
Finch is a house elf living with the Knapp Family in Godric's Hollow. She enjoys spending her time with the children and can usually be found with the younger ones, even if just doing laundry. Full profile below:

xxx BASICS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
NICKNAMES Bird, Stick, Fairy, Elf
IMAGE [X] drawn by Allison Aerie

BIRTHDAY September 1st -- Virgo
LANGUAGES English, French, mediocre Latin, bits of Spanish.

HOME Knapp Hole
MASTER Knapp Family
MATE No one yet

xxx PERSONALITY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
STAID Mild in temperament and quick to calm, Finch is a diligent worker and rather unadventurous and demure soul, who has always just accepted her station in life and wants to simply not cause trouble.

BUSY Finch is always working or looking for work. The idea that “idle hands make the devil’s work” has been engrained in her, and even if she doesn't believe in a devil, she doesn’t feel comfortable unless she has a to-do list. While independent enough to find what needs doing and get it done, she does require occasional guidance from the whims of her masters.

EFFICIENT Staying busy doesn’t mean dragging the work out though, and Finch always works as efficiently as she can. While generally sweet and polite, she learned that sometimes the most efficient way to get things done is to be a little snappy.

RESIGNED Finch expects to a certain extent to be given enough knowledge and supplies to do her work efficiently and aid her masters effectively, but she also fundamentally expects to be treated as property and a means to an end instead of a feeling creature.

LOYAL Finch prizes loyalty as the highest virtue, even if she still hasn't quite decided out what loyalty means in every scenario. Thus far, it's made her a little obsequious and never questioning her designated master or their lifestyle. She doesn't really try to be a suck-up, but obedience always trumped opinions, and agreement makes obedience a little easier to swallow. So long as no harm ever came to Alys, Finch would never contradict the masters she was contracted to, even when it was dishonest or hurt her or those she liked.

■ Listening to people talk about their day while she works
■ Music
■ Cleaning, particularly laundry.
■ Young children
■ Researching hobbies or potential things of interest for her masters

■ Gardening work
■ Not knowing what is next (or what something is)
■ Doing anything wrong
■ Large gatherings where alcohol is involved
■ Water or Air travel

■ Efficient and discreet
■ Picks up on how things are done and fits in quickly

■ Nervous and impatient such that she doesn’t know how to rest or relax effectively.
■ Long suffering and doesn’t stand up for herself or those she cares about

■ Belonging with a good family and being treated as a family member instead of an outsider.
■ Alys settling down.

■ Blood and Death
■ Freedom sounds a lot like being forced to face life on her own

xxx BACKSTORY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
☒▢EARLY LIFE Finch grew up as part of a small cohort of elves that were worked or sold by the small but wealthy Alouette household. The Mistress of the household would punish the house elves severely if they were ever caught not working or working slowly. The Master of the household, while polite, regarded them as property to be used or sold as opportunity presented.

Before a stable household could be found for Finch to be sold to, she was contracted temporarily out to various other families to earn money. Some of these families were wonderful and kind, but others were horrifying and abusive. One such temporary master smashed a glass bottle repeatedly on her, tearing Finch’s left ear and breaking a few of her ribs. While the Aloutte adults paid no heed, their older daughter Alysanne, a sixth year at Beauxbatons at the time, personally got Finch out of the household and healed her. Since then, Finch has been fiercely loyal to Alys, and has taken it as a sign that if things were really bad, her young mistress would help her; otherwise, it was her responsibility and pride as a good house-elf to deal with whatever was thrown at her.

Occasionally, Finch heard of and met free elves who worked for wages and received vacations. She never dared bring it up before, out of fear to the family and respect for Alys. She's gotten by thus far, so Finch has decided that she need not stir trouble.

☒▢ADULTHOOD After graduation, Alysanne took Finch on a few cursebreaking and trading adventures, but when the house else proved extraordinarily prone to seasickness, Alys returned to contracting Finch out temporarily while on treks. Most of her time was spent cooking and cleaning for a lab of independent artificers and potioneers, but they soon hired a permanent elf and Finch was no longer needed.

Then in the Spring of 2048, Alys brought Finch to the Knapp Family, saying only that she owed the Knapps her life and that she would be left there for "a long time". Over her years with the Knapps, Finch grew to love the big gamily, and adopted a practice of adding a bead and braid to her hair for each child she saw off to Hogwarts for the first time. While she was freed by the House Elf Freedom Act, Finch insisted on staying in her domestic duties with the Knapps, fearing the instability of the world beyond.

☒▢KNAPP FAMILY A year into Finch's stay with the Knapps, a house fire killed young Deepak, burning him beyond recognition and traumatizing the other children. Unfortunately, the world moved on: Alarick and Kadence worked on their marriage, Aldrick and Brook married and moved out. Chadwick was kicked out for dating a boy, and Flick ran away because they found no acceptance at home. Finch sent packages to Chadwick and Flick when she could, hoping they kept well.

xxx RELATIONSHIPS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

First Master: Alysanne Alouette and Alouette family.

■ Previous families she’s worked for and their house elves
Curious about other elves’ lives.

xxx UPDATES xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CREATED October 2019
UPDATED 01 October 2022
■ backstory to include more info on the events since joining the Knapps
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

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