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Welcome to Hopscotch! We're so glad that you're joining us! Before you hop right in, please give this thread a quick read! It'll help you situate yourself.

General Rules

- Please make sure you've read our Terms of Service.
- In order to participate, you'll need to be a member of our Discord.
- Do not delete posts anywhere except your own burrow. If you make a mistake, no worries, you can edit your post.

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Activity Rewards

Playing and developing your Hopscotch character can be quite rewarding ... literally! Completing rps, making art, being active in a warren, keeping an up to date burrow and more can all earn you rewards. Be sure to check out threads in the main subforum that outline current rewards!

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Roleplay Details

- You are welcome to start rping as soon as your rabbit has been certed and placed in your burrow.
- In Hopscotch rabbits can talk to each other.
- There are no humans in Hopscotch, and your rabbit has no idea what a human is.
- There is no magic in Hopscotch, but that doesn't mean your rabbit can't believe in it.
- Check out this thread for more details on the World of Hopscotch.
- Please follow common rp courtesy!
- Please tag rps [PRP] for invite only roleplays and [ORP] for roleplays anyone is welcome to join.
- Please check this thread for details on what season it currently is. Roleplays need to be based in the current season.
- Please remember that actions have consequences!
- Death in Hopscotch is permanent. However, there are rewards for choosing that path.
- For each 500 words you write in a roleplay you can make a roll on the seasonal reward chart. You can find the chart in this thread.
- Please track your roleplay word count in each post.
- To redeem rewards make sure to post in the correct redemption thread!
- You are welcome to rp elsewhere and just post the final rp here.
- All roleplay must be kept PG13.