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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 8:52 pm
[Fancy Uta Banner Here]
Welcome to the coolest journal full of the coolest characters ever! A lot of PCs and NPCs can be found here, so have a look! And please don’t hesitate to approach if someone cat hes your eye for a plot or two!

High Reaches Weyr
Zheria & Gold Eveleth - ()
Olliah & Gold Fianth - ()

D'mon & Bronze Thistreth - ()
F'dral & Bronze Sinrunth - ()
N'zol & Bronze Havarth - ()
S'del & Bronze Kindeth - ()
T’loa & Bronze Niyath - ()

F'vel & Brown Yezmanth - ()
Zyamel & Brown Venandith - ()
Gr'del & Brown Siriath - ()

C’lusi & Blue Macuith - ()
D'cir & Blue Dionyth - ()
H’sad & Blue Cinonth - ()

Ce'rian Green Cythereath - ()
K'din & Green Feyeth - ()

Chayrel - ()
Lusialu - ()
Alusia - ()

Western Weyr
Elysia & Gold Sheyoth - ()
Faroe & Gold Neliath - ()

N'ceph & Bronze Riventh - ()
R'mor & Bronze Junenth - ()

K'tos & Brown Minoth - ()
J'lar & Blue Loreleth - ()
Liat & Blue Orioth - ()
O'rax & Blue Hiyuth - ()
R'min & Blue Antereth - ()

J'cheyn & Green Savaceth - ()
Kiri - ()
Rasthell - ()
Tylefisan - ()
Valendyr - ()

Riyana & Gold Nimonth - ()
C’rian & Brown Kronoseth - ()
E'ros & Blue Amoranth - ()
Th'res & Blue Sozanth - ()

T’sal & Green Zayinth - ()

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 8:54 pm
This is a post for any subsidiary links or info, and is a hub of miscellaneous stuff!  


Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 8:56 pm
Zheria & Gold Eveleth

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Name: Zheria
Age: 45
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Whatever she wants when she wants it.
Craft: Don't ask.
Rank: Weyrwoman
Location: High Reaches Weyr
Nameday: 3530.02.22AL
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other:

Basic Info

Physical Description: Zheria is a beautiful woman and she isn't afraid to show it. She stands 5'11", with most of her height coming from her long legs. Her figure is trim but fit -- while she might not be athletic, she's strong, and it shows. She has ample curves where it counts, with a thin waist, that gives her the epitome of an hour glass figure. Long fingers, long arms, long hands, Zheria is long limbed, and can be graceful when it suits her mood. She is light of foot, and almost feline in nature... but there is a wariness and coldness to her that tends to keep many at bay.

Her features are sharp, with high cheekbones, and a pointed nose and chin. There is very little that's soft about her, and she's just fine with that. Her lips are full, and her eyes large, but often narrowed with suspicion or thought. Her smile could light up a room... if she smiled. When she does, it's often more akin to a predator baring their teeth, ready to go in for the kill. Her dark blue eyes, so dark they're almost black, are framed by dark lashes, and rarely seem to lighte up with humor.

Her dark brown hair almost looks black. It falls in loose waves, and can curl when wet; usually, though, she keeps it tied up and only wears it down for select company or finer occasions. Her skin is naturally tan, which darkens during the summer months.

She does sport a few brands, usually hidden by her decor. (One on her hip, one on her shoulder, and one on the top of her foot.)

Personality: Zheria is an incredibly fierce woman. She is the sort of woman that has no problem getting what she wants, and has (seemingly) little care for what happens to the people who get in her way. Life is tough. Life is hard. And as far as she's concerned she is going to do whatever she has to do to stay on top. This woman is a fighter, not necessarily because it was in her blood, but because she was given no other choice. At this point in her life, Zheria doesn't know how not to fight.

On the one hand, this can make the woman fearless and independent. There is no hurdle that she will not eventually overcome, no setback too great for her to rise up and get ahead. She will do whatever she has to do to ensure that her life is safe and secure. This extends to her (few, and perhaps even unknowing) loved ones, to her dragon, and to her Weyr. Make no mistake, Zheria has High Reaches Weyr best interest in mind -- even when she is at her cruelest.

And make no mistake, Zheria can be quite cruel. She isn't the sort of woman you want to trifle with, as she has no qualms with hitting hard and dirty. The ends will always justify the means, so long as she makes her way on top. She will not hesitate to crush those that would do her harm, or take out those she suspects of doing her harm. If you challenge her, she will inevitably win. Even when she's losing, she will make sure she wins.

Zheria is clever and cunning, and for all that she is known to play politics, she will not play foolish games or take unnecessary risks. She will not be badgered into a response or bullied and threatened into making a move. While she is well known for playing politics in the Weyr, she doesn't do so simply for satisfaction. No, she does this in part because she is the Weyrwoman, a gold rider, and it is her game to play. She is in a position where she must play; if she plans on making a difference on Pern, on doing the most good, than she must stay engaged. Pern is politics, and Thread has only complicated the game.

Though Zheria tends to keep herself aloof from others, there are a small handful who might know a kinder side of the woman. She hasn't lost her empathy, nor is she completely an island and eternally distant. But her trust is difficult to obtain, and once broken, will never be offered again. Every slight against her is tallied and noted; every offense remembered. She knows the dark side of Pern, and she will never let herself be drawn down into the shadows again.

Pros: Fearless, cunning, independent.
Cons: Mistrustful, aloof, machiavellian.

History: Zheria's beginnings were nothing but hardship. She grew up on the bad side of Nabol -- whether or not she's actually from the area is difficult to say. Children were brought it frequently, stuffed into packed rooms, and generally left to their own devices. As often as children arrived, others were taken away -- something Zheria remembers keenly. Sometimes she would wake up and find beds empty, and faces never seen again. Those who asked questions found themselves beaten, so she learned to keep quiet, and not ask questions.

The orphanage, if it could be called that, was unpleasant. Those who were too fussy would be beaten until they were broken or killed; those who cried would be toughened up; those who broke the rules would be starved. Honestly, it was an unkind place, where the children were molded into certain tasks. Most were sent to the mines to work. Others were sent elsewhere in Nabol, or sold to questionable individuals.

Eventually, it was Zheria's turn to disappear, and she was taken one night away from That Place, to one of Gansley's diamond mines. She worked there for four Turns, doing what she had to do survive. She was thin, and hard, and did not cry when whipped. She watched other children die in the mines, others lose limbs, or turn into savage beasts; though she attempted escape a few times, it was never successful. Living in the wilds would be better than the hell in the mines.

As she aged, it was during one of the many sweeps through the mines that she and a few of the prettier boys and girls were seemingly spared their awful fate. They were brought up from the earth, and sold. They were ushered into a wagon, and sent closer to the Hold Proper. She was quick to find out that she wold now be serving Nabol in a different way. Overnight, she went from sleeping on a lice infested blanket, to a bed all her own. She was washed, cleaned multiple times, given a hair cut, lotioned, powdered, and fed. She, and the others, were promised a new start, a better way to honor their Hold. That first sevenday was heaven, and Zheria let her guard down.

She was given warmth, tenderness, and promises. All she had to do was be a good girl, and do what she was told. She could do that, couldn't she? To get out of the wretched mines, Zheria would ave given her right arm -- though she knew all the promises would come with a price, she was young, and stupid, and naive. Surely, this life could not be as bad as the poor fools stuck in the mines.

Unfortunately, Zheria found out quickly exactly what was expected of her, and the other "pretties" that had been swooped up. She interested a certain type of clientele, and was expected to give them what they paid for. Into the hands of one of Nabol's brothels she went, and this is where the woman spent much of her life. While she was educated, and cultured, she grew up cold and detached. As she aged, her clientele changed, but the acts she had to perform did not. Feelings, she discovered, would do her no good; anger and rage would only get her beaten or whipped; tears would draw too much unwanted attention; and apathy the back of the Madame's hand. So she faked it -- she smiled her pretty smile when asked, laughed at the right jokes, turned when she was supposed to turn -- and did everything that she was asked to do.

But anyone who thought her gentle, clueless, and nothing but a brainless, pretty face, was sadly mistaken.

Zheria remembered every slight against her; every unspoken wound; every curse she wanted to say. She grew up angry, bitter, and cold -- it was the only way to survive. She didn't know how, but she would one day be free of the shackles upon her. From one brothel, to another, to another, the woman decided that the only way to the top was to be the best. The prettiest, the smartest, more clever than her enemies. She needed to convince them all that she was harmless, so she might be given to the right people, and make her escape.

As she grew, and aged, and matured, her plans, her dreams, her goals, her desire grew with her. She would one day find her freedom; one day get out of the cycle. Women and men of the brothels disappeared all the time; some wound up dead, others simply disappeared. Those who attempted escape were too easily found, so she knew she had to plan something different. If she could but seduce the right man, the right woman, the right pawn... Maybe she'd get out.

Thankfully, a miracle happened. She seduced a brownrider visiting the Hold. He promised her freedom, he promised her Search, and you can bet Zheria took it. She didn't care if it was but a lie -- she didn't care if his intentions were to simply to bring her back to the Weyr so he might bed her free of charge. All she needed was one foot out from Nabol, and she could do the rest.

So it was, she took the man up on his offer. She played the game -- just because she was at the Weyr didn't mean she was completely free. She humored the rider for a spell, until she found out exactly what rights as a Candidate she had. As soon as she discovered that the Weyr would not simply throw her back to the streets of Nabol, she did more than cut ties with that brown rider -- she sent him immediately to the healers after sticking him with a knife, and ensured he'd think twice about taking advantage of his position.

While what she did was grounds for getting her kicked out, the Weyrleadership at the time was, perhaps, a bit more understanding of her situation. It was obvious she came from a rough background, and (much to Zheria's good fortune) this was not the first time the rider had been in trouble with women. It was decided she'd be given another chance -- mostly because the Weyrwoman Lisella vouched for the girl.

While she didn't necessarily take her under her wing, she offered Zheria hope. Any further provocation against riders would be taken seriously, and she would be returned to Nabol. But, if she went through the right routes, if she trusted Lisella, and the Candidatemasters to do their job, she would not have further problems or trouble.

It was enough to stay Zheria's hand. Though she was stuck scrubbing the latrines and doing some of the more less enjoyable tasks as punishment for her attack, she settled in relatively easy. She was feisty, mistrustful, and aloof... but she was not cruel for the sake of being cruel. Those who worked with her found her a reliable and hardworking individual. She might not be the most friendly, and she certainly had no problem telling off any man that overstayed his welcome, but she was no worse than some of the other mine kids that inevitably got Searched.

She did not Impress the first time she stood. The clutch was modest, at 21, but like many of the Candidates, she found herself alone. If the rejection hurt, she said nothing. In fact, Zheria wasn't sure she even wanted to Impress -- did she dare let someone know her secrets? Could she be so vulnerable? Zheria knew her search was, more or less, phony -- the brown rider had wanted her to return solely for his benefit. She was a fake, a fraud, and yet, she clung to the lie as a lifeline. Even if she aged out, that would give her almost ten Turns of freedom. Surely, by then, she would be free to live her own life, and go somewhere far, far, from Nabol. If nothing else, she might be able to seduce someone at the Weyr for security. Either way, she would not go back.

It was during her second Hatching, when she was 20 Turns old, that she Impressed -- and to the shock of all, it was to the golden egg. As soon as the golden egg cracked, the beautiful creature that stepped out moved directly to her. The other Candidates were spurned -- they were not her most precious, most beautiful Zheria.

My most precious Zheria! I am here now, and together, we will rule the world. I promise you, your Eveleth will never let you down.

In that instant, the woman's world changed completely. If she had ever wondered why she might need a dragon, she now wondered how she'd lived live without her precious queen. Suddenly she had all the emotional support, love, and affection she could handle; her walls were broken down by a beautiful, rainbow gaze; her flaws were accepted, her fears reassured, and her confidence renewed.

Eveleth was her missing piece -- both the healing she needed, and the power she craved. The game that she had been playing all her life suddenly looked easier than before. She was no longer a lone pawn; with Eveleth at High Reaches Weyr, she suddenly had a new advantage.

The Weyrwoman Lisella was delighted. She favored her almost as if she were one of her own, taking her under her wing, and ensuring she matured into a capable queen rider. Zheria, for her part, was a good student. She could be charming, she had no trouble asserting her (or Eveleth's) desires, and she did not tolerate fools. She didn't care if she was liked or not -- she had Eveleth, what more was needed?

While Zheria had always desired an escape -- she hated being so close to Nabol Hold -- Lisella desired that she remained. Furthermore, the woman did like the power that High Reaches Weyr afforded her; suddenly, she had more control over her life, her desires, her wishes than she ever had before. Life was good at the Weyr, and most importantly, Eveleth liked it. These were her clutchmates, her loves, her friends. This was their home, and as the Turns passed, eventually Zheria came to call it home, too.

As she aged, she would periodically do what she could against Nabol Hold. She hated the Lord Holder, and though she begged Lisella to do more against Nabol Hold, the traditions were clear -- Weyrs did not get involved in the politics of the Holds. Unless it disrupted life at the Weyr, the Weyrs let the Holds alone, just as the Holds left the Weyrs to their own devices. Lord Gansley was not a well liked man, but he also supported High Reaches Weyr with fine tithes, and discounted resources. They needed him as much as they might despise him.

So it was, the woman did what she could, when she could -- privately, secretly, and quietly. She took children from the mines and brothels and streets, either to the Weyr, or to differing Holds; she would Search men and women of appropriate age, or send down trusted riders to spirit away those who needed it most. While she could not save everybody, or even a fraction of those who needed it, she did what she could.

At 24 she had her first child, a young son. Unsure what to do with him, she sent him to the creche; and though she was not always the most maternal of creatures, she did try to give him some attention when she could. At 26 she did the same when she gave birth to a daughter, Zyamel. While she was more certain of the parentage of the girl, she found her maternal instincts lacking. While she could ensure they were educated, provided for, and loved - it was better they grew up Weyrbrats.

Eveleth, for her part, was more or less disinterested in the small children. She preferred her riders attention, and the children were nothing but a distraction.

At 36 Turns, Zheria was given the Weyr. Eveleth was due to rise, and was already acting proddy. The gold was flirtatious, and far more forgiving to the males of the Weyr. Lisella, the Weyrwoman of High Reaches, officially stepped down from her position.

As was tradition, the next queen to rise would be considered the Weyrwoman. Everyone knew it was to be Eveleth, which was a slap in the face to Caracath's rider. Sure enough, not quite a sevenday later, Eveleth screamed a challenge to the Weyr, and took the skies.

The choice for the future Weyrleader turned out to be D'mon of bronze Thistreth, and a new era for High Reaches began.

The past seven Turns have been a bit of a blur for the woman. D'mon proved to be a competent Weyrleader, and they found they agreed on how the Weyr should move forward. While Lisella had been a good woman, the Weyr itself was run a bit sloppily by her old weyrmate. Zheria, who enjoyed being in complete control, was not going to let the Weyr simply forget its traditions. D'mon was also a traditionalist, and was also a firm believer in Thread's return. While Zheria wasn't entirely sold, if it kept the Weyr militant and strict, than she wasn't going to argue.

Additionally, the traditionalist views and old ways did ensure that her power was secured. Once given the name of Weyrwoman, unless something happened to Eveleth, she would be in complete control. This was where she had wanted to be, wasn't it? In a position of true power, at the top of the food chain? She might never have been granted this opportunity if Lisella hadn't retired when she had -- and that, too, had been part of Lisella's game.

There were other queen riders, others who could have been chosen to be Weyrwoman, but Lisella had purposefully picked Zheria.

She wasn't going to spurn this golden opportunity.

So, Zheria made sure that High Reaches understood who now ruled the roost. D'mon and she were strict with their changes, but the Weyr certainly benefited. Holds that used to push the Weyr around found themselves fighting a beast. Tithes were expected to arrive on time, and don't even think about trying to cheat Zheria out of her Weyrs due. And while this did mean having to work with Lord Gansley, Zheria did so for the sake of the Weyr . . . She wanted to kill him, but as Weyrwoman, she discovered just how much they relied on Nabol's riches. His firestone, his metals, the cattle and resources they sent up to High Reaches Weyr was ample and generous... Cutting him off wouldn't do the Weyr any good no matter how she sliced it. No, Lord Gansley and his predecessors had made sure that the Hold itself was terribly useful and accommodating to the Weyr. . . likely, she realized, for the Weyr to turn a blind eye on its abusive and inhumane practices.

It's a sticking point Zheria hates, but she will bide her time. Two can play the long game, after all.

As the Turns passed, Zheria found herself more and more comfortable in her position of power. She used it, but tried not to abuse it - - she did not want to turn into another Gansley, after all. While she knows some in the Weyr hate her, or wish it to be more like Western, she doesn't care -- what they have works. If they don't like it, they don't have to stay. The more people push her to change, the more she'll dig in her heels. This is her Weyr, thank you, and she will damn well do whatever she must to ensure its success.

Now that Threadfall is back, Zheria is grateful that they had prepared the Weyr. Their losses weren't as great as others, and now, Pern looks to them to lead.

Other: She hates diamonds. She hates Lord Gansley. She sleeps freely with men and women, and sometimes multiples of them, at any given point. She tends to have an entourage of supporters, and will not hesitate to kick out those who are considered problems.

Dragon Info

User Image

Name: Eveleth
Age: 25
Color: Gold
Size: 51’
Hatching day:
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other:

Physical Description: Eveleth is as large as a queen can get, and then some. She has good proportions, with extra long headknobs. While she might not be as graceful as some of the queens in the air, due to all her bulk, she is strong and capable, and that's what matters. She knows she's a queen of great beauty, and isn't shy about showing off to others, be it on the ground or in air.

Personality: Eveleth is a queen, and doesn't she know it. She has always been a proud creature, and is the sort of gold who knows exactly what she wants. As soon as she hatched shell, she had no need to bother with the other girls -- Zheria was the only one for her. This queen is cordial, but has expectations of how she should be treated -- she deserves the best of everything, and can be quite particular about whom she shares a ledge with, or who she allows touch her. If she does not want your company, and you press your advantage, you will feel her scorn as well as her fangs. She is not a queen who will be pushed into anything she does not like or desire.

This is, perhaps, why she has settled on Thistreth as her current favored clutch bronze. She doesn't necessarily call him her mate, but she is friends with the older bronze, and certainly seems pleased by her clutches with him. His rider makes her rider's life more simple, and so, she has no need to settle for another during her flights. But rest assured, boys, he is not her true mate. And even if it's all but guaranteed he will win her flights, she will remember if you do not at least try to chase.

But this does not mean she isn't fond of the other males of the Weyr. Bronzes and browns are always welcome to court her between flights. On her best behavior she is charming, clever, and intelligent. She knows how to charm men, and if she's paying you heed, you had best understand that it's an honor. Be good to Eveleth, and she can be very good to you... but beware. On her bad days, she can be jealous, savage, and cruel.


Threadfall Stats:
Status Effect: None.
Target Accuracy:
Flame Length:
General Stamina:
General Agility:
Between Accuracy:
Pain Resilience:

Additional Notes:
Origin of Name:



Why Me?






RP Logs
() - Title here!
() - Title here!
() - Title here!


??? - ??? - Her son by ???
Zyamel - Uta - Her daughter by V’mel; a brownrider at High Reaches.


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 9:03 pm
Olliah & Gold Fianth

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Name: Olliah
Age: 44
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Assumed straight.
Craft: Weaver (journeyman)
Rank: Weyrwoman Second
Location: High Reaches Weyr
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other:

Basic Info

Physical Description: Olliah is a woman of average height. She stand's about 5'6" with brown skin, and thick hair that is dark black. It falls down about mid-back, but she often keeps it braided or tied up so as not to get in her face. With Thread's return she's considered shopping it short, but as yet hasn't done so. Her eyes are a warm golden brown, her smile gentle, and her brows often knit in some form of worry. There is a warmth about her that seems off compared to the general cold aloofness of Zheria and others in power at High Reaches. She's often found wearing golds, silvers, and bright colors when appropriate.

Personality: Olliah is seemingly the opposite of the Weyrwoman; where Zheria is firm, Olliah is more flexible; where Zheria is traditional, Olliah is more understanding; where Zheria is suspicious, Olliah is trusting; where Zheria tends to leave a room breathless, Olliah is easily overlooked. It wouldn't be accurate to call her a wallflower, but she simply has never, and likely will never, command an audience. Thankfully, that's more than all right by her.

At her core being, Olliah has always been a considerate and responsible woman. She was always just a little more mature and grown up as a child, and those qualities stayed with her as she grew. If she wasn't thinking of her family's needs, then she was thinking of her friends, or her masters, and then anyone else in the vicinity. She has always considered herself last, which can cause problems, but isn't something she'd willingly wish to change. If there is someone in need, Olliah is the first to reach out to try to help. If there's something she can give, she will do so, willingly; if it's something she can't do, she will strive to find an answer to the problem, or at least someone who can help.

This care for others also stems to children and animals. She has always done her best to play mother, and has a tendency to take others under her wing. Children will find her to be patient and sensitive to their needs; but they will not find a pushover. Olliah has enough of an understanding to know when to be firm, and when leniency can go a long way. Animals, children, weyrlings, candidates-- honestly, Olliah is one of the more approachable riders in High Reaches Weyr, despite her rank and title.

Ever responsible, there is a reason Zheria chose the young woman to be her Second. While there were other gold riders she could have invited to stand by her side, Zheria knows that Olliah is devoted to the Weyr, or at least it's people and dragons. Her sense of duty runs deep, and Zheria knows well that she can depend on the woman to finish a task and a job well done. Olliah takes pride in her work, sometimes to the exclusion of all else. It doesn't matter what sacrifices she personally has to make so long as her duty and tasks get completed. She's the sort of woman to pick up the slack without complaint... though this can cause her to take on more work than she should, or for others to lean on her too much.

So much responsibility and a desire to work hard can cause her to lose out on other things, like personal relationships, or enjoying hobbies and free time. With Thread's return, her need to work, to get the endless tasks of being a Weyrwoman completed, has only caused her to become extra devoted to her work. The Weyr needs order and Zheria and D'mon depend on her to help. Never has the position of Weyrwoman Second been more important than now, with Thread's return. Should anything happen to Zheria, that would put her in charge, and Olliah feels that she isn't prepared for that.

Anxiety and self-doubt seem be behind her desire to please and her addiction to hard work. While only Fianth knows just how deep those worries go, Olliah questions herself everyday. Is she good enough? Is she doing enough for Fianth? Is she doing enough for Zheria? Does Zheria regret her being Weyrwoman Second? Would Zheria prefer another gold rider to aid her? Does Fianth regret her choice? Are the people of High Reaches happy? Could she be doing more? Yes, her brows are often knit with concern, despite her smile. There is always something turning in the back of her mind, and it often is a seed of worry.

While Fianth calms her considerably, her responsibilities as Weyrwoman Second, even after all these Turns, have weigh heavily on her heart. Now that Thread is back, and High Reaches seems to be the Weyr that has it all, Olliah can't help but wonder if she is the right woman for the job. She is no Zheria, after all.

Pros: Considerate, Responsible, Maternal
Cons: Self-Doubting, Anxious, Workaholic

History: Olliah has always had a bit of a humble beginning. She was born and raised in Tillek Hold, the eldest daughter (though not the eldest child) of a large family of nine. Her mother Liahana was the youngest daughter of a small Telgar cothold, and her father, Ollisten, was a Journeyman weaver assigned to the main Hold. Her parents fell in love during a local Gather, and though Liahana's father grumbled and objected about the match, even he couldn't deny the love the two had for one another.

They were married less than a Turn from their initial meeting, and Liahana gave birth to their first child six months later.

Liahana and Ollisten had always wanted a large family, and they were blessed with child after child, including two twin boys, Hallisten and Hanasten. Olliah was their fourth child, and their first daughter, and the loving couple were ecstatic. By the time she was six Turns old, she was followed up with three more siblings, and the family was complete.

Those early Turns were some of her more fond memories. She remembers helping her mother cook, as well as being coddled by her older brothers; she remembers her father making her dresses and outfits of bright colors, and doting on her younger siblings. Though the family was always tight on marks, they never lacked for love, warmth, and kindness. Olliah lived happily in the outskirts of Tillek Hold with her family until just after her 10th turn. This is when things began to change.

It started first with her mother growing ill. The healers weren't sure what the matter was, but she began to lose weight at an extremely fast pace; she was weak and fatigued, and no amount of remedies seemed to aid her. She died five months later, having unknowingly succumbed to cancer. The swiftness of her death shocked the family. Quite suddenly, their father was a widow, and their family without a mother. Their father fell into a deep depression, and during that time, his work suffered. Commissions stopped coming in when his work suffered to be finished or even completed at all. Her eldest brothers had already been sent to Crafhalls -- it was Olliah's turn to go next. This was going to be the Turn she decided. . . but instead of following her passion, she decided to stay at home.

She tried hard to care for her siblings as best she could; she tried to encourage her father to work, and helped him when she could. She was clever enough to sell trinkets around the house, or bolts of fabric her father had all but given up on using, to help ensure they would survive. Olliah's grandparents tried to convince the family to return to their small cothold, but Ollisten refused. He couldn't go back -- seeing them would only remind him of her.

Instead, he packed the children up and moved them to the outskirts of High Reaches Hold. The change made an already bad situation worse. Ollisten claimed to know people there, good people; but it wasn't easy. He no longer had a client base, and they no longer had the support of Liahana's family. The first few Turns were rough; marks were tighter than they ever were, and Ollisten was away from home more than he was there. Where he went, Olliah never knew, but it didn't matter -- as the eldest still at home, it was up to her to fuss over her siblings, despite being a child herself.

It took another Turn before her father started crafting again, but pride seemed to remind him that he did have responsibilities, despite his aching grief. Olliah helped him as he began to pick up his craft, and it wasn't long before he began journeying again. Olliah didn't like it when her father left, but he had a duty, and she respected that; when he was gone, she mothered her siblings, and tried hard to keep their mother's memory alive. There was a new stress that hung over the group, but so long as they were together, that was what was important, wasn't it?

By Turn 15 life had a new normal. Olliah was unofficially apprenticed under her father, helping to pick up more and more work as he traveled, and orders came in. By that point he spent most of his time gone, and only sent occasional marks back to his children. At that age Olliah knew enough tailoring to get her by, and then some; while she didn't have a natural gift, she had been taught by her father, who had a knack. No matter what she might have desired to do, Olliah quietly accepted that her lot was to become a tailor, like her father. Let her younger siblings follow their passions and their hearts; if she could provide for them, and give them a chance to get out of their current lot, then so be it.

They struggled to make ends meat in High Reaches Hold, but Olliah did what she could to make their home a happy home. There was talk of sending her to Crom for official training, but surprisingly, at tun 17, she was found on Search. Though she almost denied it -- feeling as if she would do more good remaining with her family -- it was a blessing by her father and her younger sisters that encouraged her to go. Just as she had mothered them, they would work hard to make sure the family made it out all right.

So, Olliah packed her things, and became one of the many Candidates stationed at High Reaches Weyr. The Weyr was a strange place for the holdbred girl; families were far more independent and loose. Instead of only looking out for one another, the entire Weyr seemed to look out for the children. That in itself was both appealing and alarming to her. Parents would seemingly throw their babies in the creche and think nothing of it! Half the weyrbred children she knew had no clue who one (or both) of their parents happened to be It was an incredibly peculiar place!

But, it was also a refreshing change. While she missed her family, she was excited at the prospect of Impressing a dragon. Practically speaking, it would be a wonderful new way to bring in marks and to ensure her family was safe and secure; she could find different work with a dragon, could leave the Weyr if she desired. The entire world would be open to her, and a green dragon would be the sweetest of companions. Assuming, of course, she Impressed.

So it was, Olliah settled into the routine of High Reaches candidacy. Ah, but Turn after Turn, the woman found herself without a partner. Clutch after clutch, the thrill of the Hatching turned into heartbreak. While her family tried to come to the events, it was expensive to take the time off work, and eventually they stopped coming all together She didn't blame them. They had their own lives to live; her father got re-married; her siblings found their crafts, and slowly scattered to the wind.

By the time she did Impress, at Turn 24, Olliah had no expectations, and her hope was dim. Ah, but that was when sweet, precious Fianth cracked shell. Delicate and nurturing, the gold knew immediately who was hers, and she strode meekly over to the girl that stood far from her shell.

Dearest Olliah, my most beloved My name is Fianth, and I am sorry to have made you wait. I may not be the green of your dreams, but I hope you might love me as I am? Golden hide and all?

Never in a million turns had Olliah thought that she would impress a gold. But the fates had plans for the woman, and her life was ever changed. No longer did she have a desire to leave the Weyr. No, Fianth had duty and work to be done here, and the woman accepted that fact as soon as Impression was made.

Fianth was a nurturing queen, and far more gentle than some of the golds found within the Weyr. She was supportive where her rider doubted; and Olliah's maternal instinct meant Fianth got all the doting attention that she desired. Unfortunately, though Olliah knew of the politics that came with riding a metallic dragon at the Weyr, she didn't know just how deep (or how manipulative) the men and women could be.

She had been a wallflower Candidate, and now she suddenly was the newest queenrider. She was Eveleth's first golden daughter, and both Zheria and the queen had an intense desire in seeing Fianth succeed. Zheria became Olliah's mentor and confidante; she was her best-friend, or one of them, and someone Olliah blindly trusted to help her navigate the politics of the Weyr. Zheria, for her part, found the dark haired woman to be a moldable pawn, and she appreciated the Olliah's naivete. It was the start of a strange friendship, but one that would put the woman in a solid position of power.

Unlike Zheria, who seemed suspicious of almost everybody, Olliah was quick to let her gentle heart trust those she shouldn't. In fact, her first love was a bronze rider named K'ienn. He had seemed genuine, and had befriended her early on. He'd paid her attention where others had overlooked her, and she had thought their friendship-turned-something-more was rooted in mutual respect and kindness. For eight Turns she ate out of the bronze riders hand, falling for the man's charms, certain that he was a cut above the rest. Surely, he meant what he said when he pursued her; surely, he had come to love her, too. For eight Turns, Fianth allowed the bronze to fly her, both of them believing that surely, they had found their mates.

Unfortunately, Olliah began to wonder about K'ienn's sincerity.Though they were technically together, the prospect of becoming weyrmates was something she feared to bring up, and was certainly not something he ever asked about. Their relationship was less about love and trust, and more about convenience. Fianth cared about Yisketh, but things simply didn't seem right. K'ienn, she knew, was quite involved in the Weyr's local politics, and part of a faction of bronze riders that the woman (quietly) detested They were men that looked at gold riders as if they were nothing but meat; and riders of other colors as if they were worthless. It was the ugly side of dragon riding, and something Zheria had told her to expect. How many Turns had Olliah thought that his fondness for her had been genuine? Instead, the man slowly became someone she didn't know; he was obsessed with power, with rank, and she knew well that he had desires to become Weyrleader. While he never outright said it, it was easy to believe he only was invested in her because of the gold she rode.

The woman had held onto hope that maybe, just maybe, things would resolve, but by the time Fianth rose for her fourth flight, neither rider nor dragon were convinced of their worth. K'ienn didn't prize her as a man might a lover; he prized her just because she rode gold.

From that moment on, Olliah accepted that she could no longer blindly trust a man's interest or intrigue. She was an interesting pawn for some game she had never really wanted to play. Fianth was just a way for them to gain prestige. Though she mistrusted the men, the dark haired woman keenly missed her family. During her later years with K'ienn, and after their relationship ended, she found herself yearning for children. She could not get away from the Weyr, and her relationship with her family was strained. While she tried to visit her growing siblings and her father when she could, it wasn't always easy. Her siblings had grown, and contact wavered. She missed them, but her responsibilities to the Weyr made it difficult to find time to see them. Furthermore, she feared their resentment, and guilt makes her think she abandoned them. Maybe she had. Such feelings only grew worse when life surprised her with a promotion.

During her 35th Turn, life changed drastically. Not only did their old Weyrwoman retire, somewhat unexpectedly; but it was Zheria's gold Eveleth who rose within days of the announcement. This meant that Caracath and her rider were suddenly displaced! Olliah had expected the older, once known Weyrwoman Second, to take the place of her predecessor but apparently the Weyrwoman Lisella had other ideas. Any expectations of how the Weyr was to be run were completely out the window Eveleth allowed Thistreth to fly her, which meant D'mon was the new Weyrleader.

He tapped an older bronzerider, Y'mar, to be his second... and Zheria chose Olliah to be hers!

Whether or not the woman felt she was right for the role didn't matter Zheria wouldn't have allowed her to say no, and the woman was honored to be considered. Oh, but she felt young, and she felt ill prepared. For all her warm smiles, she was utterly terrified. Fianth was pleased, if not perhaps surprised. Wasn't this the life women dreamed to have? To be a Weyrwoman of Pern? The moment she was named Zheria's successor was the moment Olliah fell double into her work.

Its been joked the woman hasn't been seen since. Zheria's workload increased exponentially, and it was Olliah who was left to pick up the pieces, or at least help mitigate any complaints or objections. The Weyr had always been traditional, but D'mon and Zheria breathed new life into it. They were both relatively young leaders, and both had a desire to ensure that High Reaches kept its traditions. This meant shaking things up. Wingleaders changed; any flexibility riders had thought the Weyr was progressing to were quickly tossed aside. Those who fought against the grain of tradition found themselves demoted, or in the worst and most stubborn cases, transferred out. High Reaches had always been strict, but D'mon and Zheria were firm believes in the old ways. They had to prepare for Thread's eventual return, after all.

And Thread did return. It ravaged Telgar, and decimated Olliah's old stomping grounds. Her mother's hold was obliterated and some of her family. Any reservations the woman had about the strictness of the Weyr were washed away during her grief; High Reaches Weyr had been right, Thread did come back. And they would fight this enemy however they could!

For her part, the young woman has grown into the perfect good cop to Zheria's bad. Her maternal nature allows her to be understanding; where Zheria might lack patience or compassion, Olliah is there to be her conscience. She has given herself fully to her work, so she might not let Zheria, or the people of High Reaches, down.

Life is routine for the woman. Whether or not she's happy in her life isn't something she could answer, and she'd claim she hasn't the time to think about it.

Other: Fianth was clutched 3555.06.11 by Eveleth x Aveth. Olliah also may have fostered some children during her time as a young gold rider.

Dragon Info

User Image

Name: Fianth
Age: 20
Color: Gold
Size: 42'
Hatching day: 3555.06.11AL
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other: Blue Krahsujunth

Physical Description: Fianth is a very small gold, though not necessarily the smallest on the record. She was petite as a hatchling, and grew up just as delicate; her limbs are short, her body naturally trim, and her neck and tail long. There are some bronzes well larger than she, but Fianth doesn't mind. She might be delicate, but she flies wit ha grace and agility seen more in the smaller colors than the metallics. If her stamina suffers, the gold is too proud to admit it, and would happily fly as long and as far as Eveleth and some of her larger golden queens.

Personality: Fianth is a sweetheart gold, and is matched well with Olliah. Like rider, like dragon, they say, and in this case Fianth found a kindred spirit within the dark skinned girl. Like her rider, Fianth has always had a strong maternal instinct, and a caring nature. She is quite materanal, and will fuss over any dragon that seems to need it; she loves to love, and is gentle in all her ministrations. This makes her an ideal nurse gold -- she is the sort who will visit sick and ailing dragons, or offer comfort to those who are distressed. One way in which she differs from her rider is that, in her world, Olliah will always come first. Where her rider might spread herself thin due to work, obligations, and demands from those around her, Fianth will try to mother her rider and ensure she's sleeping, eating, not worrying. It isn't always easy, due to Olliah's worriesome nature, but she is a soothing balm on that nervous heart. Fianth is not a pushover, for all that she encourages peace and gentility. When push comes to shove, this gold still has claws, and her scorn is not easily forgiven once earned.

Bronzeriders, and even some brown riders, that hang around her rider in that way might find a much colder queen. Fianth has not forgotten the hurt K'ienn and Yisketh caused them. The gold will fly bronzes and browns when she flies, but she is no longer smitten by their words of love. She knows the truth. They don't really care, at the end of the day. And if she looks jealously at Uridith and Takarath, or other dragons who have found loyal and loving mates, she would never admit it.


Threadfall Stats:
Status Effect: None.
Target Accuracy:
Flame Length:
General Stamina:
General Agility:
Between Accuracy:
Pain Resilience:

Additional Notes:
Origin of Name:



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Shy Mage


Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Jul 21, 2019 9:04 pm
D'mon & Bronze Thistreth

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Name: D'mon
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation:
Rank: Weyrleader
Location: High Reaches Weyr
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other:

Basic Info

Physical Description:





Dragon Info

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Name: Thistreth
Age: 28
Color: Bronze
Hatching day: 3546.13.01AL
Voice Sample: () -
Significant Other:

Physical Description:



Threadfall Stats:
Status Effect: None.
Target Accuracy:
Flame Length:
General Stamina:
General Agility:
Between Accuracy:
Pain Resilience:

Additional Notes:
Origin of Name:



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Dragon Name



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