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Lying atop an adjacent cliff to the Intelligence Agency Facility is the Aviary. The Aviary houses several winged beasts such as birds, bats, and the like. This branch of the village's Juei sector are tasked with guarding the village from the skies and any threats from above. Members who wish to join the Aviary must meet the rank of Specialist in the Special Ops Profession as a minimum. Mounts given by the aerial corps are treated as a body rank below their owner in terms of basic combat abilities (resources drained from the master), while members who are of the Tamer Class and are accepted have their mount treated as an extra pet (cannot learn jutsu) being same rank in basic combat and have access to the users agility stat for the sole purpose of evasion while in the sky.

Sealing Array:

Finger Engraving Seal [ Shikoku Fuuin ] | Rank C
-All seals are placed on the surfaces themselves and not on paper.

Multiple Infinite Embraces [ Tajลซ Mugen Hลyล ] | Rank S+
-Applied by Seal Expanding to cover the whole thread. When activated drains an A-ranked amount of chakra and deal tier-three trauma per post to those inside. This seal is kept in the Konoha sealing array room and must be unsealed there to prevent its projection.

Seal Strengthening | Rank: S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Placed on Multiple Infinite Embraces, preventing the seals unsealing/destruction of until this seal is dealt with. This seal is kept within the Konoha sealing array room.

Seal Strengthening v2 | Rank: S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
--Placed on Multiple Infinite Embraces, preventing the stealing/prevention of activating/interference with outputting already established connections of this seal without first dealing with this one. This seals physical location is in the Konoha sealing array room.

Seal Strengthening | Rank: S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Placed on Seal Strengthening v2, this seal prevents the unsealing/destruction of without first dealing with this seal. The physical location of this seal is in the Konoha sealing array room.

Seal Expanding | Rank: A | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Expands the Multiple Infinite Embraces to the entire thread. This seals physical location is in the Konoha sealing array room.

Seal Strengthening | Rank: S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Placed on the Seal Expanding lines, this seal prevents the unsealing/destruction of without first dealing with this seal first. The physical location of this seal is in the Konoha sealing array room.

Seal Strengthening v2 | Rank: S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Placed on the above seal, this seal prevents the stealing of/prevention of activation/interface with a current outputting signal until this seal is dealt with. This seals physical location is kept within the Konoha sealing array room.

Seal Strengthening | Rank: S+ | Class: Fuinjutsu | Cost: Chakra
-Placed on the seal above, this seal prevents the unsealing/destruction of it without first dealing with this seal. This seals physical location is in the Konoha sealing array room.

Scroll Communication Technique [ Sukurลru tsลซshin no Jutsu ] | Rank C | Universal
-Multiple Lines of Communication are placed throughout the area, as well on with each guard themselves that act as walkie-talkies with other guards across the village, Lahlil, and Sadayo.