The land was quiet, much like the days she spent in the rogue lands. Now, the young goddess of Fidelity was perched on a rock, void of her gear, sunning. She would be meeting the Goddess of Purity later, but was taking this time to enjoy the warmth the sun brought her. There was a sense of familiarity here, and right now she wanted to figure out why. Today though, she wouldn’t. She would enjoy herself in this quiet time.

The sound of the ripples stirring the water brought her attention to the murkiness. Her bright eyes watched the unclear water, a soft sigh escaping her maw. Her mind was a haze, just like the ambiguity of the water.

The large white god had left the Stormborn a disheveled mess, covered in blood and ego bruised he made his way to a near by river, looking to wash away his shame. The God found little peace in leaving his daughter, mother, and sister behind... but he knew where he wasn't wanted. A deep sigh escaped him as he slowly moved to dip is paws into the water, cleaning off some of the blood that had gathered around them.

For a long moment he simply stood, jaded and ice cold, emotionally warn.

It was until the movement of another caught his eye that caused Airion to snap back, speaking in a rather low voice. "Forgive me - I thought I was alone."

Blood dripped from his white mane as he stood half-submerged in the water, glancing over at the pale female.

The scent of copper entered her nostrils as her attention focused on the large form that seem to appear out of nowhere. Maybe not truly out of nowhere, if Nara was paying attention.

She glanced towards the other, taking in his appearance. Was he bleeding?

“Are you hurt?” Nara asked softly, ignoring his apology as he was half submerged in the water. Nara knew little of injuries, but she would help if she could. Her eyes flickered to the male’s horn. Another deity? Her head tilted as she glanced to his back. Wingless? Just like her?

As his eyes finally settled on her figure he smiled. "Just my luck-" he exclaimed with a half-smile. "Another God." perhaps she was the healing type? He slowly moved closer to where she stood, speaking in a much more welcoming tone. "Yeah, I got into some trouble... it would seem. Though this blood is not my own."

Now that he was close enough she could see the blood upon his horn, dried and caked against it's light.

"I am sorry for intruding, I wasn't aware of your presence." his eyes looked her over once as he gave her another funny look. "You are wingless too? How odd."

Nara frowned, eyes shifting to the blood. When he said it wasn’t of his, she shook her head. Fighting seemed so useless. The goddess sighed softly, rising to her feet as she stepped from her perched. Her paws entered the water, to get a closer look. Nara knew little of personal space.

“You aren’t intruding. I am not really part of this land.” The goddess started, a small smile on her maw. “Just enjoying the sun,” a light purr tumbled through her form.

A paw lifted towards his horn. Water dripped from her front appendages as she wiped at the other God’s feature. “This must have been a bad fight... how is the other?” Concern in her voice not only for Airion, but the other party as well.

When he mentioned wingless, she glanced at her back. Oh... he knew? “I guess I was born without them.” She knew not much more from that.

As the Goddess helped clean his horn Airion sighed, glancing away as if he was embarrassed. "I am not sure. I hit him pretty hard-" in truth Airion didn't know how to feel about the fight. It had left him feeling hallow and cold. "I wasn't fighting just for the sport of it." he added as the smaller deity stood in front of him. "I was defending my family, and my sister."

In his mind that justified his actions... but maybe they didn't. Some part of the God was feeling conflicted.

"At least... I thought I was." a low, uneasy tone came over him as he glanced down at her. Something about her eyes felt warm. "I am Airion. Wingless too." a joke of course, something to lighten the mood. "My mother is also, though... my father has enough wings for us all."

Nara shook her head, cleaning the dried blood from the horn as he spoke. Once she was satisfied, she dropped her paw down to the water, leaving the area for the dryer land.

“Was it worth it?” Nara knew little of battles, and of fights. She only knew what she saw in her lifetime (which to her, wasn’t very long).

“I am Nara.” She said in her sing-song voice. “I guess other gods have an image ability to sense others hmm?” She grinned. “Most mortals would not see past my disguise,” it truly was a poor one, “but some gods have.”

“Do you live around here?”

As she spoke shame loomed over him like a dark shadow, settling in the pit of his stomach as the Goddess spoke in a disapproving tone. Something about her words left him feeling unsure. "I-I don't know now, honestly." for a moment he stood away from her, glancing down at the now tainted water.

However, his mood lifted as she offered him her name. "Nara? I am Airion." he offered back with a half-smile, moving to the try land as well.

"I don't live anywhere, honestly. My mother and family stay in the Pridelands, but I wander." as he found himself settled on dry land his tail curled around his front paws. "Thank you for the help... with my horn."

Nara’s azure gaze followed his to the water. She clicked her tongue, bring her attention back to the god.

“Well, what is done is done. I wouldn’t dwell on it too much.” Nara said with a smile.

“Ah, you’re like me then. Not really a home to call home hmm? I began wandering myself lately. It was an... opportunity... to find myself.” What a lonesome opportunity too. She missed being with others. Living a single life was quite lonely.

She watched Airi approach the dry land. “You just seemed like you needed help. I am always willing to offer, when I can.” She gave a small nod. “If your family is here, perhaps you know more of the land than I do. Maybe you can show me around a bit?” She tilted her head slightly.

It was hard not to smile as she spoke, her presence was warm and welcoming, leaving him feeling a bit better about this fight earlier in the day. "Maybe we are more alike than I would have guessed." he spoke out with a soft nod, his fluffy mane ruffling against the wind. "Thank you for your kindness, Nara."

As he spoke he offered her a friendly paw, smiling at her fully now. "I'd love to show you around." now that he was completely cleaned off the God felt much more like himself. Perhaps this day could be salvaged still. Nara was a breath of fresh air.

"Follow me, I am sure you and I could find ourselves a grand adventure." with that the pair set off, wandering off into the distance.

Words: 1252