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It was funny how quickly time flew by when you weren’t paying attention. As a cub, it always felt like it dragged on forever. That was partially why he slept all the time (admittedly though, that was also because he just liked sleeping, it that’s beside the point); sleeping only took a few hours out of the day, so what did it matter?

But now Chapa found himself watching the next Sky Ceremony in awe, a gentle smile on his face but also one of slight wonder. How could it already be time to watch another Sky Ceremony?

Of course, if he were to be honest... he was kind of relieved that the mantle was being taken up by someone else now. It was fun being the Champ, and he would always be known as one, of course, but at least now everyone’s attention would be on someone else. He could spend his time focusing on his craft instead.

He would miss wearing the cloak though. It was a comforting weight, and soft to the touch. Oh well, perhaps he could find a trader to obtain another one that he could wear more permanently. He would decide on that later. For now, though, he would tote it around until the next Champ is crowned, and partake in the rest of the festivities. It was fun to watch the matches - there were some interesting this year!

As he wound his way through the crowd, he paused as he noticed a yellow form huddled away in a shadowy corner. Chapa stared for a moment, before deciding to make his way closer. He wasn’t one to ignore such a timid look.

“Are you alright?” He asked as he got close.

Xing jumped at the sudden voice, wheeling around to stare with wide eyes at the large male next to her. He was very brightly colored, much like herself, and clearly not the male she was waiting for. Ears curling back against her head, she cleared her throat and shook her head... before frantically switching to nodding. Oops, she’d shook her head no at first.

Deciding to recover by actually talking instead, the lioness finally spoke up, “I-I mean, yes, yes, I’m fine.” That probably wasn’t the most convincing thing she’d ever said. Oh, she wished Yu had come with her, but the bird had chosen to go patrolling with some other birds today.

Reaching a back leg around to scratch awkwardly at her side, Xing tried to continue, “I’m just waiting for someone. H-He promised he’d be here soon, but... I got here earlier than I meant to....”

Chapa raised an eyebrow at that, observing her for a moment before deciding sounded reasonable enough. Still, she was clearly uncomfortable. It probably would have been better if she’d arrived late instead.

Whoever it was she was waiting for, she must have really liked them to be willing to wait in this crowd. He had half a mind to scold them for making her wait, but... it also wasn’t his place.

“Hmm, well, if you’re sure. It may be better to wait somewhere where they can see you better.” A less crowded place, in other words, but at the stubborn look on her face, he sighed. Ah, so her mind was made up. There was nothing he could do if she refused to move, and the longer he stood there, the more uncomfortable she grew. Should he just leave her to her own then?

... perhaps.

That in mind though, he could at least help ease her discomfort, if only a little.

With the festival here, it was a prime time to give out a few of his wooden tokens. He’d made them special for this occasion, and had been handing them out at random. Some were simply wooden statuettes, others were more like games than a figure. And for her? Ah, he knew just the one....

“Well, while you wait, how about a puzzle?” Pulling something from out beneath his cape, Chapa held a strange little wooden contraption in his maw. It was really nothing more than two pieces of wood, but they’d been wound up in each other enough times that they looked like they were one. Holding the toy out, he watched as she warily watched him drop it by her paws, but curiosity was clearly etched across her face, and he took a step back before explaining.

“They look like they’re connected, right? But not so! See if you can’t take them apart.” He said with a wink, before turning and making his way to where the next match was to occur. He wouldn’t stick around too long and make her more uncomfortable. With any luck, his little wooden puzzle would help to distract her while she waited.

Xing stared after him uncertainly, mouth open to try and argue against him leaving his creation with her, but it was too late. He was gone. She waited a moment more, but he didn’t come back, she slowly looked back down at the gift. What a strange lion... and a strange thing to give someone. Something to do while she waited, huh?

... she supposed she could give it a try.

Pulling it closer to her, Xing tried pulling on one side of it, only to frown as it seemed to snag against the other piece of wood. She probably should have known that it wouldn’t be so easy. Yanking on the other end also didn’t award her with victory either. Brow furrowing in concentration, she crouched down further to twist at it, then pull, then twist some more, and so on and so forth.

Without even noticing it was happening, she started to forget that she was surrounded by other people, and instead found herself engrossed in her new toy. Later, she would wonder who the lion was that had given her it, and would even enlist the aid of Yu in finding him to repay him, but for now, it would serve its purpose in distracting her until Qi showed up.