Nitro #27 Promo

The camera fades-in to show The Ferocious Four in their locker room. Cartwright, Gary Guitar, The Blood Imbruer and The Jester Of Justice are in the middle of a conversation as the jumbo-tron comes to life.

Cartwright: "...tough luck last week Bloody. What a debut it would have been to win that Main Event Battle Royale and become the first WCWG National Champion!"

TBI doesn't look like he wants to be reminded of that.

TBI: "At least I made it to The Final Three. I showed everyone that I am not to be taken lightly here in WCWG. I can be proud of that."

The other men nod their heads in agreement.


Cartwright: "I'm glad you asked. Tonight, I have been booked in the Main Event of the final WCWG Nitro against an old rival, Ken Armand."

Jester: "Good. You deserve to be the last man standing as the show ends. You have been carrying it from the start."

Cartwright turns to look at JOJ.

Cartwright: "I appreciate that. There's a lot of mixed emotions involved when something you joined at its beginning comes to an end. Sad to see it go...but also excited for the future...and I know that I did my part to make Nitro the best show that it could be!"


Cartwright scoffs at the very idea.

Cartwright: "I don't care about that. That doesn't do anything to help me when I am already at the top. I don't need half a roster to show what I am capable of."

JOJ chuckles, it seems like he picked a good time to enter this promotion, if there's going to be more opportunities for himself.

Cartwright: "What I care about is regaining the WCWG World Heavyweight Championship. With that in mind, I have a request! As The Living Legend, I think I deserve to be heard!"

Cartwright turns to face the camera.

Cartwright: "Drako Damone. Congratulations on your victory and gaining full control of WCWG. I know that you are watching this, so listen up! We all heard that Andre Damone has no challenger at Halloween Havoc. It sounds like desperate times calls for desperate measures and I have an idea that will once again save your show. Just like how I sorted-out Salem Croft, I can sort this out."

That line makes everyone in the room smile.

Cartwright: "I earned contendership to the WCWG World Heavyweight Championship at Starrcade...move my match forward to Halloween Havoc! I am on a roll, collecting victories like they are whisky bottles. The time is now! The inevitable will happen when I defeat Andre Damone and the new era can start properly....with me as the World Heavyweight Champion!"

The camera fades-out with Gary wondering where his whisky gift from Cartwright is.