Vaskr set hit paws nearly beside one another. He sat tall and square, chest out to fill his large (though not necessarily broad) frame.

"So," he started, narrowing his bright eyes upwards towards the small figure that peered down towards him from the low branches of a wiry tree. "Who are you?"

The raven blinked and ruffled its feathers, puffing out in a way that seemed to almost mock the way the pale blue lion had tried to make himself look bigger. "Me?" he called down, craning his head far to one side and then the other. His voice was a sort of intentional pseudo-innocence. One that acknowledged that he had been caught and made no real attempt to hide it. "Why, I don't know what you're talking about."

Vaskr scoffed, his lip curling in a frustrated snarl. "You've been following me for days, now," he muttered, his tail twitching from one side to the other in an agitated motion. "Not well, might I add."

"Mmmm," the raven mused. He shifted his wings and settled further into his spot. "Fine." The bird continued to peer, though one would get the impression that there was some sort of satisfied smile in his eyes. "My name's Caligula."

The blue lion snorted again. His jaw set and he gave the bird a good looking over. "That's not what I meant," he stated shortly. "Who are you?"

"Hmh. I guess we can both just repeat ourselves again, friend, because I really don't know what you're talking ab-"

"You've been following me for days. As has, conveniently, a rodent. A snake. And I'm pretty sure a fish was watching me from that lake two days ago. All of them, conveniently, looked just like you." Vaskr's tail thrashed behind him again, faster and faster as his patience continued to wear. "I can't say that I'm a fan of being watched. Certainly not by a god who doesn't want to reveal who he is."

Caligula rolled his eyes and spread his wings, hopping down from the branch. Moments later he sat, in the form of a large lion, at the base of the tree. He reached up with a paw and adjusted the crown on his head so it sat [i[just right. "No fun, huh? Consider it noted."

The god looked the lion over. It was Vaskr's interesting markings that drew Caligula to him initially. There wasn't really that much to him, though. Not for Caligula, anyway. Vaskr seemed to just be a rogue with no real following, so the god would have no real influence. Sure, the lion seemed like he was on some sort of mission, but drive alone wasn't enough for his 'inspiration' to take root. So no harm in having a straightforward chat, right? No reason to hide anything.

"I'm Tyranny," Caligula said with a toothy smile. His wings shifted at his side. "A pleasure to be met, I'm sure."

Vaskr watched as the god shifted in form. His muscled were tense and his heartrate increase despite his efforts to stay calm. Despite his interest in god-born lions, he didn't have much experience facing the deities themselves aside from his own mother. He knew of some, and he certainly acted like he was some sort of expert, but not a lot. Though the knowledge that he did have was enough for him to know that he had to face the black and white facts. He was a mortal in a world of gods. In a world of creatures that possessed a great quantity of power. In comparison to them, his visions were nothing. Just fanciful glimpses into a world that they controlled. He could see, but aside from that he could do very little.

"Tyranny, huh?" Vaskr continued to watch him and continued to hold a not insignificant amount of caution. He hadn't heard of the god before. He didn't know what to expect. And it wasn't like the domain he spoke of was particularly tame. And besides, what reason did he have to believe that the god was even telling the truth? "What interest do you have in me, then?"

"Not much, to be honest." The god shrugged, then looked him over. "You looked different. But also sorta familiar. And I was bored. Things have been pretty quiet around here ever since the," he pointed upwards towards the sky with a paw, "you know." He paused and blinked a couple of times. "Or, I guess, maybe you don't."

Vaskr squinted at him. "No, I can't say I do…" Though he had an idea. It was hard to miss everything that had transpired a few months back. The storms. The lights. The things falling from the sky. And then… then it all just stopped.

"Hmmh," Caligula mused. His eyes turned towards the Haven. He visited once, mostly out of curiosity, after all the chaos had ended. There was little of interest to him in the blackened city, and he would never admit aloud that the wreck of what had been the beacon home of the gods unsettled his stomach. Chaos. He thrived on the chaos he had the capability of wreaking in mortal kingdoms. But that was mortals. All but insignificant to him. What had happened affected everything.

The god shook out his mane, letting the worry slide off of him. "Well, out of sight out of mind then, hm?" One side of his mouth quirked up into a smile. "What about you, little stranger? There has to be a reason I found you at least initially interesting, hm? Related to anyone I might know?"

Vaskr stiffened again, narrowing his eyes. Vaskr didn't spend that much time with his mother and didn't at all know who his father was. And Uuni… well. Who knew if he might be revealing his relationship to her to a friend or a foe.

"Probably not," he muttered, shrugging his shoulders. "My mother is Blood Magic."

"Aaah," Caligula mused thoughtfully, "Lovely lady, I hear. Never met her."

Vasky wrinkled his nose. His skin itched. He didn't like the feeling of this god. This feeling of being kept on edge for whatever whim or fancy Caligula was feeling. "What do you want," he spat finally, lip curling into an unfriendly snarl.

Caligula's brow raised, "What, me? Now why would you go assuming that I need something. Maybe I just wanted some company, hm?" A heavy sigh left his chest and he shook his head. "Well, friend, lets just say that things have been a bit boring for me around here." No prides were in positions that would lend for his influence. At least not easily, as Caligula wasn't really the fighting type. The smile persisted on his face as he kept his eyes on the blue lion. With one paw, he plucked a feather from his wing and offered it. "So I'm trying to reestablish some friends here and there. What do you say, hm? I imagine you can understand the benefit of have a useful friend here and there."

Still tense, Vaskr took the feather. His bright eyes remained on the dark lion the entire time. "Yeah, well," he muttered, mind going over the different possibilities of how he could use such a connection and, more importantly, what the god might want in return. "I still don't trust you."

A laugh left him, then. "Trust? Who says I need your trust, my friend?" No trust was needed. Caligula just needed the possibility that this lion would be someone or go somewhere more interesting.

(WC: 1255)