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Name: Araskara
Age: 27 turns as of 3575.13.02
Nameday: 3548.01.14
Sex: Agender [they/them]
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Weyr: High Reaches Weyr
Rider Rank: Bluerider/Searchrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Candidate, Weyrbrat
Physical Description: Dark of skin and dark of hair, Araskara's complexion nonetheless shows hints of red easier than would be expected. Warm in tone, their skin is a similar color to their eyes--a medium tone brown. Their eyes seem to droop a bit, giving them a bit of a sad look, and their eyebrows are thick and straight, without much of an arch. They wear their thick, kinky-curled hair in braids, carefully wrangled into something surprisingly neat. If they wear it down, without working it into something a bit smoother, it has considerable volume, but does lie flat(ish). Their smile is sweet, and quick to come, if not a bit awkward and tired. They are easily exhausted, and it shows from their expression.

They are tall, standing at around 6' solid, give or take an inch. With a wiry, androgynous build, they nonetheless appear to have a sturdiness about their form. Maybe even strength! Well, looks can be decieving, as they are easily knocked over and not especially strong. They are quick, with surprisingly fast reaction time. That said, despite having fast reflexes, their reflexes are still a bit...blunt. They're extremely clumsy, and responding quickly is not always best. Sure, they may reach their hand out quickly to grab something flying towards them, but they're more likely to accidentally hit it out of the way. Maybe they try to catch themselves if they slip, but all they end up doing is pulling someone else down with them. It's a curse, clearly they have no ability to change it.
-easily exhausted, mostly by themselves
-unreliable, but not for lack of trying
-self-conscious, self-aware, and worried about being liked
-easily embarrassed
-humble, unreliable, disorganized
-bad luck, but really it's because they often set themselves up for failure in many ways
-not dumb, per se, just really all over the place
-come across as a serene, calming presence--they speak slowly and evenly, but their words are sometimes a bit anxious
-metaphorically clumsy
-highly tolerant of insult, but want to impress others. can stand people talking poorly about them, because they think it makes sense, but wishes people saw them differently
-weary, long suffering
-life just happens to them, and they don't have any control over it. Resigned.
-Responsible in terms of personality, but prone to forgetting what they were supposed to do/how to do it. Wants to be responsible, but functionally, not very much so
-don't like to be in control--a follower. someone else should take charge! quick to follow, impressionable and gullible. a bit naive
-no backone
-modest, humble, clumsy
-socially awkward
-not the bumbling idiot that they seem to be
-kind and forgetful
-passive, but sweet
-weary/sweet smile on their face
-tactful, just a bit awkward about it
-tries to help/support/encourage/calm others
-everyone has a role in life; their role is just to be bad at things. very down on themselves, but accept that that's who they are. Or who they think they are, at least

Positive Trait List
Humble, well-meaning, modest, kind/sweet, tactful, accepting, socially motivated, self-aware
Negative Trait List
Passive, constantly tired, awkward, forgetful, naive, gullible, resigned, anxious, insecure

Araskara does not know their birth father, and neither did their mother. They were the oldest child, but were excited when, at the age of three, their mother became pregnant after her green flew. Maybe the father didn't want to stick around, but they only had their mother. They were excited to have a baby sibling, but their hopes were dashed when the baby was born with severe breathing difficulties, and died within hours. Their mother passed soon after, but despite their strong attachment at the time to their mother, they do not have strong memories of this. They were only three or four.

While not usually fostered or adopted at a Weyr, especially not a Weyr like High Reaches, which was so regimented that riders were often exceptionally busy with drills, they only remained an unhomed orphan for a few months. Their time in the creche was fine, but they were lucky enough to be adopted into a new family. Marcarin and S'lar, a crecheworker and a bronzerider, could not have children--both were male. Marcarin, working in the creche, kept an eye out for a child they could adopt into their family, raise as if they were their own, and who could live in their Weyr. When Marcarin and S'lar fell in love with the little Araskara, so timid but so sweet, they were quick to claim them, as if their own child. Sure, Araskara still spent much of their time in the creche, but now they had parents who loved them dearly, and supported them in all of their endeavors.

As a result, their fathers are the most important people in their life. Unshakable rocks, both fathers have always been there for the weyrbrat. When it was time to become a candidate, they donned the white robes with pride. They would follow in S'lar's footsteps as a rider, but they knew that their father would support them, no matter what they Impressed. Still, they harbored hope of Impressing a bronze, even if it was unheard of for agender and nonbinary candidates to do so, especially at High Reaches. Still, they did not make many friends in their candidacy, being a little too quiet. Socially driven but not very loud about it, they mostly blended in and as a result, they felt very alone, when it came to their peers.

They didn't Impress until later in their candidacy, at the age of 23. They were so proud when the bouncing blue approached them, eagerly greeting every candidate before stopping in front of Ara. Araskara! Your Chuulnath is here, and you will never feel lonely again! And Chuulnath's words were true. They still missed the connections with their weyrling class, but no matter what, they had Chuulnath.

While they were weyrlings, thread returned. They'd known it would--it was the belief of High Reaches--but the devastation horrified them. So many died, so many was a tragedy. Still, when they graduated, they took to the skies with Chuulnath, determined to fly thread.

Other: They have flits: Skull, Root, and baby Veggie

Name: Chuulnath
Age: 4 turns
Color: Blue
Size: 25'
Physical Description: As a small, wiry blue, Chuulnath is built for speed. This suits him, as a blue, just fine; he's quick in the air, and surprisingly agile. Capable of maneuvering easily through the skies, he is naturally skilled with avoiding thread. That said, his endurance is low, and he cannot tolerate pain well. Not very sturdy, he takes a hit hard. In coloration, Chuulnath is a pale blue, mottled with darker and brighter blues alike. On his wings, the markings look almost blurred, as if moving too fast over his sails. He is handsome and proportionate, though his brow is a bit overly pronounced and his headknobs are a bit stubby.
-not tactful or humble
-full of himself
-means well and kind, that
-wild child
-impulsive, a bit simple
-not stupid, but forgets to portray himself as intelligent, and forgets his knowledge in the moment. Impulsivity leads to careless mistakes and too much energy
-Quick, haste makes waste
-lives to please others, but often does so badly
-Loses interest in tasks easily
-Resilient, more forgetful than most dragons
-Mobile, sensory; always on the move
-Thrillseeker, risk-taker
-brazen, daring
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Killakeeth flight winnings, cert comes soon.