Enter from Arashigakure

Was Arashigake still above Astoria? Let's say it is because it was when Kagerou started planning to leave.

Descending from the floating city, Kagerou landed on the beaches, quiet in the twilight peace. She spent a moment to enjoy the view of the ocean dyed in hues of orange and yellow. It was an unfamiliar shore, yet it invoked a familiar image.

Panning her view from the ocean afar to the shores she stood on, the last glimmers of sunlight cast shadows and glimmers across the beach. As she planned, the beach was currently at low tide, and the ocean left behind a bounty of pretty seashells, polished by the motion of the waves.

Walking to pick up the closest of these, Kagerou smiled as she looked forward to reuniting with Sonyo after so long. She took the time to sift through many shells. A few she found the most pleasing, she deposited carefully into a wicker basket, summoned out of thin air for this very purpose.

Only when night's curtain fell, taking the last bits of daylight with it, did Kagerou stop. The incoming tide lapped at her feet as she stood upon the beach that would soon be covered with the ocean's waves. She took in a deep breath of the ocean breeze, and in a flash, she disappeared.

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