xxYUKON xxxRUSSELxxxKNOLLExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


NICKNAMES Yuko, Russ, Russel


FACECLAIM Charles Vandervaart

AGE 17

BIRTHDAY August 19th, 2035


SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight for Aria <3

WAND 10” in length, made of a light gray wood form the Potato Tree (Solanum erianthum) Inside is a Fox Fur Core. There are no unique markings, other than the grain of the wood itself

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR Seventh ~ Prefect

HOUSE Hufflepuff

O.W.L. Scores
Astronomy ~ O
Charms ~ A
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ T
Herbology ~ O
History of Magic ~ P
Potions ~ O
Transfiguration ~ T

Art ~ A
Muggle Studies ~ O
Study of Ancient Runes ~ T
Wizard Law ~ P

DREAM JOB Department of Mysteries perhaps?


LAZY In general, Yukon would prefer to just stay on the couch all day, lazing around. If someone else offers to do something for him, he will gratefully agree. It’s not that he can’t do it, sometimes others could just do it better.
OBSERVANT Yukon is known to be observant and notice the finer details at every level. He sees a lot that’s going on, his parents often joke that he has eyes everywhere.
VERSATILE makes himself work in any situation, even if it’s an odd one, can easily compliment with another person (like a side dish, goes with anything)
MUSHY Yukon is very emotional, particularly toward things that are just adorable (Valentines Days, Weddings, He loves love)
SWEET Yukon is a sweet person, wanting to help people as much as he can. He doesn’t want to turn anyone away if he can help it. He is hearty, being warm and welcoming to anyone who happens to come his way.
PATIENT Yukon has learned to be patient, maybe it was from waiting a few months for the potatoes to be just right, maybe it was from his siblings, but he tends to be calm and can wait it out.

■ Potatoes
■ Cold, Dark, damp places
■ Getting Dirty
■ Spring
■ Looking at Art (but not making it)
■ Jokes and Puns

■ Deserts, or any hot terribly dry place
■ Oceans the vast amount of water is terrifying
■ Winter
■ Terrifying things
■ Losing people he loves

■ Humble
■ Fair

■ Paranoid that something or someone will attack him
■ Overly Dramatic

■ being sick/getting some deadly disease


EARLY CHILDHOOD When Kerr and Hannah Knolle were married, Kerr didn’t know what life he was going to be thrown into. Maybe Hannah should have told him she was a witch before they were married, but it was a minor detail. In the long run, Hannah was able to help her husband maintain his farm, giving the crops the ideal weather conditions. They did have many discussions about wizardry, before deciding to have children. When Hannah had Yukon, she was told they wouldn’t have any more children, and that was that. They accepted it, and would only have Yukon. Yukon grew up in Ireland, working on their small local potato farm. It was his family’s life goals to continue being successful in the business, even when it was difficult. So of course, Yukon was forced to help out. His favorite task was washing the potatoes, not having to move as much.

When Yukon was 3, an unexpected thing happened to the Knolle Clan, they had Kennebec. Kennebec was born premature and mostly blind, and that was a difficult trial for the family to get through, but they worked it out. Kennebec was independent, and could tell the different kinds of potatoes, it was rather amazing considering his blindness. Yukon was inspired by his sibling, to be the best he could, even if something hindered him.

Yukon thought he wouldn’t have to deal with another sibling, but when he was 9 his parents adopted Weslyn. Why did it have to be a girl? Yukon resented his sister for a while, but then found, it was nice to have someone else to play with. He accepted his new little sister, and that was that, no other changes would occur to his family. It would be the three of them, every time could be broken, and boys still outnumbered the girls, all was well.

Finally, the day came when Yukon received his Hogwarts letter, just in time to get school supplies. Yukon was going to buy a wand but, his mom stopped him, handing him a wand she had made for him, out of a potato tree. It was special to them, it may not be the best wand, because they didn’t pick each other, but over time, they would learn to be friends, Yukon and the Wand, until then, the wand was as useless as a french fry.

FIRST YEAR Great things happened when going to Hogwarts, first off he met some great friends, including a boy who had some sight problems, but was really cool. He joined the Daily Dragon with Eion, and together they were something. He also realized, maybe flying isn't too bad, maybe next year he would try to go play quidditch for his house team? He would have to take some more flying classes to catch up to the others though. Overall, it was a great year.
SECOND YEAR Nothing exciting happened, just another year away from his family and potatoes. He tried to befriend some people, but with no avail. He did work on some more articles with Eion, under the guidance of August. Maybe the Daily Dragon was something he could always do.
THIRD YEAR Yukon was the happiest brother ever. His TWO siblings were coming to Hogwarts. Even better, Weslyn was sorted into Hufflepuff too! He was so excited to be able to see his family again every day, and ot be able to watch his siblings. He helped guide Weslyn into clubs that didn't involve him, she needed some of her own friends, and he would help any way he could to get her there.
FOURTH YEAR Nothing happened, which was probably for the best. He did start playing Chaser instead of trying for keeper in quidditch, so that was something, a little bit more work, but still fun to be on the broom.
FIFTH YEAR Quidditch Vice Captain? Check. Prefect? Check. And yet, neither of those was the highlight of his fifth year. Yukon realized, he knew what love was. And that was his relationship with Aria Siddal. The beautiful black haired, brown eyed girl. Her eyes shimmered with a golden look when the light hit them just right, she loved spicy food, and was intelligent. She was precious and perfect in every way, and she had been engaged to Wren. Thankfully, that ended, and Yukon was able to date the adorable angel of Aria, and he had no plans of letting her go... unless she wanted to.... or started hating potatoes. Of course, he had OWLs and he didn't do terrible, but some classes were just so much effort, and why bother. He did meh.
SIXTH YEAR Life was wonderful, what was there to not be joyful about? He had Aria, he had his siblings, he had the paper, he had quidditch, and most of all, he had his potatoes. He just studied more and more for his NEWTs, hoping to be able to pass them the next year.

Summer just before Seventh year:
Aria Siddall... was gone. The love of his life since he had even really known her.His almost-fiance. His almost-wife. Was gone. Yukon was devastated after the Siddall Bloodbath that happened. Why hadn't he just gone over sooner? If it had been any other day he would have been there, but no he had slept in for once in his life. How would he face his last year at Hogwarts knowing that Aria wasn't going to be there? And yet, time dragged on. He packed his bags for Hogwarts, stashing a few bottles of Knolle Vodka, he imagined it would be able to help hide the sorrow.
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)


UPDATED 1/25/21

■ Year and Age and what happened last year

PENDED BY ĸυng 7/10/2019
ACCEPTED BY ~ Dia [10/01/19]
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