Hello there artistically inclined stranger, I thank you for taking a peek into my requests. Hopefully, something here inspires you.


Name you want to appear on the art: None
User Image

Reference Images:
User Image User Image
User Image

Pay attention to:Her arms she has none, instead she has scarf arms.
Others: Feel free to draw her with whatever temoerment you feel like. You can also draw the hands if you wish it doesn't bother me.


Name you want to appear on the art: None
User Image

Reference Images:
User Image

Pay attention to:The details of the dress
Others: Have fun smile


Name you want to appear on the art: None

Reference Images:
One ref at the moment and its big lol
User Image

Pay attention to:The little bun in the back is equivelent to a man bun. You can place it at whatever angly you want. With it down you has slightly wavy shoulder length hair.

he has light brown almost golden eyes.

Others: Feel free to change up the cloths.


Name you want to appear on the art: You can name it~
User Image User Image
Extra misc species I have feel free to create a random bby. It's a bat/deer hybrid with either scarf arms or regular arms.

Reference Images:
User Image User Image
User Image

Pay attention to:Scarf armed ones are girls and regular armed ones are boys.
Others: Feel free to redraw an old sample or make something new. The arms don't have to be physical they can have liquid arms well.

Chii Cafe