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Stonebelly had quite a lot of work to do throughout leaf-bare. Shadowstar's command for him to use herbs against the dogs had stuck with him and while he left Cardinalwhisper and Bumblebreeze to tend to the sick (and to fetch him if anything was more serious needed his attention) it did make him wonder how he might be able to contribute on the offensive.

Deathberries seemed like the obvious solution, but would he be able to find them in leaf-bare? Well, it was worth a shot. Still... if there were still dogs roaming about, as that cat from the Gathering had led them to believe, he ought to take a warrior with them.

"Dustyfang." He mewed to the first warrior he saw. "Come with me. I need a warrior escort as I go collect herbs." He leveled his eyes to hers. "You wouldn't refuse the medicine cat this, would you?" He asked her.
