Cali Hether is shown backstage after the opener. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time, Ken and Alicia Armand."

Ken and Alicia step into view, Alicia with the Women's title belt on her shoulder.

Cali: "Tonight is a huge night for everyone but especially for you two. Alicia is defending the GWA Women's championship against the first woman to ever hold the title, Lana Leone, and Ken finally gets a one on one rematch against Cartwright for the world title. How are you two feeling going into tonight?"

Alicia steps forward slightly to answer first. "You know, I was surprised when Lana returned. I thought she was done, but I'm not intimidated. I retained in the triple threat at Halloween Havoc. Eliza's last shot. Now Lana gets the shot tonight and I guess she's riding high off the victory in the tag team match. But that was a tag match. That loss wasn't my fault. Tonight, it's one on one, and let's face it, I'm the one with the most to lose, the one with the most to prove. Lana has been a champion wherever she's wrestled, from XCW to DHW to GWA. She's been women's champion, cruiser champion, and even a world champion. This is my first ever championship, but you know what, Cali? I haven't lost sight of the fact that this means that currently, I am the best female wrestler in the world. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'll say it every time you see my face and then I'll go out and prove it. Tonight is a career defining moment for me. And after I'm done, my husband and I will make history."

Ken moves the mic towards himself. "That's right. We've had a goal since we got here to be the first husband and wife champions. Granted, we're the only ones that it's possible for. But tonight is so much bigger than you know for me. Think about this, Cali. I was the first person to hold the GWA World Heavyweight championship, under the WCWG banner. I held it our first year in business. Whether you like my methods or not, that's a fact. I main evented the first Starrcade here, and it was against Cartwright. An ironman match. And there's no excuse to be made, I lost. I lost the match, I lost my title. I have struggled for two years to regain it. Last year, I was forced to deal with Damien Umbra, and now Andre and I have switched places."

Cali retakes the mic. "Speaking of Andre Damone, you went down to the ring to aid him as well as Marcus Damone against the Ferocious Four. That's an odd action for you."

Ken nods to acknowledge that. "I don't get along with the Damone family. I've had issues with all of them. But let's face it, there's a degree of respect there. The longevity of the Dragon and his brother and sister, The fact that they've been around so long and been champions everywhere they've gone. The fact that one of them owns this company and before that he was still the GM getting us from show to show. So yeah, I went to help them, because I'll be damned if I let Cartwright get any advantage here."

Cali: "So, that was more of a message to Cartwright?"

"You're clearly more than a pretty face. Exactly. He has what I want, and since he focused on the Damone family, it was time to remind him that none of the Damones are challenging for his title. It's an Armand that's facing him for the gold. The pressure he feels to keep his title? The feeling creeping across the back of his neck, that sense of foreboding? That's not from anyone in the Damone clan. It's from Ken Armand. Because the pressure is really on me. The pressure to bring the world championship to Haven. The pressure after Team Haven lost last week. The pressure that I have on myself to get to the top again and prove that I am as good as I say I am. The pressure is on here tonight, and I know that I've got Cartwright's number. Without the Ferocious Four, he can't get the job done. Tonight, I'm going out there solo and I will leave as the GWA World Heavyweight champion."