an infection soon afterwards. The last Yang knew, her mother was telling her to study for her upcoming test and not worry. Chengwong was overseas at the time and rushed back, but by the time he got to the hospital, it was only in time to see them take the body away.

The two of them took her death hard. Her dad’s work performance plummeted as he mourned, and it was only thanks to his coworker and good friend covering for him that he wasn’t entirely let go during the six months following. Even though she knew it wasn’t actually her fault and there was nothing she could have done, Yangqiao withdrew from anyone that could have been considered close to her with an absolute focus on studying and taking care of her dad.

Three months after Tsaihong's death, their lives were interrupted once more when a young girl called Feng Yumei delivered an invitation to apply to LongJiang School of Magic. Yumei explained how Yangqiao’s “sheer force of will” was magic, capable of healing and great things besides. After nearly two months of careful deliberation, many questions for Yumei, and her father’s insistent urging, Yang sent in the application and spent the rest of the year alternating between mourning and worrying.

FIRST YEAR Yangqiao spent her first year at LongJiang divided between learning everything she could about magic and sending worried letters home. She didn’t want to disappoint her Ma’s memory or give her Da cause for worry. Besides, she didn’t have anyone to socialize with outsize of Yumei and eventually Yumei’s younger brother, Yuhei. She was sorted into Changlong Party and joined the Association of Noodle Enthusiasts partly only because of the mandatory elective.

SECOND YEAR As her father seemed to be gradually better, Yang allowed herself more extracurriculars her second year: she joined the Dueling club, and immediately the theories discussed in class made more sense. Over the Chinese New Year break she started learning how to play the guqin from Yumei, and joined the Future Healers Club to better understand what magical healing could actually do. Over the summer, she finally agreed to watch a game of Quidditch with Yuhei. To his dismay, she was not as enthusiastic as her father was.

THIRD YEAR Yang got in her first fight third year, hexing an upperclassman who called her classmate Guo Geling "fat" one too many times. Yang lost the resulting duel, served detention for her behavior, punched the upperclassman for commenting afterwards, served detention for that, had her dueling privileges revoked for the rest of the year, and was regarded warily by even the classmate she’d been initially protecting. As a result of these detentions though, she became almost friends with the Occult Theory professor, Li Jiaxin, who ultimately sparked her interest in the subject. After beholding her father’s tacit dismay over the break, Yang spent the rest of the year keeping her head down and studying assiduously for her CARP exams. On the plus side, she managed to partially make friends with Geling after they both failed their initial boggart encounter. She still only hung out with Yuhei outside of studying, but it was nice knowing another friendly face.

FOURTH YEAR Starting electives in fourth year, Yang focused diligently on her studies, with particular care for the classes needed for a healing career. She kept a low profile, dueling and sparring only in class and with friends for practice, and found stress relief in music, tai chi, and borrowing Geling's camera. That summer, she and her dad traveled to England the same time Yuhei and his dad were there. Early on she found herself embroiled in the release of magical creatures on Muggle London and got to work healing what injuries she could on the fly. While she did have to make a report to the Ministry, the rest of the trip was not too detained. She met Li Meylian, her professor's grand-nephew, and Kam Hepburn, a helpful stranger who she and Yuhei later started exchanging amused texts and letters with. She spent the rest of her summer studying, even joining up with a makeshift summer cram school that Geling's family was hosting.

FIFTH YEAR Fifth year was spent studying diligently for every class she wanted to continue with. Her work paid off when she aced all her healing-required mock exams, plus a few. It caught the attention of her party captain, a popular upperclassman called Zhao Hu. She agreed to a dinner date, but was rather perplexed by other advances, trying to focus on studies. Throughout the year she kept up letters (or texts over the break) with Kam. While she didn't get the botanical garden summer internship she wanted, she got a job at a dueling range with Zhao Hu.

SIXTH YEAR Sparing time only for dates, Yangqiao spent sixth year really diving into her healing and dueling. Yang thought she might be falling in love--until May when she found out about Zhao Hu's playing around and their relationship being part of a giant bet. After breaking up and investigating the who issue, she reported it, suffered the rumors he started in retaliation, and punched him through a portal. Thankfully, she was still allowed to go to England with the Dueling Club that summer and got away from it all to visit with her pen pal and friends on the other side of the world.

SEVENTH YEARSeventh year was entirely devoted to studying and training for her Finals. There were a few funny incidents where the portals at school broke down and Geling got lost with a panda, but otherwise the year was spent studying and working hard with Yuhei and his friends.

❈✾VENICE AND ENGLAND Graduation ended with the news that her father had been killed in car crash. The burden of paperwork and logistics fell to her after his passing, and along the way Yang found out about gold-digging grandparents. Kam took a portkey from England in time to help her out of the conversation and afterwards they decided to do her parent's dream vacation in Venice. There they encountered an injured boy; as Kam distracted the child, Yang subtly healed him with magic. The entire encounter convinced her of her goal of healing. Dreading returning home, Yang took Kam's offer of moving to the U.K., where they, Iggy, and Yuhei eventually got a flat.

With her friends' connections, Yang found work as a waitress in Hogsmeade while she worked on acquiring the legal visas needed. She also worked in the tearoom at St. Mungo's in the meanwhile, and finally in January 2050 started training as a healer in the department of Potions and Plant Poisonings of St. Mungo's.

Parents Tsaihong “Iris” Yu, vice president (muggle, deceased); Chengwong “David” Yu, chef (muggle, deceased)
Unofficial Pet Min (Yuhei’s cat)

BOYFRIEND? Kam Hepburn

Best Friend: Feng Yuhei
Mentor: Feng Yumei, all things magic and music
Guo Geling, Iggy Hepburn, Li Meylian/ August
■ Generally friends of Yuhei or Kam.
Li Jiaxin, her professor of Occult Theory

Zhao Hu, her ex-boyfriend, music professor's son
■ Not really sure: Cheng Jinlong, the upperclassman who called Geling fat and Yang a pigblood, but also the one who brought her the evidence against Hu.

CREATED June 2019
UPDATED 23 January 2021
■ Job app + the last bit on the backstory just to bring her up to Healer-in-training application (July 2020)
■ age update (2021)
■ (recent update)


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