Soooooooooooooooo I have a fair few characters. Each of them with their own quirks and failings. However Erastan is by far my most tricky kid.

He's a neglected half feral kid who has just become a rider after years of living wild with only his twin sister to count on. And now he has all these crazy teenager hormones. All of which means he is frankly an a*****e to most people.

He even threatened the life of a candidate when he thought she would cause him trouble.
And indeed she did. Reporting his threats and delaying his rise to rider forcing him to be a weyrling again.

However I promise you he's not all bad. He can grow to care about people. But so far the only person to accomplish any form of positive relationship with him is Lait. The Weyrling Master. Since he's already predisposition to seek out parental figures in his life.

However I would love him to actually have a friend. He is also very much at that age that he could develop some puppy crushes or you know, get the horn for some good looking guys and girls and semi stalk them...cause he doesn't know how to people.

Aspalath his blue dragon is an utter sweetheart but he is just as hard to approach since he is cripplingly shy, nervous and self conscious of all his failings. Even though his rider tried to assure him he is the perfect dragon, he's sure he is a sub standard beast that doesn't deserve such a kind rider....He might be a bit blinded by loyalty and love.

Anyway. This hopeless pair really do need some more posative connection. Erastan has defiantly improved but it's slow going and he still needs more people lessons.

This is them!