(Discord Log)

Shadow had been unsure of the words that Zelda had offered at first. How could such a perfect place for them exist but it had and it was like coming home. Her strength, the scars on her hide, and ruin of her voice were seen as badges of courage instead of failure. She missed her twin with an ache that would never end, but Safi was far gone from her now...if he still lived.

Snorting to rid herself of that thought, she found a faint smile curling on her maw as she watched the black, red, and silver form of her beloved mate as the tall willowy lioness crooned and gasped happily over every pretty shell or stone she found.

"Shadow! Shadow! I can make you a new necklace! Oh! And tail cuffs! Oh and this!!"

Lulu was so excited by the beauty all around her these days. It was an oasis from the pain that had plagued them for so long. A new start, a second chance, and she was so glad Shadow had been willing to try. Beaming she shook the water from her dark coat to come groom Shadow's thick neck ruff. "Beloved."

"Lover." Came the gravel growl but the leoponess's smile was tender butting her head into her mate's side. "Go. Sunshine. Enjoy."

The odd pair of hyenas hadn’t been traveling together but rather happened to be going in the same direction, and Hihidaruma hated it. The female, Avanti, was so much different than himself to the point of annoyance. As the female opened her maw to start up a conversation, he cut her off with a gruff snort.

Hey- I didn’t ask. Why don’t you keep your small talk to yourself, huh?” His voice left with a soft rumble yet she pretty much ignored it, a cheeky grin spread across her maw

“Oh you’re just grumpy. I think it’s funny we’re both going to join the pirates! Would they even let you on with your hot head?” She means this in jest...mostly, but it annoys him further. Maybe they wouldn’t let him in. Would he have to fake a happy outside? That’d be difficult.

Once they got closer and spotted others they both kept going, though Hihi tried to get more space between himself and Avanti. Before he could speak she was offering greetings as if she spoke for them both. “Hello there, I’m Avanti. I’d like to join your crew and so w-“

Hihidaruma huffs at her. “We aren’t here together. I’m Hihidaruma, I want to join.

The 'welcome' wasn't all that welcoming since as soon as they were in sight, the pitch-black leopon was on her feet with a cold glare, clearly weighing the danger the two poised. Thankfully though, the tall leggy lioness was much friendlier.

"Oh! Welcome then. I am afraid I am not a captain so there is not crew for you to join but...OH! I know! Shadow..oh honey stop scowling."

Shadow scowled more with a huff. How was anyone suppose to take her as a serious threat with Lulu being all sweet? Well other than the fact she was massive, covered in vicious scars, and looked like she had her throat ripped out and survived... She sneered at both of them before grunting "Fine." her voice was a gravely ruin but given her neck scar, it stood to reason her voice was destroyed too.

Lulu beamed at them, "Shadow isn't a captain but she had a Captain that answers to her. We can send you to him! I'm a healer you see."

Hihi finds himself staring at the much larger battle-worn predator, not angrily so much as in awe. It didn’t scare him off. No, it made him want to join that much more especially if this group would be overseen by her. He wants to work for her, that hope getting dashed as the lioness tells them she doesn’t have a crew. “A captain answers to her?

Avanti looks over to the other hyena, broken from her own bout of fear and intimidation to see the look on the male’s face. Somehow, it’s funny to her yet she understands why he’s reacting that way. “Have a problem with a female lead?” She bites back a laugh as the male rapidly shakes his head, mane getting totally ruffled up in the process.

No, of course not! I’m... I came to the right place.” He’s not sure how to explain, but he hopes the look of admiration is visible enough. If there’s anyone the hot-head can appreciate and respect it’s someone whose been in the thick of it and survived.

Avanti pipes up after the lioness speaks, smiling at her. “I know my way around medicine and healing too!”

Shadow grunted amused a bit as she gazed at the young male. He reminded her of Xyna, her beloved nephew. At his question, she nods in answer. "Captain under me. I am one of the seven lords, the captains answer to us as we answer to our King." Her fuscia eyes pinned him in place. "Our king is also a female. You will meet her soon."

Lulu beamed leaving the two to talk, as she took Avanti to the side "Oh that is wonderful! We always need more healers given the troubles these lot get up to! We go out with the crews when they go on raids to make sure everyone comes back alive."

A lord. He’s currently speaking to a lord, that sounds like a high rank if not the highest, but he doesn’t know. Either way it leads him to tap his front paws excitedly, tail wagging. “Lords and captains. I can just tell you’d lead a tight ship, so those under you must to.” Once the fidgeting stops Hihi gives a happy grin, an extreme rarity for the red hyena. This is a special occasion though. His tail continues to wag slowly though. “I’m looking forward to it, I don’t mind getting my paws dirty.”

Avanti smiles softly seeing how excited the male is, though she’s happy to get interaction herself. “Ohhh, that sounds quite exciting! I’ve also helped with deliveries, but not with your kind or hers. I promise I’ll keep them tended to.” Why anyone would give birth aboard a ship is beyond her but perhaps showing she’s capable of that would give better qualifications.

Shadow grunted in clear amusement now, her stern expression softening to something fond and almost maternal. Yes, this eager pup was so much like her beloved Xy...he'd do well. Looking over to Lulu she made a barking/coughing sound to get her mate's attention before gesturing with a head nod at Hihi "Happy go to Sunny."

Lulu blinked then laughed in delight, "Oh! Oh yes, that would be wonderful! Sunny needs a crew." She looked by to Avanti with a kind smile, "Do the two of you wish to stay together?"

Hihi blinks as he wonders for a moment if Shadow has just dubbed him “happy” as some nickname. He’s not sure, but it’s ironic considering the male’s usual mood. Then again this was bringing out a whole other side of himself. “Thank you, thank you so much!” At the question he looks toward Avanti then shrugs, giving a look of indifference.

“Oh! We don’t actually know each other, we both were just headed this way.” Avanti catches the look and laughs softly. “Well, there’s the answer! Wherever you’d think best fits we’ll go. I’m just excited about this new way of life!”

Shadow chuckled again in her amusement before nodding "Take to Sunny." Gods knew the depressed male needed cheering up. Maybe having the start of a good crew would do that for him. She knew in his pawprints she would..well..best not let those thoughts back in.

Lulu beamed at the two hyenas "Oh you will love it here! Everyone is so welcoming. Long as you are willing to work you will find this a wonderful place to live."

Well, at least the female wasn’t annoying. He’d worried over that when she just tagged along as if they were friends, now though he sees it was premature to assume that. Plus, he just couldn’t keep from feeling joy over this whole thing. He awaits direction, patiently keeping quiet for now.

Avanti smiles broadly while giving a quick nod. “Oh yes! I’m ready to put my all into it, I can’t wait. I’ll help make sure everyone comes home safe from each trip.”

Hihi feels the need to nod as well. “Me too. This seems like the perfect group, I’m good to go...and thank you both.”

Shadow gave a rough bark that served as her laugh watching how eager the two hyenas were to please. oh yes they would do well as crew.

Lulu just beamed at them sweetly as the two dark females moved to lead them towards the lands that would become their new home.

(WC: 1477)