xxxxJ E TxxxC A M E R O NxxxV A NxxxA S T E Nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES None

              AGE Eleven

              BIRTHDAY August 14th, 2036

              BLOOD STATUS Muggleborn

              WAND Cypress with phoenix feather, 12.5'', rigid with a spiraled shaft

              GENDER Male



              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Rollo Weeks [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              TO ATTEND Hogwarts

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              YEAR First

              DREAM JOB One that is rewarding and pays decently...

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ OPEN New experiences are the sprinkles on the sundae of Jet's perception of life. Not only will he always be open to trying some fun new hobby, going somewhere he's never been, or ordering the most exotic thing on the menu, but he puts effort into not being rigid in his morals and beliefs. He thinks it can be dangerous to be set in his ways, and wants to consider different perspectives and reasons for doing things. New information is always available, and can affect his opinions in many ways.
              ■ BRAVE While not quite a daredevil, Jet will not back down if there is a threat to him or someone he loves. He might experience fear at times, but courage in spite of that fear helps Jet to be unwavering in his resolve to protect and defend his own. He feels a sense of responsibility for doing what's right or what he thinks is right, even if it is risky.
              ■ FRIENDLY Jet will try to make friends with almost anyone. A general rule of thumb is that he will like a person until they give him good reason not to. He appreciates different personality types and how they interact, and he likes having friends. Jet particularly enjoys when someone has a good sense of humor or knows how to have a bit of fun, but quieter type people are important to him too.
              ■ EFFICIENT Self motivation and a good work ethic combine with grit and urgency to get things done. Jet will make a list of what he needs to do, and speedily work to accomplish it. This can sometimes hinder his ability to chill out and notice what's going on around him, but when he's hyperfocused on the task at hand, it can also help him to succeed.
              ■ UNFILTERED Things just come out of Jet's mouth in the wrong way sometimes. Other times, he acts on impulse and unintentionally creates a mess. This is usually because he's moving too quickly and just doesn't slow down to think. He would do well to remind himself to just take a minute, process, and plan.

                  Aunt Chelsea's jokes
                  A good book
                  Being outdoors
                  Fun people

                  Rude people
                  Cauliflower, honeydew and ketchup
                  Being judged harshly on something he created
                  When it's too hot outside

                  Playing Football
                  Singing (though he only does it when no one's around)

                  Willingness to learn
                  Ability to get stuff done

                  Can move too fast and mess up
                  Can be hot-headed

                  Losing a loved one
                  Leading a boring life

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD For the most part, Jet was an average kid. He had a small, close knit circle of friends through elementary school. He liked to read, ride his bike, and play football. Since his dad traveled a lot for work (he's an interpreter for the CEO of some international software corporation) and his mom moved to Thailand when he was six, Jet lived with his aunt Chelsea in Brighton. They got along pretty well and Jet tried his best to be low maintenance. Although he's generally grateful and content, Jet always felt a bit like his life was frustratingly normal. Like something was missing, and he couldn't place it. Nothing got him down like boredom, and the status quo had gotten old. The worst part was that he couldn't figure out what he wanted to do or work toward. He felt stagnant and uncertain. But he reminded himself regularly that just because nothing extraordinary was happening didn't mean his life was bad. Just fine isn't a bad thing, and Jet wanted to keep a positive attitude.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR ---

              POST GRADUATION ---

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Aunt: Chelsea Van Asten
              FRIENDS ---
              BEST FRIEND ---
              ROMANTIC INTEREST ---
              ENEMIES ---
              PETS Swedish Vallhund, Frodo


UPDATED Nov 7, 2019

■ House added

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